Spis Treści: There + Is / Was / Can Be / May Be It Is ... To Do / It Is ... Who There - It

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Unit 1 Zaimki dzierżawcze my - mine 9

Unit 2 Zaimki zwrotne / each other - one another 10
Unit 3 Zaimki nieokreślone any - no 11
Unit 4 Zaimek nieokreślony no - no other 12
Unit 5 Zaimek nieokreślony none - no one 13
Unit 6 Zaimki złożone somebody - anybody - nobody 14
Unit 7 Zaimki złożone somewhere - anywhere - nowhere 15
Unit 8 Zaimek both, both ... and … 16
Unit 9 Zaimek either, either ... or … 17
Unit 10 Zaimek neither, neither ... nor … 18
Unit 11 Zaimki all - every - each 19
Unit 12 Zaimki względne who - whom - which 20
Unit 13 Zaimki względne whose - of which 21
Unit 14 Zaimki względne when - where - why 22
Unit 15 Zaimki względne - zdania bezokolicznikowe 23
Unit 16 Zaimki względne - zdania imiesłowowe 24
Unit 17 Zdania względne nie-definiujące 25
Unit 18 Zaimki względne z przyimkami (1) 26
Unit 19 Zaimki względne z przyimkami (2) 27
Unit 20 There + is / was / can be / may be 28
Unit 21 It is ... to do / It is ... who 29
Unit 22 There - It 30
Unit 23 Przymiotnik + bezokolicznik 31
Unit 24 Przymiotniki z końcówką - ing / - ed 32
Unit 25 Przymiotnik + przyimek (1) 33
Unit 26 Przymiotnik + przyimek (2) 34
Unit 27 Przymiotniki possible - probable - likely 35
Unit 28 Przysłówek sposobu 36
Unit 29 Przysłówek miejsca nowhere 37
Unit 30 Przysłówki częstotliwości ever - hardly ever 38
Unit 31 Przysłówki czasu ever since - since 39
Unit 32 Przysłówki czasu for - since 40
Unit 33 Konstrukcja It is ... since … 41
Unit 34 Konstrukcja It was not until ... that … 42
Unit 35 Przysłówek hardly + any, ever 43
Unit 36 Stopień wyższy przymiotnika 44
Unit 37 Stopniowanie opadające less ... than ... 45
Unit 38 Stopień najwyższy przymiotnika 46
Unit 39 Stopień wyższy i najwyższy przymiotnika 47
Unit 40 Porównanie as ... as - not so ... as 48
Unit 41 Porównanie such ... that - so ... that 49
Unit 42 Porównanie the ..., the ... 50
Unit 43 Porównanie czasownik + as + przysłówek + as 51
Unit 44 Porównanie the same ... as 52
Unit 45 Przysłówek too 53
Unit 46 Przysłówek enough 54
Unit 47 Przysłówki still - yet 55
Unit 48 Miejsce przyimka w zdaniu 56
Unit 49 Przyimek to 57
Unit 50 Wyrażenia przyimkowe 58
Unit 51 Przyimek until 59
Unit 52 Przyimki on - upon / On - Upon + ~ing ... 60
Unit 53 Przyimki but - except 61
Unit 54 Przyimki during - while 62
Unit 55 Czasownik + przyimek (1) 63
Unit 56 Czasownik + przyimek (2) 64
Unit 57 Rzeczownik + przyimek 65
Unit 58 Have it done - forma ‘kauzatywna’ 66
Unit 59 Be + bezokolicznik / perfect infinitive 67
Unit 60 Be about to - be on the point of 68
Unit 61 Had better 69
Unit 62 Do - forma ‘emfatyczna’ 70
Unit 63 Can - be able to 71
Unit 64 May - be allowed to 72
Unit 65 Be capable of - have an ability to - manage to 73
Unit 66 Could I …? - Do / Would you mind if I …? 74
Unit 67 May - might / It’s possible / probable / likely 75
Unit 68 Be likely to - There is a probability / likelihood 76
Unit 69 May / Might / Could + have done 77
Unit 70 Can’t / Couldn’t + do / have done 78
Unit 71 Likely to have done - likelihood of having done 79
Unit 72 Be certain to - be bound to 80
Unit 73 Must - have to 81
Unit 74 Be obliged to - be under / have an obligation to 82
Unit 75 Must do - must have done 83
Unit 76 Need do - need to do 84
Unit 77 There is a / no need for ... to … 85
Unit 78 Didn’t have / need to do - needn’t have done 86
Unit 79 Ought to - should - be advisable to 87
Unit 80 Ought (not) to / should (not) + have done 88
Unit 81 Used to 89
Unit 82 Shall I …? - Would you like me to …? 90
Unit 83 Past Simple - Present Perfect 91
Unit 84 Be going to - intend to - have an intention of 92
Unit 85 Present Continuous - arrange to 93
Unit 86 Następstwo czasów 94
Unit 87 Tryb warunkowy I - unless 95
Unit 88 Tryb warunkowy I - should / happen to 96
Unit 89 On condition that / provided that 97
Unit 90 Tryb warunkowy II 98
Unit 91 Tryb warunkowy II - If I were / Were I 99
Unit 92 Tryb warunkowy III 100
Unit 93 Tryb warunkowy III - If I had / Had I 101
Unit 94 But for - If it weren’t / hadn’t been for 102
Unit 95 In case - in case of 103
Unit 96 Wish / If only + Past Simple 104
Unit 97 Wish / If only + Past Perfect 105
Unit 98 Prefer - would prefer - would rather 106
Unit 99 Would rather / prefer + have done 107
Unit 100 Would rather / prefer + you … 108
Unit 101 Would like to have done 109
Unit 102 Regret - rather than 110
Unit 103 As if, as though 111
Unit 104 It is high / about time … 112
Unit 105 Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe (1) 113
Unit 106 Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe (2) 114
Unit 107 Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe (3) 115
Unit 108 Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe (4) 116
Unit 109 Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe (5) 117
Unit 110 Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe (6) 118
Unit 111 Gerund (1) 119
Unit 112 Gerund (2) 120
Unit 113 Gerund (3) 121
Unit 114 Imiesłów czynny 122
Unit 115 Imiesłów czynny i bierny 123
Unit 116 Strona bierna (1) 124
Unit 117 Strona bierna (2) 125
Unit 118 Strona bierna (3) 126
Unit 119 Mowa zależna (1) 127
Unit 120 Mowa zależna (2) 128
Unit 121 Mowa zależna (3) 129
Unit 122 Zdania okolicznikowe celu in order to - so that 130
Unit 123 Zdania okolicznikowe ugody although - however - no matter 131
Unit 124 Zdania okolicznikowe czasu as soon as - after - before 132
Unit 125 Spójniki (1) besides - despite - for fear of - however 133
Unit 126 Spójniki (2) in spite of - in view of - seeing that 134
Unit 127 Inwersja czasownika 135
Unit 128 Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (1) 136
Unit 129 Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (2) 137
Unit 130 Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (3) 138
Unit 131 Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (4) 139
Unit 132 Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (5) 140
Unit 133 Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (6) 141
Unit 134 Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (7) 142
Unit 135 Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (8) 143
Klucz do zadań 145
Unit 6 Zaimki somebody - anybody - nobody
I. Przepisz zdania w postaci twierdzącej.

