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5. The Power of Reasoning vs Feelings and Intuition.

In our daily lives, we are often faced with decisions that require us to choose between
logical thinking and following our feelings and intuition. So what is better?
Reasoning is like a guide that uses facts and logic to help us make choices. This is the
part of our mind that considers everything, weighing all the pros and cons.
On the other hand, feelings and intuition are like our internal compass. They guide us
based on our emotions and instincts. If we meet someone and feel an instant
connection, it's our intuition telling us something important.
Sometimes reasoning and emotion work hand in hand, but there are times when they
pull us in different directions. Imagine that you want to buy a new gadget - your
reasoning may say that it is too expensive, but your emotions really want it. Striking a
balance between the two is often key.
The power of reasoning helps us solve problems, make informed choices, and plan
for the future. It's like having a wise friend who gives advice based on facts.
On the other hand, feelings and intuition add color to our lives. They help us
communicate with others, feel joy, and navigate situations that may not have a clear
In summary, both reasoning and emotion play a vital role in decision-making. It's like
having two superheroes – one with a logical mind and one with a heart full of
feelings. Finding the right balance is a real superpower that allows us to make smart
and fulfilling choices.

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