Bha Modeling

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SPE 16658

Prediction of Drilling Trajectory in Directional Wells Via a New

Rock-Bit Interaction Model
by H-S. Ho, NL Petroleum Services
SPE Member

Copyright 1987, Soclely of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentahon at the 62nd Annual Technical Conference and Exhlbmon of the Society of Petroleum Engineers held in
Dallas, TX September 27-30, 1987

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more emhasis will be placed on directional
drilling. At the same time, the increased cost of
This paper presents the basic concepts and metho- such rigs has also heightened the need to reduce
dologies of a new general rock-bit interaction drilling costs (including the tripping while while
model useful in predicting drilling trajectories drilling ) and avoid drilling troubles due to
in directional (and deep vertical) wells. This unwanted hole deviations.
model is a generalization of existing similar Recognizing these dual economic constraints,
models. It accounts for the anisotropic drilling the petroleum industry has recently devoted major
characteristics of both the formation and the bit. efforts to develop capabilities to better under-
The model is developed in a 3-D geometry. There- stand and control drilling trajectories. These
fore, it is capable of predicting the walk efforts fall into two categories: active downhole
tendency and the build/drop tendency of a given directional control tools, and analysis models and
BHA (bottomhole assembly) under any drilling computer programs.
condition. The model can be used as follows: in
the forward mode to predict the drilling This paper will address only the latter. Com-
direction; in the inverse mode to generate the prehensive directional drilling analysis program
rock and bit anisotropy indices; in the will eventually help predict and/or control the
log-generation mode to generate drilling logs, drilling trajectory. In addition, they can also
such as a drilling dip log. Examples of the first help to better understand the behavior of downhole
two uses are shown. directional control tools, and to improve their
accuracy and reliability.
The drilling directions predicted using various
practices and theories are compared to those using Since the pioneering work by Lubinski [1,2] in
this general theory in parametric form. 1953, and particularly in the last 10 years, there
Significant differences can be seen, not only in have been many published works on this subject [3-
the predicted walk tendency, which is often 22]. With the recent development of MWD tools,
missed, but also in the predicted build/drop these analysis programs have taken on greater
tendency of the BHA. significance, as they can be used at the rig site
to help the directional driller make timely deci-
This paper also shows why a 3-D analysis is essen- sions. No longer are they regarded merely as
tial to properly predict the drilling direction. A qualitative well-planning aids.
2-D analysis not only completely ignores the walk
tendency of the BHA, it also incorrectly predicts B. Elements of a Predictive Directional Drilling
the build/drop tendency. Program
INDRODUCTICION A comprehensive directional drilling analysis
program will contain the following elements: (1) A
A. Role of a Predictive Directional Drilling Pro- BHA (Bottomhole Assembly) analysis program; (2) A
gram predictive model which relates the drilling direc-
tion to the bit used, the operating conditions,
Due to diminishing world oil reserves, future the borehole geometry, and the formation drilled;
exploration for fossil fuels will gradually shift and (3) A drill ahead/post analysis feature. Ele-
to more difficult reservoirs, requiring deeper ments (1) and (3) will only be briefly discussed
and/or offshore drilling. In either case, rig in the following. The capabilities of existing
costs will be much higher than in conventional directional drilling programs are still limited,
land drilling of vertical wells. Thus more and particularly with respect to the predictive aspect

(the “rock-bit interaction” modeling), element HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES

