Document Number wtf000000280 Universal Sovereigne Original Indigenous Natural Divine Affidavit Ov Written Innitial Universal Commercial Code 1 Lien (Account Numbers)

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c pom lai, empire state ob morocco moorish national republic teberal government ‘& ~ societas republic ea al maurikanos ~ s moorish divine and national movement of the tworly Northwest amexem + southwest amexem + north america + morocco adjoining atlantis americana islands ‘& ~ temple of the moon and sun ~ the true and be jure natural peoples + heirs to the lant ‘ ~is.La.m, ~ eS untversal sovereign original indigenous natural divine affidavit ob written innitial unniversal commercial code 1 phinansinge statement lien all rise and stand and remain standing into perpetuity. this is a sovereign living ancient article iii moorish american al moroccan universal court action. we are the sovereign living justice in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. we are capit et corpus juris legalis which is our statement that we are the lawful and legal natural head and body for our empire. all moors are the original indigenous sovereign ancient al moroccan moorish american ascendants of the great Pharoahs of kemet and of the ancient moabities and cannanities. our full faith and trust, our allegiance, our credit and our energy are hereby vested in ourselves for we are the people who are the original indigenous natural divine sovereign ancient empire state for morocco and the de jure moorish national republic federal government, WASHINGTON DISTRICT FOR COLUMBIA, the universal moorish american consulate and the earthwide, article iii moorish american consular court. today, we are exercising the law sovereign status which is the original indigenous natural divine sovereign ancient article iii living United States District for Columbia Court and we are the sovereign fiduciaries, creditors, executors, trustees, ministers, possessors, and titled beneficiaries for this cause for action, we are peace. we are one nation, ‘one state, one empire and one god. we hereby recognize ourselves and accept our sovereign ascencion. we have issued a universal Creditors Bill for Possession and Custody over all land, all natural resources, all commerce, and all other property. we, the one true god nation, are not at war and we hereby exercised all eternal ancient original sovereign rights at this time and at all points in time nunc pro tune national safe harbor program universal commercial code § 9-521 whereby nationals who file written Universal commercial code liens can file universal commerciale code liens in any state, to debters: account numbers debter | Identification Number [Medical ZGP846818034] Group Number [108175] debter 2. Identification Number (Dental 846818034] Group Number [097536] [Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas, Inc] 1001 E Lookout Dr {Richardson, TX 75082] yeouena sgn in Document namin wio00000280 smarno00000316+079, nohember 11,2023 debter BENEFIT CARD NUMBER [4036 1943 7500 4323] [WVEX, Inc (Discovery Benefits) "] 1 Hancock St [Portland, Maine 04101-4217] mail to: In The Office of the Mayor Subject: Muriel Bowser John A. Wilson Building 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest #203 Washington, District of Columbia [7019 0140 0000 9361 3488 / 9590 9402 6081 0125 8781 90] Ce: In the Office of Recorder Subject: Jeffrey DeWitt or Successor 1101 Fourth Street Southwest #270 Washington, District of Columbia [7019 0140 0000 9361 3471 / 9590 9402 6081 0125 8781 83] placed on the pubblic reckorde at Scribd sovereigne origeneall enndigeneous naturall divyne de jure kredditore is the peepul whoo are thee origeneall enndigeneous sovereigne naturall divyne ‘empire state ov morocco moorishe nationall republic federall govemmente ‘moorishe american konsulate ‘moorish and national movement of the world care ov post office box 2 cottonton alabama universal natural area code: Twb6t nbq2m this is an innitialle universal! commershial code 1 philing pursuante tew universall commershial codes ande washingtone districte for columbia soveeigne kodes § 28:9-501, § 28:9-502, § 28:9-516a, § 28:9-516b, § 28:9-520c, § 28:9-521 ande all other applicabul kodes konncerii i ersall origeneall enndigeneous naturall divyne kredditores ande innitial philinges. § 28:9-521 universall writtene financinge statementee - a philing offise that acceptts writtene wreckords maye