Sample Quiz Manual s2

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Draw and dimension (1 + 1 = 2 Marks)

ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT a) A square ABCD of 50mm side b. thin line 70 mm length and its Application.
Semester I, Academic year 2023/2024
ID No: ___________ Name: __________________________ Section: 13
Date: 03 / 04 / 2023 Time: 1 hr & 30 minutes Total Marks: 10
Outcomes covered
Graduate Attributes covered
• Discerning and disciplined individuals acting at all time according to ethical and moral principles
• Application of knowledge and skills to work environment . Able to think critically, analyze and solve problems
Recognize the importance of lifelong learning and are committed to self development

1. The trimmed size 279x 420 mm is of …… size drawing sheet. (1 Mark)

2. If a plane is parallel to HP and perpendicular to VP, then its true length will be available in HP. True / False (1
3. If a triangle plane surface is kept on one of its edges on VP and parallel to HP, its front view will a
a) Square b) Rectangle c) Line d) Triangle (1 Mark)

6. Draw the projections of a point 7. Draw the projections of straight line RS 30 mm 8. A ………. plane of side 30mm has in its Corner (2Mark)

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