1. We have not seen anyone in the cellar.

2. They did not tell us anything important.
3. Alex is not waiting for anybody at the moment.
4. You should not do anything about the case.
5. Ronald was not inquired about the accident by anyone.

II. Utwórz zaprzeczenia z podanych zdań.

1. We have something expensive in these boxes.

We have ...........................................................................................................
2. I can see someone standing on the roof of the building.
I cannot ............................................................................................................
3. Brian has bought something for us.
Brian has not ...................................................................................................
4. Somebody suggested changing the schedule.
5. He usually does something in his free time.
He never ...........................................................................................................

III. Przepisz zdania stosując konstrukcję bezokolicznikową.

1. There is nothing we can do on a rainy day like this.

There isn’t .........................................................................................................
2. I haven’t anyone who I can talk to.
I have ................................................................................................................
3. We have nobody who we can rely on.
We haven’t ........................................................................................................
4. There isn’t anything that I can expect.
There is .............................................................................................................
5. She doesn’t know anyone who she can trust in.
She knows ........................................................................................................
Unit 27 Przymiotniki possible - probable - likely
I. Przepisz zdania stosując przymiotnik possible.

1. It may rain tomorrow.

It .......................................................................................................................
2. Perhaps, they will come late.
It .......................................................................................................................
3. She may be our new director.
It .......................................................................................................................
4. Maybe, the suitcase was stolen.
It .......................................................................................................................
5. Perhaps, he didn’t like the job.
It .......................................................................................................................

