Employee Leave Policy 2023

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Employee Leave of Absence Policy

Effective Date : 1st January 2023

Leave Entitlement for the year - Total leaves per employee for the year without loss of pay

Leave Type Days

Privilege Leave 21 Days [1.75 Days per Month] 21
Privilege Leave carryover ( Maximum ) 9

Casual Leave 7

Sick Leaves 7

National Holidays 3

Festival Holidays 11

Optional/Restricted Holidays 2
Total 60

General Leave of Absence guidelines

❖ General Guidelines
1. The leave of absence policy is applicable for all the permanent employees of the company
2. Monday to Friday( 5 days) shall be observed as a work week.
3. Year for the purpose of leaves means calendar year 1st January to 31st December
4. It is the employee’s responsibility to apply for leave in advance in case of planned leave. In case
of unplanned leave (for emergency work or sickness only), an employee should apply for leave
within 2 days of resuming the duty and get it approved by his supervisor and HR. Any leave
taken without approval in the system will be unpaid. An employee remaining absent without
required approvals shall be liable for disciplinary action from the organization. Grant of leave is
subject to exigencies of work and the company reserves the absolute discretion to decide on the
grant or refusal of it.
5. If an employee is absent continuously for 5 calendar days beyond sanctioned leave with no
information or 5 consecutive unsanctioned leave with no information, the employee shall be
considered to have left his/her employment on one's free will. First warning letter will be issued if
he/she does not report to the supervising manager within 7 days of expiry of said absence. If no
response is received within 2 days of issuance of first warning letter, second warning letter will
be issued.If there is still no response from the said employee, a termination letter will be issued
in 3 days after issuance of second warning letter.
6. Employees may not proceed on leave until leave has been sanctioned by the employee’s

7. Leave without approval will be considered as Leave Without Pay
8. Employees joining during course of year shall be subject to receive Leave on pro-rata basis in
their leave account
9. An employee serving his/her notice period shall not be eligible for any leave mentioned other
than National and Festival Holidays. Any leaves approved during this period shall be unpaid
leave or compensate by extending his/her notice by the number of leaves taken.

❖ Accumulation of Leave
The Company believes in encouraging employees to attain work life balance and planned
vacations and holidays form an integral part of achieving this balance.
Only Privilege leaves are accumulated and carried forward to the next calendar year, and subject to
what is stated under the section titled “Privilege Leaves” of this Leave Policy, the total number of
privilege leaves carried forward to any succeeding year cannot exceed more than 9 for any calendar
year and the total privilege leaves available for a year shall not exceed 30.

❖ Leave Application Process

➔ All employees should apply for the leave on KEKA HRMS, addressed to Team Leaders/
Managers & HR .
➔ Application for leave is required to be approved by the immediate supervisor. Managers or
Supervisors are to approve/reject leave requests within 24 hrs of applying leaves.
➔ Leave type once approved cannot be changed, example PL to CL or vice versa.
➔ All leaves should be applied in one block if taken in continuation including weekends and
intervening holidays.
➔ Leaves up to 3 days can be applied as Casual Leaves and leaves more than 3 days should be
Privilege leaves.
➔ You can apply for a maximum of 7 days [Working days] continuous leave, any leave beyond 6
working days shall solely depend on the discretion of the management.

Leave Types

❖ Privilege leave
Privilege Leaves are earned leaves and can be taken for the purpose of rest, planned vacations and
recreation or in case the employee is unable to attend her / his duties or for performing personal work.
Privilege leaves are also called planned leaves and are to be planned & applied well in advance for
availing them.
Eligibility: The Leave will be credited to the employee account on a prorated basis at the beginning of
each calendar month. An employee is allowed to have 1.75 privilege leaves every month which
accounts to 21 leaves in a calendar year.
The person can only avail leaves which are accumulated or balance to his credit on the date of

Interns are eligible for 2 Privilege leaves every month
Exceptions: A person can only use privilege leaves which are accumulated or credited to his leave
balance to his credit on the date of application. All 21 privilege leaves cannot be applied in a month in
one take. All Leaves are to be approved by the Reporting manager or the HR Department.
Carry Forward Policy: The total number of Privilege leave allowed in a year shall not exceed 30 days.
A maximum or 9 PLs which are not used by an employee in the current year will be carried forward to
the next calendar year & will be visible in the leave section. Any excess PLs will lapse.

❖ Casual Leave
Casual Leaves are granted for certain unforeseen situations when an employee is required to be away
from work for a day or two to attend to personal matters and not for vacation.
Eligibility: An employee is eligible for 7 days of Casual leave every year.
Leaves less than or up to 3 days will be Casual Leave & greater than three days will be counted
under Privilege leave. These leaves are credited to the employees leave balance on a pro rata basis
and cannot be taken in advance.
Interns are not eligible for Casual leaves
Carry Forward Policy: Casual leave cannot be carried forward to the next calendar year.

❖ Sick leave
Employees can avail sick leaves in case of any sickness that Sick leave is the leave that an employee
can avail in case of sickness.
Eligibility: An employee is eligible for 7 days of Sick leave every calendar year.
Interns are eligible for sick leave on prorate based on duration of the internship
Exceptions: Employees need to submit a Medical Certificate to their reporting manager in case they
avail more than three days of sick leave.It is to be noted that employees who are covered under ESI
shall not be eligible for sick leave.
Carry Forward Policy: Sick leaves will not be carried forward to the next calendar year.