(2), which is the subject of this paper.
Many BHA analysis programs have been developed Many drillers have sometimes observe rather
[1-17]. A good BHA program is the heart of a com- severe deviations. Deviation angles of up to 60°
prehensive directional drilling analysis program, have sometimes been observed in supposedly
and can seine the following functions (See [13, vertical wells . Such phenomena were semi-
14]): qualitatively explained by several concepts,
including the ‘miniature whipstock theory”, which
a. Quantitatively describe the deformation of attributed them to the effect of different
the BHA, including the total bit force formation drillabilities.
(build/drop and walk) components, and the A. Practices in the control of directional
bit tilt direction. Ihese data, alone and/ drllling
or in conjunction with a rock-bit interac-
tion model, can be used to infer the build/ Improvements in our understanding of the
drop and, for a 3-D program, the walk deviation tendencies of various BHA’S have come
trend(s). slowly. Fig. 1 shows the key features in a predic-
b. Determine the locations and magnitudes of tive directional drilling problem. At the present,
contact forces between the BHA and the there is a heavy reliance on trial and error,
borehole wall. These data are useful in though one can use any one of the following exist-
estimating the wear rates of tool joints, ing practices for directional control:
stabilizers, casings, and boreholes. They 1. Prior experience and standard BHA types
are also useful in torque and drag (building, dropping, or holding): This is
computations (See (e) below). the most common approach;
c* Compute the stresses in the BHA, which can 2. Bit side force as a qualitative measure of
be used to locate the critically stressed deviation tendency ([8]);
sections. This is particularly valuable for
the expensive downhole tool subs. 3. Resultant bit force direction as the actual
d. Calculate the difference between the survey drilling direction [18-20];
sub axial direction and the borehole cen- 4. Borehole curvature that induces zero side
terline direction, leading to a correction force as the actual drilling curvature
of MWD survey data. [3,9];
e. Form a part of a torque-drag model program 5. Rock-bit interaction modeling to define the
to enable more accurate computation of the drilling direction [l,15,21,22].
torque and drag in a directional and deep
vertical well. Such models are useful in Additionally, one can use the following:
optimum well planning; in the designs of
surface equipnent, drillstring, and casing; 6. Bit axis direction as the projected drill-
and in the diagnosis and avoidance of ing direction.
drilling troubles.
The existing BHA programs use different methods (2-6) require the use of a suitable BHA
approaches (semi-analytic method, finite-element analysis program.
method, or finite-difference method), and contain In method (l), a suitable type of BHA is
different features. The pros and cons of these selected for a depth region to match the planned
approaches have been discussed in [14], and will borehole curvature, e.g., a building BHA for a
not be repeated here. Some of them are 2-D analy- building section of the borehole. Though simple,
sis programs. such an approach poses two problems. First, though
BHA ’S do generally behave as expected in a
The usefulness of a BHA analysis program straight hole, their drilling tendencies are
depends on its inherent features and capabilities. strongly influenced by the borehole curvature and
Selection of a BHA analysis program should be made inclination, and, to a lesser extent, by the WOB
by matching the user’s needs with program fea- (weight on bit). A “building” BHA will become a
tures. Other considerations include the quality dropping assembly in a hole that builds at a suf-
and rigor in the methodology used in the program, ficient curvature, and vice versa [13,14]. Second,
user-friendliness, and the speed of computation, such a practice does not account for the effects
which becomes critical if the program is to be of formation, borehole geometry, and operating
used at the rig site for “real-time” operations. conditions. AS a result, what worked in one well
or depth interval may not work in another. The
A drill-ahead program allows repeated calcula- consequence is that frequent correction runs are
tions at different projected bit locations, thus needed.
leading to a predicted drilling trajectory. AS a
companion feature, post drilling analysis allows Method (2) is an improvement over method (1)
for a more detailed comparison of actual vs. in that it provides a semi-quantiative means of
predicted drilling trajectories, and can provide predicting the deviation tendency of a BHA.
much other useful information about the well in
the form of generated “drilling logs”.This will Methods (3-6) provide a quantitative predic-
be discussed later in this paper. tion of the actual drilling direction. They differ
in how the actual drilling trajectory is defined
by the known parameters, i.e., by how the “rock-
bit interaction” is modeled. The degree of success

