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What are the free SEO tools available for analyzing websites?

There are many free SEO tools available on the web, but which ones are the best? Here
are our top 10 free SEO tools:

1. Google Search Console: This is a free tool from Google that allows you to monitor
your website’s search performance, as well as submit your sitemap and robot.txt file.

2. Bing Webmaster Tools: Another free tool from a major search engine, Bing
Webmaster Tools offers similar features to Google Search Console.

3. Yoast SEO: This is a popular SEO plugin for WordPress that is availble for free. It allows
you to optimize your website for the major search engines.

4. Screaming Frog: This free tool crawlss your website to find any issues that could be
holding back your SEO performance.

5. Google Analytics: This free tool from Google provides detailed insights into your
website’s traffic and performance.

6. Open Site Explorer: This free tool from Moz allows you to research your website’s link
profile and find potential link building opportunities.

7. W3C Markup Validation Service: This free tool checks your website’s code to ensure
it meets the standards set by the World Wide Web Consortium.

8. Google PageSpeed Insights: This free tool from Google analyzes your website’s
speed and performance, and provides recommendations on how to improve it.

9. Varvy SEO Tool: This free tool provides a comprehensive SEO analysis of your website,
including a check for mobile-friendliness.

10. SEOptimer: This free tool gives your website a comprehensive SEO audit, including a
score for each of the major SEO ranking factors.

To learn and practice with these tools, join online seo course from basics to advanced.
Throughout the course, you will learn how to bring a website on the first page of Google
with daily assignments and practice.

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