❖ Compensatory Leave
Circumstances may arise wherein an employee may be called upon to provide their service on their
weekly off day. In such cases, in order to compensate for the day he/she worked, the employee shall
be entitled to a substituted day off. The compensated off shall be taken within the next 15 days and
shall not be taken in continuation of existing day offs.
Carry Forward Policy: Any comp off credited in the last 2 weeks of the calendar year will only be
carried forward to next year & eligibility criteria of taking substituted rest remains same.

❖ Leave Without Pay

Leave without pay must be applied only under exceptional circumstances. An employee can apply for
leave without pay only when there is no leave remaining in the employee’s credits. All such leaves must
be sanctioned by the concerned Team Leader/Managers with the Head HR.
Leave without pay for an employee is authorized based on exceptional circumstances and attentive to
the business impact. No components of the employee’s salary and/or benefits are paid during this

period, and the employee is not granted any benefit linked to attendance during the duration of the
unpaid leave.

❖ Paternity Leave
Paternity leave is a temporary absence from an employee’s position following the:
1. birth, 2. Adoption of a child.
Employees are eligible for Paternity Leave of 15 days up to a maximum of 2 confinements.To be
eligible for maternity benefit, an person must have been working as an employee in the company for a
period of at least 80 days within the past 12 months
Carry Forward Policy: These leaves will not be carried forward.

❖ Maternity / Adoption Leave

All female employees shall be eligible for maternity leave as per the Maternity Benefit Act 1961, with full
pay for a period of continuous 26 weeks for each pregnancy up to a maximum of 2 confinements. As
per the Act, to be eligible for maternity benefit, a woman must have been working as an employee in an
establishment for a period of at least 80 days within the past 12 months. Maternity leave of 12 weeks to
be available to mothers adopting a child below the age of three months from the date of adoption.
Leave on account of antenatal treatment occurring in the first seven months of pregnancy shall not
be considered as maternity leave, but as normal Leave.
Carry Forward Policy: These leaves will not be carried forward.

❖ Bereavement Leave
All employees are entitled to paid bereavement leave in the event of the death of a friend or family
member. Bereavement leave will not count against the time taken for vacation or sickness.
Any bereavement leave taken must be approved by the reporting manager or HR Department
Before taking bereavement leave, an employee must request the leave directly from their Reporting

1. Bereavement Leave for Immediate Family

Immediate family includes siblings, parents, spouses, children, parents-in-law, grandchildren,
grandparents, children-in-law, and siblings-in-law. Employees, who require time off to attend a funeral
for an immediate family member, or to make arrangements, are eligible for seven days of bereavement
2. Bereavement Leave for Non-immediate Family
Employees who require leave for non-immediate family funerals (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.) are
entitled to 3 days of bereavement leave.
3. Bereavement Leave for Friends/Co-workers, etc.
Employees, who require leave to attend the funerals of friends, co-workers, neighbors, and other
associates, are entitled to 1 day of bereavement leave.

Carry Forward Policy: These leaves will not be carried forward.

❖ National Holiday
ParallelDots strives to ensure that an employee gets minimum 3 (three) days of National holidays

List of National Holidays

Holiday Date Day

Republic day 26-Jan Thursday

Independence day 15-Aug Tuesday
Gandhi Jayanti 2-Oct Monday

In case an employee is required to work on any of these National holidays they are entitled for double
wage for that day.

❖ Festival Holidays
Following are the public holidays for the year 2023

List of Public Holidays - 2023

Holiday Date Day

New Year 1-Jan Sunday

Holi 8-Mar Wednesday

Ramzan Id/Eid-ul-Fitar 22-Apr Saturday

Bakrid / Eid al Adha 29-Jun Thursday

Raksha Bandhan 31-Aug Thursday

Dussehra 24-Oct Tuesday

Dhanteras 10-Nov Friday

Diwali 12-Nov Sunday

Govardhan Puja 13-Nov Monday

Bhai Dooj 15-Nov Wednesday

Christmas 25-Dec Monday

In case an employee is required to work on any of these Festival holidays they are entitled to a
compensatory leave to be taken within the next 15 days.

❖ Restricted Holidays
Apart from 14 National Holidays, employees are eligible for 2 Optional Holidays in a calendar
year. You can take leave for any 2 days from the below given list of holidays. The leave request needs
to be approved by your reporting manager and the approval for the same is sole discretion of

List of Optional Festival Holidays - 2023

Holiday Date Day

Shiv Jayanti 19-Feb Sunday

Mahashivratri 18-Feb Saturday

Gudi Padwa 22-Mar Wednesday

Ram Navami 30-Mar Thursday

Mahavir Jayanti 4-Apr Tuesday

Good Friday 7-Apr Friday

Buddha Purnima 5-May Friday

Muharram 29-Jul Saturday

Parsi New Year 16-Aug Wednesday

Krishna Janmashtami 7-Sep Thursday

Ganesh Chaturthi 19-Sep Tuesday

Onam 29-Aug Tuesday

Id-e-Milad 28-Sep Thursday

Guru Nanak Jayanti 27-Nov Monday

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