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Rahu & Ketu 4/10 Axis

Rahu & Ketu on the 4th & 10th Axis

Here is a list of some results Rahu or Ketu may give when posited on the 4th & 10th Axis

❖ Apply the interpretations of the 1st/7th Rahu Ketu axis to the MOTHER (4th House)
❖ Goes abroad for education; studies in another country
❖ Parents are immigrants; especially your mother might be an immigrant
❖ A fascination for subjectivity (your self) versus objectivity because 4th House is our
“innermost” psyche; therefore, psychologists, therapists, sociologists
❖ Home is on a fault line or lay line
❖ The person’s home is odd, different from the normal (for instance, living in a trailer rather
than a conventional home, or a tiny home on wheels, etcetera); the person’s home is far
away from others, or far back from the street
❖ The home has mold, mildew, toxic materials, has poor ventilation, poor lighting or venom
in the home; strange “vibrations” in the home or problematic EMF exposures; spirits or
fear inside the home
❖ Ancestors are not at rest; lack of connection to past, lost lineage and traditions
❖ Problems with the lung-related ailments (asthma, allergies, respiratory disorders); stomach
❖ Disturbed ‘manas’ (the mind is disturbed...Rahu/Ketu creates agitation); mental aberrations
❖ Stubborn and/or willful determination to obtain what their parents could not accomplish
(shadow on family; obsessive pride on family)
❖ International career; foreign connections; interested in technology or scientific professions
❖ Scandal at the workplace; conflicts with the boss; erratic work schedules
❖ Either an alternative, unusual, or odd-ball type of career; careers involving travel


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