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Reflection Paper

Report on use of Web- Based Resources

Donyelle Woodard

UIS 350, FALL 2023

Summary of Web- Based Instructional Resource

Kahoot is a type of learning game that the students can use to practice the materials they

have been learning throughout the duration of the semester or even off of a few weeks. From a

students’ perspective you might say it can get very competitive. It can be played with teams or

individually based on the preference of the class and the number of students. Kahoot can be

played in the classroom as well as in the comfort of your own home and all you need is a pin to

get into the game. Just a reminder it is timed so, it’s not something you can spend a lot of time on

answering the questions. Any age group can play this, and it can be used and created for any


From a teacher’s perspective, Kahoot can be used as a warmup for the class to see if they

remember the material that was learned prior to or just as a review. On the flip side of that,

Kahoot can be used as an “exit ticket” to see what the kids learned over the last few days or

weeks. This will help the teacher better asses what the students need more work on and what

may need to be reviewed or retaught but with a different approach. It is quick and easy to make,

and any age group and subject can use it. You can pick options from true or false or multiple

choice and even more. I would definitely recommend Kahoot to any teacher.

Selected Application for Deeper Learning

. I selected Kahoot for my quiz/learning activity.
VA Standard of Learning

3.7 The student will investigate and understand that there is a water cycle and water is important
to life on Earth. Key ideas include:

a) there are many reservoirs of water on Earth

b) the energy from the sun drives the water cycle
c) the water cycle involves specific processes

Synopsis of the Learning

I decided to use Kahoot because I used this a lot growing up in school and it was not only

educational, but it was very fun to play with classmates. Included in the Kahoot were, true or

false questions and regular multiple-choice questions. This would be used as a review game to

make sure the students understand the material, and this will me to see where the kids are. Do I

need to review this material or does it need to be retaught but in a different way. Making this

Kahoot was rewarding because I get to create something fun for the kids to enjoy even though

they may not like that particular subject, they still get to be a little competitive, but they also

learn something as well. One thing I might do differently is add more background color to it

visuals. One thing that I have observed, and this is not only with students but with people in

general, people aren’t really interested in something unless there is visuals attached to it and its

appealing to them. I want to make sure that my students are learning and retaining , but also

having fun while doing so.



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