Online Course Registration

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A Mini project report

In partial fulfillment of the required for the degree of

Bachelor of Technology

Computer Science &Engineering
K.Deekshitha(B182713), B.Rahul(B182362),K.Shiva Sai(B182798)
Under the Supervision of


Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies



This is to certify that the Mini Project Report entitled “Online Course
Registraion" which is being submitted by K.Deekshitha(B182713), K.Shiva
Sai(B182798),B.Rahul(B182362) to the Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge
Technologies -Basar in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of Bachelor
of Technology in Computer Science & Engineering is a bonafide record for the
minor work carried out by them under my supervision during the year2022-2023.

Under the Guidance of-

Assistant Professor,Head of project
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science&Engineering
Department of Computer Science &Engineering


I hereby declare that the work embodied in this report has been carried out by
me under the supervision of Mr.K.Ravikanth in the department of Computer
Science &Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies , Basar
and has not been submitted to any other University. Information derived from the
published and unpublished work of others has been acknowledged and a list of
reference is given.

Place:Basar, Yours obediently,

01-09-2023. K.Deekshitha-B182713
K.Shiva Sai-B182798



I feel immense pleasure in conveying my heartiest thanks and profound gratitude to

my supervisor Mr.K.Ravikanth who provided me with his generous
guidance,valuable help and endless encouragement by taking personal interest and
attention. No words can fully convey my feelings of respect and regard for him.I
would like to express my sincere and profound gratitude to Mr.Anjaneyulu
Asst.professor & Head of the Project , Computer Science& Engineering, Rajiv
Gandhi University of Knowledge& Technologies -Basar. Abundantly helpful and
offered invaluable assistance, support and guidance with their experience and
knowledge,through out my dissertation work.

K.Shiva Sai-B182298


The aim is to build software for student course registration by automated system.

Online Course Registration System is Web-based registration software that helps

you to register courses online. It is ideal for corporate training programs, and

online training programs. It also provides time to time current status information

related to courses. It can help for the student need to register by giving necessary

details, for the desired course.


The aim is to build software for student course registration by automated system.

Online Course Registration System is Web-based registration software that helps

you to register courses online. It is ideal for corporate training programs, and

online training programs. It also provides time to time current status information

related to courses. It can help for the student need to register by giving necessary

details, for the desired course.


1. Vision Statement 07

2. Project Overview 08

3. Requirements Documents 09

4. Product Backlog 09

5. Design Papers 10

6. System Documentation

7. User Documents

8. Conclusion & Future Work

9. References 16

Vision Statement:

"To create a seamless, user-centric online course registration experience that empowers learners,
Stream lines administrative processes, and fosters academic success. Our vision is a future where
students, faculty, and staff easily navigate an intuitive, technologically advanced platform that
adapts to their needs and preferences, making course registration a stress-free, efficient, and
enjoyable process. We aspire to be a leader in innovative, data-driven solutions that support
lifelong learning and educational excellence.”

Objective :
Objectives for an online course registration system outline specific, measurable, and time-
bound goals that the institution or organization aims to achieve through the registration
process. These objectives help provide a clear direction for the development and
management of the system.

1. Increase User Satisfaction: Improve user satisfaction with the online course

registration system by implementing user-friendly features and interfaces. This can be measured

through user feedback surveys and ratings.

2. Reduce Registration Time: Decrease the average time it takes for students to complete the

registration process by X% compared to the previous year.

3. Minimize Errors: Reduce registration errors, such as course conflicts or data entry

mistakes,by X% to enhance the accuracy of class schedules.

4. Enhance Communication: Implement communication features (e.g., notifications, alerts) to

keep students informed about registration deadlines, course changes, or important announcements.

5. Increase Course Visibility: Improve the visibility of course offerings by implementing

search and filter functions, making it easier for students to find and select the courses they needed.
Project Overview:

In Online Course Registration we use PHP and MySQL database. It is web-based registration

software that helps you to register courses online. It is ideal schools, educational camps, and

corporate training program. It has two modules i.e. Admin and Student.

Admin will register the student and provide username and password. Those will be used when a

student enrolls for the course. Admin can manage session, departments, course, students, students

log Admin Panel. Admin can also add/ delete latest news and updates related to student.

Student can log in with valid username and password provided by admin.

Student can enroll for any course and can printout of the registered course.


The purpose of project is to build an application program to reduce manual work for managing

the course through internet. This application has good appearance and easy to operate. It is very

simple and easy to access. This project provides lots of features to manage in very well manner.

This project contains advance modules which make the backend system very powerful.


Online Course Registration project is developed as a web application and it will work over web.
Requirements Documents:

The requirements document for our online course registration system is a comprehensive guide that

outlines the specific functionalities, features, and performance expectations of the system. It serves

as a crucial reference point for our development team, stakeholders, and project managers,

ensuring a clear and shared understanding of the project's goals and scope. By detailing both

functional and non-functional requirements, as well as user interface and integration specifications,

this document lays the foundation for an efficient, user-friendly, and compliant online course

registration system that meets the needs of our students, faculty, and administrators.

Product Backlog:

A product backlog for an online course registration system is a dynamic list of features,

enhancements, and tasks that need to be developed, prioritized, and delivered over time. It serves as

a roadmap for the development team. Below is an example of a product backlog for an online

course registration system:

>User Registration and Login

>Course Search and Browse

>Enrollment and Registration

>Security Enhancements

>User Profile Management

>Scalability and Performance Management

>User Training and Support

>Accessibility and User Experience Enhancements

Design Papers:
Our Design Papers include Home, Admin Page, Student Page, Contact Us of our Online Course Website.

System Documentation:

The system documentation for our online course registration system provides a comprehensive

overvie w of the system's architecture, functionality, and operation. It outlines the various

components, user roles, and permissions, as well as the database structure and security measures in

place to protect user data. The documentation emphasizes system performance, integration with

other university systems, and best practices for ongoing maintenance and support. With detailed

explanations, diagrams, and clear guidelines, this documentation serves as an invaluable resource

for our development and administrative teams, ensuring the smooth operation and continuous

improvement of our online course registration system.

User Documents:

Our User documents include a Admin page and Student page for our Online Course Enrollment
website. The Admin page provides a login credentials for student to get into home page. By using
them students can login into student page by creating their own account.

Our Online Course Enrollment Website consist of home page which includes:

1. Admin page

2. Student page
3. Contact us
Admin Page:

Admin Login:

Student Logs:
Course details:

Manage Students
Student Registration:

Department details:
Student page:

Student Login:
Student Profile:

Enrollment History:
Contact Us:
Conclusion & Future work:
This Application provides a computerized version of Online Course Registration which will

benefit the schools, educational camps, corporate training programs, and online training programs.

The Application was designed in such a way that future changes can be done easily. The following

conclusions can be deduced from the development of the project.

• It gives appropriate access to the authorized users depending on their permissions.

• It effectively overcomes the delay in communications.

• Updating of information becomes so easier.

• System security, data security and reliability are the striking features.

• The System has adequate scope for modification in future if it is necessary.

Submitted by,
Team of Students:
K.Deekshitha (B182713)
B.Rahul (B182362)
K.Shiva Sai(B182798)

Dept: Computer Science and Engineering


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