of each such method lies in how well each model INTRODUCTION TO ROCK-BIT INTERACTION MODELING
accounts for the relevant parameters affecting the
drilling direction. Some of these methods are Relevant parameters that affect the deviation
clearly inadequate because important parameters tendency of a given BHA may be grouped into the
are neglected. following: (1) the BHA configuration (with or
without stabilizers); (2) the borehole trajectory
B. Research on Quantitative Prediction of Devia- and geometry; (3) the operating conditions; (4)
tion Tendency the bit; and (5) the formation being drilled. Each
of these groups further contain many parameters.
Drilling deviation is the result of rock remo- The essential features are illustrated in Fig. 1.
val under the complex action of the bit. Research
on the fundamental problems of rock removal and Because of the large numbers of paramters
deviation involve three approaches: (1) laboratory involved, a more fundamental understanding can be
studies, (2) stress calculations, and (3) simpli- achieved only by reducing the number of inmediate
fied analytical (“rock-bit interaction”) modeling. parameters by rational synthesis and grouping of
The first two approaches examine the actual, if the contributing effects. A rock-bit interaction
simplified, rock removal and drilling deviation model relates the drilling direction to the fol-
under given bit loads, which must include a devia- lowing vectors, as shown in Fig. 1: the bit orien-
tion side force. Results of the tests or analyses tation, the bit force, and the formation normal.
hopefully will lead to useful (even if empirically The parameters listed in groups (l-3) are
fitted) relations that describe the deviation implicitly considered through their influences on
tendencies of bits in any particular situation. the bit orientation and the bit force vectors. Use
of a BHA analysis program is required.
In terms of the first approach, earlier exper-
imental works dealt primarily with the effects of The pioneering work in this respect was by
various drilling conditions on the drilling rate Lubinski and Woods [1,2] (and recently, Williamson
of various bits [23-32]. McLamore [33] and Bradley and Lubinski [15] with the same model). The
[34] were the first to address the side force Lubinski model includes two elements: a 2-D BHA
generated at a single bit tooth under axial analysis program using a semi-analytic method to
impact. Their results confirm, at least qualita- predict the side (build/drop) force on the bit in
tively, the common observation that both the bit slick assemblies, and a formation anisotropy
and the formation exhibit anisotropic drilling effect model to account for the commonly exper-
characteristics. The deviation tendency was found ienced up-dip tendency in directional drilling.
to depend on the bit geometry and dip angle. They defined a rock anisotropy index to account
Millheim and Warren [35] carried out valuable lab for the different drillabilities parallel and
drilling tests using a rock cradle that was sub- perpendicular to the formation bedding plane. This
jected to a side force, and measured the side and model assumes bits to be isotropic. This was
axial penetration rates. Using isotropic rocks, recently disputed by Ho [43], and will be further
they concluded that bits indeed drill anisotropi- discussed in Appendix III.
tally. The effect of friction between the guide
rails and the cradle was not measured, and may Nevertheless, since its inception in 1953, the
influence the data interpretation. Lubinski model has stood for a long time as the
only rationally derived rock-bit interaction
In terms of the second approach, plasticity model.
theory was employed [33,36-40] to study the limit
(failure) stress state under a single bit tooth, Recently, Brett et al [21] developed a bit effect
which was idealized as a 2-D wedge or punch. Among model, using the test data obtained by Millheim
these, McLamore [33], Bradley [34,39] and Smith and Warren [35]. Their model accounts for the
and Cheatham [40] considered the side force gener- anisotropic effects of the bit, but assumed the
ated on the bit tooth, using simplified 2-D (upper formation to be isotropic. Ma & Juzar [19] and
bound) analysis in plasticity. Though useful in Brakel & Azar [20] also developed a bit effect
providing some insights, these static analyses model that is coupled with BHA analysis, though
clearly do not simulate actual drilling their model in effect assumes the drilling direc-
conditions. The results are also not easily tion to be coincident with the bit force.
interpreted in terms of quantitative deviation
trends. More recently, a large scale computer A NEW ROCK-BIT INTERACTION MODEL
program was developed to carry out numerical
analyses [41,42] to study the simulated dynamic A more general 3-D rock-bit interaction model was
response of PDC bits. The modeling and solution recently developed at NL Technology Systems. This
processes are extremely cumbersome and require mdel accounts for the simultaneous effects of
detailed apriori knowledge of all parameters rock and bit anisotropies on the drilling
affecting the system. Most of these data are not direction in the following manner (See Figure
available at present (and perhaps for a long time
to come). This approach is clearly not yet practi- 1). The drilling direction vector is thought of
cal . as a linear function of the following three vec-
tors: the resultant bit force f, the bit axis
The above discussion shows that rational and
useful ways of describing the deviation tendencies and the normal vector to the formation bedding~,
of a drill bit will not be possible at such a as follows:
fundamental level, at least for quite some time to
come . This makes the last approach, “rock-bit
interaction” modeling, the most appealing