II. Przepisz zdania stosując przymiotnik probable.

1. Tom may have forgotten my name.

It .......................................................................................................................
2. Probably, the tank is empty.
It .......................................................................................................................
3. There is a probability that he is a spy.
It .......................................................................................................................
4. Perhaps, we took the wrong route.
It .......................................................................................................................
5. You will probably have to stay at home tomorrow.
It .......................................................................................................................

III. Przepisz zdania stosując przymiotnik likely.

1. Is it possible that Steven will become the chief executive manager?

Is Steven ..........................................................................................................
2. There is a probability that Jenny has lost the documents.
Jenny ...............................................................................................................
3. Is there a possibility of her arriving late?
Is she ...............................................................................................................
4. It isn’t possible that the value of the currency will go down.
The value of the currency ..............................................................................
5. Perhaps, uncle Bob forgot about your birthday.
Uncle Bob .......................................................................................................
Unit 64 May - be allowed to
I. Przepisz zdania stosując zwrot be allowed to.

1. I may drive a car. ...............................................................

2. May we play here? ...............................................................
3. You may not smoke. ...............................................................
4. They may use our tools. ...............................................................
5. May Debbie come home late? ...............................................................
6. Jack may not eat sweets. ...............................................................
7. You may not open the gate. ...............................................................
8. May they watch TV at night? ...............................................................
9. She may eat ice cream. ...............................................................
10. May we camp in this place? ...............................................................

II. Przepisz zdania stosując zwrot be allowed to.

1. If she had a driving licence, she might drive a car.

2. You might enter the building if you showed a pass.
3. We might not smoke here even if we were grown-up.
4. Might I bathe in the lake if it were not so cold?
5. If they had nothing to declare, they might go through the border at once.

III. Przepisz zdania stosując czasownik may lub might.

1. We are not allowed to reveal the secret message.

2. You would be allowed to go with us if you behaved better.
3. Are the children allowed to wander alone?
4. She is allowed to inspect all our files.
5. If only the weather were better, we would be allowed to play in the open air.
Unit 103 As if / as though
I. Przepisz zdania stosując spójnik as if.

1. Perhaps, he is the boss here. He acts like one.

He acts .............................................................................................................
2. It seems they know the place well.
They talk ..........................................................................................................
3. I guess he is seriously ill. He looks like that.
He looks ...........................................................................................................
4. Perhaps, they are good friends.
They behave ....................................................................................................
5. From what he says I reckon he is an expert on foreign exchange.
He talks ............................................................................................................
6. Perhaps, she is a married woman.
It looks .............................................................................................................
7. It seems he is a professional actor.
He acts .............................................................................................................
8. I assume they are foreigners. The look like ones.
They look .........................................................................................................
9. Maybe, she doesn’t love him any more. That’s how she behaves.
She behaves ....................................................................................................
10. I think the girl is going to faint. It looks like this.
It looks .............................................................................................................

II. Przepisz zdania stosując spójnik as though.

1. Perhaps, the dog was hurt by someone.

It seems ............................................................................................................
2. It is possible they haven’t seen one another for a long time.
They behave .....................................................................................................
3. Have you seen a ghost? You look so pale.
You look so pale ..............................................................................................
4. Probably, he has found out the truth.
It seems ............................................................................................................
5. From what they say I assume they have met Mr Jackson, too.
They talk ..........................................................................................................
Unit 132 Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (5)
I. Przepisz zdania stosując podane słowa, nie zmieniając ich postaci.

1. He had a lot of trouble when he revealed he was a secret agent. (water)

2. It is possible that some of us will be accepted. (chance)
3. It wasn’t necessary for you to clean all the rooms on the floor. (needn’t)
4. You weren’t strong. (lacked)
5. Don’t be afraid, the substance isn’t harmful to health. (do)
6. She looks as if she were a very poor person. (impression)
7. The younger children miss their parents the most. (long)
8. It was Elisabeth who was our father’s most favoured child. (apple)
9. I can hardly understand what the lecturer is saying. (tail)
10. My brother, Tom, earns his living as a coal miner. (makes)
11. These golden earrings are much too expensive for me. (purse)
12. No civilian was allowed to enter the area during the manoeuvres. (admission)
13. It appears the members of the party don’t agree with each other. (division)
14. We didn’t have to pay for the food and drinks we had in the restaurant.
15. Professor Shean quite often tends to stray from the main topic of his lecture.

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