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Graded 3/4 Social Studies – Natural Regions of Alberta Lesson 1

Nicole Skanes

- The students seemed to really enjoy the plasticine project and were
really engaged while working with it.
- This is the first time I used class dojo and it seemed to work well to
redirect student’s attention.
- I think I had clear slides and the images on them helped students
understand where each region was.
- I think I did a good job connecting the regions to student’s personal
well? Why?
lives by asking questions like has anyone been to Banff when talking
about the Rocky Mountains and asking what students did there.
- Since we went step by step and did everything as a class, I was able
to walk around and ask students to hold their map up if they were
done a section and assess how they did.

- Since I was working with one of the students who didn’t have a
shoulder partner, some of the students were off task when talking to
their shoulder partner.
What didn’t? - On the slides, some of the legends were too far on the bottom of the
Why not? slide so students in the back couldn’t really see.
- Since I wasn’t aware of how to use the smartboard, I had to keep
walking back to the keyboard to change slides.

- Next time when doing think pair share, I would pair up any student’s
What would
not sitting with someone so that I could walk around and ensure that
you do
everyone is on task.
- I wish I had kept extra plasticine at the front so I could give it out
next time to
when students needed it instead of having it at the back of the
- I wish I had thought more about students with sensory issues and
had a differentiation option for students who didn’t want to use the
learning for
plasticine. Luckily most students seemed to be really into the
all students?
plasticine idea.

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