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4. Puzzling Questions and Scientific Reasons.

Everyone was taught at school that you can't drink snake venom, because then we'll
die. And because of this, I always had a fear in the woods that a snake would bite me
and I would die. But I was wondering if it is possible to survive if you drink snake
venom? What is snake venom and what does it consist of? Snake venom is a complex
mixture of different proteins. For the poison to start working in our body, it must get
through the blood. It could be a bite. But if you drink it, the proteins will be split into
harmless amino acids and will be absorbed by the body.
Or there is another interesting question, does the skin creak on the glass? Any
material can create vibrations. Glass can also vibrate. In double-glazed windows,
there is a certain harmonic series that is generated. Not only our fingers can creak on
the glass. When washing the windows with a detergent and a cloth, the glass will
creak louder.

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