Here, Ir and are the the rock and bit aniso- dip log will provide both the true dip angle
tropy Indices which describe the anisotropic and the true dip direction.
drilling characteristics of the rock and bit; rN
is the “normalized” drilling efficiency under The computer program which runs the rock-bit
general situations; and A d is the angle between interaction model can be used in stand alone mode,
the drilling direction and the formation normal. or linked, as a subroutine, to a main program as
For definitions, see Appendix I. any of NL’s DIDRIL-sm programs.
The first two of these applications will be demon-
Two degenerate cases of this model are described strated in the following.
in Appendix II. First, if the bit is isotropic
(Fig. 2), the model in effect reduces to the
Lubinski model [1,2,15] if the bit force, bit axis APPLICATION OF INVERSE MODELING: GENERATING ROCK
and formation normal all lie in the same vertical AND BIT ANISOTROPY INDICES
plane of the borehole (i.e., the 2-D case). Se-
condly, if the rock is isotropic (Fig. 3), the The first application of this rock-bit interaction
model then reduces to the Brett model [21] for a model has been that of inverse modeling by evalu-
linearly dependent drilling efficiency on the bit ating some old well data. only limited application
force. has been made so far.
Since this model accounts for both the bit and the To this end, well data were first screened for
formation effect, it has the potential to provide suitability. The following information are needed:
accurate predictions of drilling trajectories.
Other operating parameters are considered impli- 1. Detailed information about the BHA assembly;
citly by carrying out the BHA analysis program (to 2. Survey data;
generate the bit force and the bit axis vectors). 3. Operating conditions: WOB (weight on bit), TOB
In addition, effects of RPM and hydraulics are (torque on bit), and mud weight;
deemed as unimportant. These affect both the 4. Bit type/size and bit trip (and/or daily)
lateral and forward drilling and will be cancelled report;
out, since the anisotropy indices are ratios of 5. Formation dip.
two drilling efficiencies. (See Appendix I).
In addition, a lithology log and caliper log are
The normalized drilling efficiency factor r N as useful.
defined in this model is used to define the true
“base” rock penetration rate. It is dimensionless, Data are first screened to select suitable depth
and independent of the units of measurements used. points. For each depth point, NL’s 3-D BHA analy-
This rN should not be confused with the normalized sis program DIDRIL-I [13,14] is used to define the
drilling rate [44] used to define the D-exponent, bit force and the bit axis. The actual drilling
etc. In common practice, effects of deviation from direction is defined by the tangent vector to the
such a “base” condition are not accounted for. In borehole centerline, which is obtained from inter-
fact, rN is the additional normalization one needs polating the survey data (using the circular arc
to carry out in order to filter out the effects of method ) . Finally, the normal to the formation
formation dip and bit on the drilling rate. bedding is provided by 3-D formation dip informa-
tion. The rock-bit interaction model is then used
Bradley [45] previously postulated such an r N to to generate the rock and bit anisotropy indices.
be less than unity, and having different patterns
for roller cone bits and PDC bits(Fig. 4). Ac- Use of the dip information requires same care.
cording to the present model, rN is merely des- Dipmeter logs, which directly provide the dip
cribed by the bit anisotropy index Ib (if Ir = 1), angle and dip direction, are available only for a
and has the pattern shown in Fig. 5. The situation few-wells. Even then, many depth sections exhi-
when I > 1 is unlikely. Interestingly, Bradley’s bited erratic dip data. In this case, only
model or the PDC bits coincides with the present sections with reasonably smooth dip data were
model when Ib = O. used. In other wells, only regional dip informa-
tion was available. In the Gulf coast, such
APPLICATIONS OF THE ROCK-BIT INTERACTION MODEL regional dip data may be acceptable if no local-
The rock-b it interactlon model can bet used in the ized structures, such as salt domes, are present
following ways, when a true 3-D BHA analysis in the particular well (or depth region) being
program is used to define the bit force and bit analyzed. Otherwise, results may not be reliable.
Another important factor that can significantly
1. Inverse Modeling: With known formation dip and influence the data interpretation is the borehole
instantaneous drilling direction, the model caliber (and similarly, the stabilizer wear). A
computes the rock and bit anisotropy indices. change in borehole diameter, be it overgage due to
This process is required to generate the washouts or instability, or undergage due to bore-
anisotropy indices for the next application. hole creep, can significantly influence the BHA
deformation which not not be accounted for in the
2. Forward Modeling: With known formation dip, model, particularly if this occurs near the bit or
and rock and bit anisotropy indices, the model the first couple of stabilizers. In such situa-
predicts the instantaneous drilling direction. tions, the bit axis and the bit force directions
obtained from the BHA analysis maybe inaccurate.
3. Modeling to Generate Drilling Logs: With known
anisotropy indices and the instantaneous
drilling direction, we can, in principle,
generate a “drilling dip log”. This drilling DIDRIL SM is a service mark of ML Petroleum


In this case, unreasonable anisotroy indices

(such as negative numbers) may be obtained. This COMPARISON OF PREDICTION METHODS
problem points out the importance of knowing the In this section, comparisons will be made between
borehole conditions accurately. The use of MWD the drilling directions predicted using several
surveys will alleviate this problem to some extent different approaches.
due to more timely and more frequent data The following parameters
collection. are held constant:

Our limited results show the following average WOB - 40K; TUB = 5’-K; MU DWT. = 10 ppg;
values: HOLE INCLINATION = 45°; HOLE AZIMUTH = 90° at bit.
Ib = .194; Ir = .999.
along with the same “typical” building BHA.
The bits used are soft-formation roller cone bits, Three different well trajectories are examined:
and are shown to be very anisotropic. The forma-
tion is only slightly anisotropic. Table 1 sum- (Table 3): straight well;
marizes a portion of the data upon which the (Table 4): 2-D well building at 20/100’;
averages are based. These data are obtained in the (Table 5): 3-D well additionally walking at
depth internal using the same building BHA as 2°/100’ to the right.
described in Table 1.
APPLICATION OF FORWARD MODELING: PREDICTION OF For each situation, five prediction methods are

The model can also be used to predict the instan- 1.

taneous drilling direction with a single analysis, 2.
or the drilling trajectory with repeated analyses.
Using the average Ir and 1b obtained from the 3.
inverse modeling, the rock-bit Interaction program
recomputes the predicted survey data, using the 4.
same BHA for the same depth interval as in the 5.
example above.
Table 2 summarizes the result. In the table, the
"actual" borehole deviation and azimuth angles are Tables
computed through survey interpolation using the data groups: . .
circular arc method. As can be seen, the model
predicts the drilling directions very well. The a. Dip angles at O, 20, 40 and 60°;
average difference over a depth interval of about
300’ between the predicted and the actual survey For O dip angle, results are independent of
data are: the azimuth angle, and are shown under the
Deviation angle difference: .037”;
(Variance: .0200). b. Formation normal Azimuths at 90 (hole nearly
Perpendiculaar to bedding), -90 (hole nearly
Azimuth angle difference: .031”; parallel to bedding), O (out-of plane dip) and
(Variance: .0360). 45°.
For isotropic rocks (Ir = 1), results are indepen-
IMPORTANCE OF BOTH THE ROCK AND BIT ANISOTROPIES dent of dip variation. Therefore only one case is
shown in each of the tables. In the tables, the
Although the rock is found to be much less aniso- prediction method number is shown in parenthesis.
tropic than the bit, this does not mean we can
arbitrarily set it to be unity and use the degen– A deviation angle from hole axis of .3° will be
crate model for isotropic rocks (Appendix II). mild, while l.O will be strong. Since this devia-
There are two reasons: (1) The angle between the tion angle is the instantaneous drilling deviation
bit force and the bit axis is limited by the angle, it is not directly translated into the more
borehole confinement and drillstring deformation, comnon notion of change in hole curvature. To
and is therefore very small (on tie order of a few compute that, one needs to carry out successive
degrees). on the other hand, the angle between the calculations after each finite drilling distance,
bit force and the formation normal is quite arbi- and then take the average curvature. This incre-
trary, and may be as large as 90°. (2) The devia- mental approach is probably more realistic than
tion (measured from the bit force) is much more the common notion, as it more closely duplicates
sensitive to changes in the rock anisotropy index the actual drilling process.
I t h a n i n Ib . F i g .
r 6 and Fig. 7 illustrate these In Table 3, we see the bit force to be strongly
sensitivities. building, while the bit axis is actually slightly
Furthermore, because the angle between the bit dropping. AS a result, method (2) would predict a
force and the bit axis is generally very small, it very mild dropping trend, while all other methods
is important to have a reliable BHA analysis predict mild to strong building trends. AS
program. Small errors in the computed bit force expected, methods 3 & 4 predict similar left-
and bit axis vectors may cause large errors in the walking, but differ very significantly in the
generated anisotropy indices. build trend prediction.