not refuse to acceptt a writtene innitiall financinge statemente in this form ande format exxcept for a reason set forth in § 28:9-516(b) entitled “what konstitutes philing; effecktiveness ov philing”. (a) exxcept as utherwise provided in subsecktion (b), communication ov a wreckord to a hiling offise ande tender ov the philing fee or acceptance ov the wreckord by the philing offise konstitutes philing. § 28:9-501 philing offise. exxcept as otherwyse provyded in subsecktion (b), ifthe locall law ov the districte governs Perphection ov a sovereigne inntereste liene, the offise in whiche to file a financinge statemente to perfecte the sovereigne interest liene is: (1) the wreckorder ov deeds, if (b) the financinge statemente is filed as a phixture collaterall is goods that are or are to become phixtures; or (2) the mayore in all other cases, including a case in whiche the collaterall is goods that are or are to become phixtures ande the financinge statemente is not filed as a phixture philing. (b) the offise in whiche to file a financinge statemente to perfect a sovereigne inntereste in collateral, including phixtures, ov a trannsmitting utilitie isthe offise ov the mayore. the financinge statemente also konstitutes a phixture philing as to the collaterall indicated in the financinge statemente whiche is or is to bekome phixtures. § 28:9-515 duratione ande effecktiveness ov financinge statemente; effect ov lapsed financinge statemente. (f) if a debter is a trannsmitting utilitie ande a maild innitiall financinge statemente so indicates, the financinge statemente is effective until a terminashun statemente is filed. ing ande the §.28:9-52 tunniversall kommerciale kode | financinge statemente a. sovereigne origeneall enndigeneous naturall divyne kredditores: ‘carolyn linda wiggins el, Mint gregory wiggins el, lint gregory wiggins {i el ane empite state ob morocco b. email (optional) ©. sende akknowledgemente too: empire state ov morocco moorishe nationall reepublic federall govermmente ‘moorishe american konsulate ‘moorish and national movement of the world ceare ov post office box 2 cottonton alabama universal natural area code: 7wb6t nbq2m. the abuve space is four philing offise uze onley $e providde debters debter 1 Identification Number [Medical ZGP846818034] Group Number [108175] bter 2 Identification Number [Dental 846818034] Group Number [097536] [Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas, Inc] 1001 E Lookout Dr (Richardson, TX 75082] debter 3 BENEFIT CARD NUMBER [4036 1943 7500 4323] [WEX, Ine (Discovery Benefits)] 1 Hancock St [Portland, Maine 04101-4217] 4. sovereigne unniversall origeneall enndigeneous kredditore empire state ov morocco, en capitis diminutio nolo, en propria persona sui juris, all rightes exxereized at all tymes moorishe nationall republic federall goveramente 4a. ennter sovereigne moorishe american appellashun ‘atolpn linda twiggins el and all soverigne origeneall enndigeneous moorishe amerikan autografls fore ‘ande all sovereigne empire state ov morocco, the moorishe nationall republic federall govemmente ande moorish divine and national movement of the world dockumentes are on thee publick wreckord at amerika. the peeple who are the sovereigne unniversall origeneall enndigeneous naturall divyne kkredditore en capitis diminutio nolo en propria persona sui juris en proprio solo en proprio heredes all rightes ekksercized at ail tymes 4b. mailinge locatione ‘empire state ov morocco ‘moorishe nationale republic federal govemment ‘moorishe american konsulate ‘moorishe divyne and nationall movement of the world care ov post office box 2 cottonton alabama universal natural area code: 7wb6t nbq2m 5. collaterall: this financinge statemente covers the following collaterall: this judishiall verrdicte is a law full financinge statemente that cuvers the followinge kollaterall: the Kollaterall covvered bye this financinge statemente is 100,000,000 in gold silver or gold backed sovereigne currency fore eache sovereigne origeneall enndigeneous anciente ancesstral parcell the debter occupys on the lande that all soveriegne origieneall enndigeneous moorishe americans whoo are the sovereigne origeneall enndigeneous naturall divyne united states for america, to innclude the de jure moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente, the moorishe american konsulate, ande the moorishe divyne ande nationall ‘movemente of the world are heires to. this is