Mixed Tense

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Grade 10 worksheet

Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives.

1.No student is __________ of doing exams on their own.

A. uncapable

B. discapable

C. incapable

D. imcapable

2. Daniel is the one ___________ I have talked to on the phone.

A. Which

B. Whose

C. Who

D. Whom

3. Worrying about what my friends think about me is the ___________ of my problems.




D. few

4. Students ___________ respect their teachers.

A. might

B. had better

C. should

D. could

5. Drivers ___________ respect traffic rules.




Match the following

_____6.take down

_____7.wipe out

_____8.stand by

_____9.mess up

_____10.pass away

A.make dirty or throw into disarray

B. to write or record as a note

C. to die or move to the next life

D. To damage or destroy completely

E. remain loyal or be faithful to

Choose from the present perfect or the simple present tenses in the parenthesis. Underline them.

11. The maid _______ the kitchen. It looks clean. (cleans/has cleaned)

12.Our mom _____ our lunch in our lunch boxes every morning for us.(has made/makes)

13.I think my puppy _________ missing. I couldn’t find him anywhere. (has gone/goes)

14. We ________ our exam yet. (don’t take/haven’t taken)

15. Mariam ________ before going to bed habitually. (prays/has prayed)

Use the adverbs in the box below to complete the sentences.

- -subsequently

-early -oftentimes

16.Students should rise _________ and shine like the sun.

17. Even though it’s not a matter of fact, most people would agree that hard work and dedication
________ lead to success.

18. Selma waited ________ to see her exam results.

19. He went through many challenges and hardship at first but was ________ able to overcome them
and rejoice.

20. Most people consider John as a loner because he is _________ seen hanging out with anyone.

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