In Table 4, the inherent hole curvature causes

both the bit force and the bit axis to be drop-
ping. This is due to the stiffness of the BHA, as
pointed out previously [13,14]. Therefore, all Vector A, with magnitude A, and unit
methods predict a dropping trend. Methods 3 & 4 vector
also predict a left-walking trend. The severity of
the dropping trend varies according to the Components of vector A in (X,Y,Z)
methods. Note that, once drilling is allowed to directions;
proceed according to the predicted direction
(dropping), the hole curvature is reduced, and Unit base vectors along (X,Y,Z) di-
therefore the inherent dropping tendency of the rections;
BHA will also be reduced. This will then change
the future drilling direction to be either less Unit vector along bit axis direction
dropping, or even return to slightly building.
Such repetitive computations and case studies will
be presented in later papers. Unit vector normal to formation bed-
In Table 5, the right-walking hole curvature
further causes left-walking trends in both the bit Unit vector along the resultant bit
force and the bit axis. As a result, all methods force on formation;
now predict moderate to strong left-walking ten-
dencies. Unit vector along the drilling di-
In both 2- and 3-D holes, we see that using the rection;
bit force (method (2)) as the predictor of drill-
ing direction actually provides the greatest Resultant bit force on the forma-
scatter. Most current practices are in fact based tion;
on this method.
CONCLUSIONS Lubinski’s rock anisotropy index =
1- Ir;
In summary, the following conclusions may be
drawn: Bit anisotropy index;
1. A new rock-bit interaction model is now avail- Rock anisotropy index = 1 - h;
able. It is a generalization of existing
models. Drilling rate along direction ();
2. The rock-bit interaction model simultaneously Drilling efficiency along direction
accounts for both the rock and bit anisotropy
effects in 3-D space.
Subscripts ():
3. The model requires a reliable 3-D BHA analysis
program to generate the bit force and bit axis o: Base quantities, referring to situa-
directions. tion when both rock and bit are iso-
4. The model can be used in the forward mode to tide;
predict the drilling trajectory. a: Bit’s axial direction;
5. The model can be used in the inverse mode to d: Formation normal direction;
generate rock and bit anisotropy indices.
f: Bit force direction;
6. The model can also be used to generate other
drilling logs, such as a drilling dip log. 1: Bit’s lateral direction;
7. Complete and accurate field data is important n: Bedding’s normal direction;
for-generating the anisotropy indices. -
p: Bedding’s parallel direction;
N: “Normalized” quantity;.
The author wishes to express his appreciation to
the following persons: To Paul Rodney, John r: Drilling direction.
Fontenot and Vik Rao for their sustained support
of the directional drilling seRVice programs at NL * Note * When two subscripts appear, that
Industries; To William Bradley of Standard oil, pertains to bit direction comes
for discussion on the model while he was at NL; To first.
Carolyn McFarland and Mary Fouts for their typing
support and firmly, the author thanks the NL (X,Y,Z): Fixed global coordinate system,
management for the permission to publish this x —> East, Y —> North, Z —> Ver-
paper. tical up;
e: Inclination angle;
: Azimuth angle, measured C.W. from

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[9 ] Callas, N. P. & Callas, R. L.: “Boundary Trans., AIME, V. 216, 1959, pp. 92-97.
Value Problem is Solved”, OGJ., wc. 1980,
pp. 62-66. [24] Gamier, A. J. & Van Lingen, N. H.: “Pheno-
mena Affecting Drilling Rates at Depth”,
[10] Millheim, K. K. & Apostal, M.: “The Effect of Petrol. Trans., Arm, v. 216, 1959, pp. 232-
Bottomhole Assembly Dynamics on the Trajec- 246.
tory of a Bit", JPT, Dec. 1981. pp. 2323-
2338. [25] Cunningham, R. A.: “Laboratory Studies of the
Effect of Rotary Speed on Rock-Bit Perfor-
[11] Toutain, P.: ‘Analyzing Drillstring Beha- mance and Drilling Cost”, API Drill. Prod.
vior”, World Oil, 1981. Part I: June; Part Pratt., 1960, pp. 7-14.
II: July; Part III: Sept.
[26 Simon, R.: “Energy Bahnce in Rock Drilling”,
[12] Dunayevsky, V. A. & Judzis, A.: “Conservative SPE J., Dec. 1963, pp. 298-306. Paper pre-
and Nonconservative Buckling of Drill Pipe”, sented at SPE - univ. Texas Symp. on Drill.
58th Annual Mtg. SPE of AIME. San Francs. Rock Mech., Jan. 1963.
[27] Garner, N. E. and Gatlin, C.: “Experimental
[13] Rafie, S., Ho, H.-S. and Chandra, U.: “Appli- Study of Crater Formation in Plastically
cation of a BHA Analysis Program in Direc- Deforming Synthetic Rocks”, JPT, Sept. 1963,
tional Drilling”, IADC/SPE Conference, pp. 1025-1030.
Dallas, 1986. SPE paper #14765.
[28] Burdine, N. T.: “Rock Failure under Dynamic
[14] Ho, H.-S.: “General Formulation of Drill- Loading Conditions”, SPE J., Mar. 1963, pp.
string Under Large Deformation and Its Use in 1-8.
BHA Analysis”, SPE Ann. Tech. Conf., 1986,
New Orleans, SPE paper #15562. [29] Gnirk, P. F. & Geatham, J. B. Jr.: "Ah
Experimental Study of Single Bit-Tooth Pene-
[15] Williamson, J. S. and Lubinsk, A.: ‘Predict- tration Into Dry Rock at Confining Pressures
ing Bottomhole Assembly Performance”, SPE/ O to 5000 psi”, SPE J., June 1965, pp. 117-
IADC conference, Feb. 1986, Dallas, SPE paper 130.
#14764 . Also in SPE/Drilling Engng., Mar.
1987, pp. 37-46. [30] Maurer, W. C.: “Bit-Tooth Penetration under
Simulated Borehole Conditions”, JPT, Dec.
1965, pp. 1433-1442.