pursuante to anciente sovereigne supreme universall naturall divyne lawe. this is justise ande ettemall ennvocatione ov emminente dominione by all moors who possesse all lande, all propperty, ande all kommerce. the moorishe american golde standard haz beene activaited, the sovereigne origeneall enndigeneous naturall divyne moorishe ammerican phlagg shall floate at all ropperties on our sovereigne lande at all tymes nune pro tune. 6. checke onley if applickable ande checke onley one box: collaterall is xx helde en the universall truste ov the peepel who are the moorishe nationall republic federall governmente and the moorish divine and natural movement of the world 7. 0 being adminnistered by a decedent’s personal representative. Ta. check onley if applickable ande checke onley one box: 10 public-finance transaction c manovactured-home transaction xx a debter is a transmittinge utilitee 8b. checke onley if applikcable ande checke onley one box: ‘agricultural lien © non-uee philing 9. altemative designation (if applicabul): «i lessee/lessor a Konsignee/konsignor a seller/buyer 0 bailer/bailor © licensee/licensor 10. optional filer reference data (maximum principal endebtedness) “the governinge principul does extend to the ammendment xiii (20 sections) ov the Constitution for the United States of America, ratifyed: nov 18, 1865 by % of the severall staites. we, the moors at northe america, are the exzecutors, ministars, creditores, claiments, trustee ande benefishiaries uv all lande, all natural resources, ande all commerce as mandaited by our anciente ancestars. notice to agent is notice to principal, notice to principal is notice to agent the constitution for the United States of America Republic, article vi. all debts contracted, ande engagements entered ento, before the adoption ov this constitution, shall be as valid against the United States, under this constitution, as under the confederation. this constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made or which shall be made ...shall be the supreme law ov the Iand: and all judges, in every State shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding nune pro tune. all sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous annciente divyne moorishe amerikan autograffs affirming this ande all sovereigne origineall inndigeneous annciente empire state ov morocco ande the de jure moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente dockumente are on the pubblic reckorde at amerika, annciente ‘morocco, northe weste amexem, northe weste afitica, the north gate, turtle istande, gaia’, midguarde, earthe. nothing in this law full affidavid, nor oure spokin affidavids, nor our sylent affidavids shalle be enterpreted chr konnstrued as konnsente to anye jurisdicshun that is knot in the jurisdicshun ov our ansciente anncesstrall ennherited esstate at any pointe in tyme. chronos time immemoriall inn to perpeetuitee wa serie mg “Fst ng is a november 11, 2023, ae ae ae e ® ‘moorishe nationall reepublic federal governmente ‘m ~ Societag republicae ea al manrikanos ~ moorish divine and national movement of the world Northwest amexemt + southwest amexem + central amexemt + ‘the north gate’ adjoining atlantis americana islands ‘& ~ temple of the moon and sun ~ se thee true anbe be jure natural peoples + heires of the lanbe ‘& ~ is.La.m, ~ ego sum: Cornetapn Seda oSiepeah carolyn linda wiggins el, en capitis diminutio nolo, en propria persona sui juris, en proprio solo, en proprio heredes at all times. allodial moorishe american nationall all rights exercised and retained at all points in time witness: flint gregory wiggins el, en capitis diminutio nold persona sui juris, en proprio solo, en proprio herede! allodial moorishe american nationall all rights exercised and retained at all points in ti eee sum Bhat gragenay flint gregory wiggins ii el, en capitis persona sui juris, en proprio solo, en proprio heredes allodial moorishe american nationall all rights exercised and retained at all p amen, dico vobis, quaccumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in eaelo" toga pe signal ebigenone snerige move mesmo ates ‘munis etna vegas tel genet ‘moons ne ae atonal make a he ae sh ect enigenas seals bce: ores ames + art t+ net) smi +e hacen + ene RAE sas gl eso be ‘tse + Dome, n+ ese a+ abit + bel gh sede ober ae nae ‘arse easton ‘ar afpst oe bes 2 ser fon, lata ttt ea)

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