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24 Yoga Series

The Negative (-) Series

These yogas are inauspicious in nature obstructing the matters indicated by the houses.

1B – Ava – insignificant, suffers from the extremes of poverty, from humiliation, is short-lived and associates
himself with the wicked people. He is of poor character and disabled. His condition is most unsteady.

2B – Nisswa – one who does not have anything that is his own, ie. poverty. Bitter of tongue ie. knows no kind
word. His wife is barren and therefore is devoid of family, lives with bad people or in such society, has ugly
teeth and poor vision. He has poor wisdom, children, learning and power. His enemies rob him of his wealth.

3B – Mriti – he is vanquished by his enemies, is without brothers, is shameless, weak and poor. He suffers from
loss of power due to improper acts; gets easily excited; work causes disappointment.

4B – Kuhu – bereft of mother, vehicles, friends, happiness, ornaments and relations; without a situation or house
and loses the one already had. He is attached to a low female.

5B – Pamara – leads a miserable life, can not discriminate and is a liar and a cheat. He suffers from the loss of
children or is issueless. He lives with the wicked or low people. He is a non believer and a glutton.

6B – Harsha – endowed with happiness, enjoyment, good luck and a stout body. He over powers his enemies
easily and is afraid to commit sinful acts. He is a friend of illustrious and prominent people. He is blessed with
wealth, splendor, fame, friend and sons.

7B – Duskriti – suffers separation from his own wife and is inclined towards those of others. He wanders on the
road unperceived and suffers from venereal diseases like gonorrhea, wrath from the sovereign; condemned by
his own relatives leading to a miserable life.

8B – Sarla – will enjoy longevity, be resolute, fearless, prosperous, respected and endowed with learning,
children and wealth. He will be successful in all his enterprises, overcome his foes, and be pure of mind and
widely celebrated.

9B – Nirbhagya – is bound to lose all his paternal property such as lands, house, ect. He despises the guru and
the elders. He is irreligious. He remains dressed in old and worn-out clothes, is indigent and miserable.

10B – Dur – His achievements and his physical efforts prove fruitless. He remains a man of no significance in
the eyes of the public. He proves to be a traitor to the people, a selfish brute always anxious to feed himself
alone. He is mostly living away from home in some foreign land.

11B – Daridra – perpetually remains in debt; he is violent, poorest amongst the poor, suffers from ailments of
the ear. He is without good brothers and inclined to unnatural acts of crime and sin. He uses indecent speech
and remains in service to others as their menial.

12B – Vimala – He spends much less than what he earns and saves. He is good to everybody; his actions are
identical with the thinking of others. He is very happy and independent and pursues a respectable profession or
occupation and is well known for his merits.


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