[31] Yang, J. H. & Gray, K. E.: “Single-Blow Bit- APPENDIX

Tooth Impact Tests on Saturated Rocks under
Confining Pressure: II. Elevated Pore Pres- I. DEFINITIONS OF ANISOTROPY INDICES
sure”, SPE J., Dec. 1967, pp. 389-408.
A. Rock Anisotropy Index Ir
[32] Peterson, C. R.: “Roller Cutter Forces”, SPE
J.,Mar. 1979, pp. 37-65. The rock anisotropy index Ir is directly
definable if the bit is isotropic, or if the
[33] McLamore, R. T.: “The Role of Rock Strength resultant bit force is along the bit axis. Under
Anisotropy in Natural Hole Deviation”, JPT, these situations, we can define the normal and
NOV. 1971, pp.1313-1321. parallel drilling efficiencies, r n and rp, as:
[34] Bradley, W. B.: “Deviation Forces From the
Wedge Penetration Failure of Anisotropic (A-1)
Rock “ , J. Engineering for Industries, Trans.
ASME, Nov. 1973, pp. 1093-1100.
[35] Millheim, K. K. and Warren, T. M.: “Side (A-2)
Cutting Characteristics of Rock Bits and
Stabilizers While Drilling”, SPE paper 7518,
Fall Annual SPE Conf. 1978, 8p.
[36] Paul, B. & Sikarskie, D. L.: “A Preliminary (A-3)
Theory of Static Penetration by a Rigid Wedge It has the following ranges:
into a Brittle Material”, Trans. SME of AIME,
1965, p. 372. Ir = 0: drilling only perpendicular to bedding;
[37] Cheatham, J. B., Jr., Paslay, P. R. & < 1: faster drilling along normal to bedding
Fulcher, G. W. G.: “Analysis of the Plastic
Flow of Rock under a Lubricated Punch”, J. (up-dip tendency);
Appl. Mechanics, Trans. ASME, 1968, pp. 87- = 1: isotropic rock, no formation effect;
> 1: slower drilling along normal to bedding
[38] Pariseau, W. G.: “Wedge Indentation of Aniso- (down-dip tendency );
tropic Geologic Media”, Dynamic Rock Mecha-
nics, Ed. G. B. Clark, Proc. 12th U. S. Symp. drilling only parallel to bedding.
Rock Mechanics, AIME, 1971, pp.529-546.
B. Bit Anisotropy Index Ib
[39] Bradley, W. B.: “Factors Affecting the Con-
trol of Borehole Angle in Straight and If an anisotropic bit is drilling into isotro-
Directional wells”, JPT, June 1973, pp. 679- pic rock, we can define the axial and lateral
688. drilling efficiencies, ra and rl, as:
[40] Smith, M. B. and Cheatham, J. B. Jr.: “Devia-
tion Forces Arising From Single Bit Tooth
Indentation of an Anisotropic Porous Media”,
J. Press. Vessels Tech., Trans. ASME, May (A-4)
1977, pp. 362-366.
[41] Baird, J. A., Tinianow, M. A., Caskey, B. C.
& Stone, C. M.: “GEODYN: A Geological Forma-
tion/Drillstring Dynamics Computer Program”, (A-5 )
59th Ann. Conf., SPE of AIME, Houston, 1984. The bit anisotropy index is then:
SPE Paper #13023.
Ib = rl/ra. (A-6 )
[42] Baird, et. al: “GEODYN2: A Bottomhole Assem-
bly/Geological Formation Dynamic Interaction It has the following ranges:
Computer Program”, SPE Ann. Conf., Las Vegas,
1985. SPE Paper #14328. Ib= O: drilling only along axial direction;
[43) Ho, H.-S.: ‘Discussion on: ‘Predicting Bot- < 1: faster drilling along bit’s axial di-
tomhole Assembly Performance’ by J. S. rection
Williamson & A. Lubinski, SPE/Drilling Engng.
J ? Mar. 1987, pp. 37-46”, to appear.

= 1: isotropic bit, no bit effect;
[44] Jordan, J. R. & Shirley, O. J.: “Application > 1: slower drilling along bit’s axial di-
of Drilling Performance Data to Overpressure rection;
Detection”, JPT,Nov. 1966, pp. 1387-1394.
-> : drilling only lateral to bit’s axis.
[45] Bradley, W. B.: “Formation Characteristics
Have a Key Effect on Hole Direction”, Oil/Gas II. SPECIAL CASES OF THE GENERAL MODEL
J ? Aug. 1975, pp.77-80.

A. Isotropic Bits
This case degenerates essentially into the

Lubinski model [1,2,151, though the latter was dip angle is always smaller than the true dip
derived specifically only for a 2-D situation, angle. In the extreme case when the relative
namely the bit force, drilling direction, and the strike angle is zero, the apparent dip angle is
formation normal vectors all lie in the same ver- always zero, even when the true dip angle is 90°!
tical plane as the well trajectory. The Lubinski
model does not account for any walk tendencies, In analyzing the formation effect, the above
while this isotropic bit model does. Note that the difference is illustrated in the following (Fig.
rock anisotropy index h as defined by Lubinski is 9). In a 2-D analysis, all relevant vectors are
related to the current definition Ir by the fol- assumed to lie on the common vertical plane, which
lowing relation: is the base plane. The formation normal vector is
a; the bit force is decomposed into the normal
h = l - Ir. (A-7)
Eq.(1) can be reduced to the following simple
.. vector Era to pass through the point Ca. The ratio
CaBa/ABa describes the degree of anisotropy of the
formation, which is an anisotropy index. Vector

This relation is shown in Fig. 2 in the general

In a 3-D analysis, one uses the true formation
situation when and do not lie in the same which in this particular case
vertical plane, and thus requires a 3-D special points above the base plane. The similar bit force
description. components are OB and AB, and the drilling direc-
Fig. 8 shows a series of curves describing the
deviation angle (measured from the bit force) as a AB is again the anisotropy index, which is also
function of the rock anisotropy index Ir, and Afd, the same as CpBp/ABp (where the subscript p de-
the angle between the bit force and the format ion notes the projection onto the base plane) due to
normal. In all cases, the maximum deviation occurs parallel projections. We can then conclude that
when Afd is 45°, while no deviations exist when
Afd is zero (normal drilling) or 90° (parallel
drilling). therefore cannot be parallel to the vector
B. Isotropic Rocks other words, the vector Er does not project into
In this case, equ. (1) reduces to the follow- the vector Era Additionally, the 3-D analysis al-
ing: so results in a walk component of Er pointing
above the base plane.
Using 3-D vector analysis, one can derive the in-
and is illustrated in Fig. 3. For “normally ani- plane build/drop deviation angle Aa (from 2-D
sotropic” bits, Ib is less than unity. analysis) and (from projected 3-D analysis),
relative to the bit force vector, as follows:
Curves similar to Fig. 8 can be used if one re-
plaCeS Ir and Ib and respectively.


Some existing models utilize a 2-D analysis,
resulting in only a build/drop prediction. AS an
example, in assessing the formation effect, HO
[43] recently showed that, due to the difference
in the apparent dip angle (seen in the common
vertical plane) and the true dip angle (tilting
away from the vertical plane), the predicted
drilling direction (in the common vertical plane)
will change. This will affect the result of build/
drop prediction. It may also mask the bit aniso-
tropy effect.
Parallel arguments exist when one examines
only the bit effect, and will not be repeated
here. It is conceivable that the true drilling
direction might have a building tendency while the
In a 2-D model, where the entire wellbore and apparent drilling direction might show a dropping
drillstring are assumed to lie in the same verti- tendency, or vice versa. In anisotropic forma-
cal plane. the formation dip is seen as the tions, there are only two exceptions to the above
apparent dip and not the true dip. These angles conclusion: when the relative strike angle A r is
are equal only when the relative strike angle of AOO or OO.
the dipping plane is 90°. Otherwise, the apparent


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