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Textual Lineage

By Payton Albregts
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Big Red Barn If I COuld Turn Back

CHildren’s book Time - Cher

3 4 5

Mamma Mia The House on Mango Twilight

movie/ film Street- movie/film Series
Big Red Barn

A children’s book describing different animals in a barn.

Reflection: Big Red Barn
This text became a part of my life when I was a child. It was the book that my parents
read so much that they had it memorized. My grandparents read it to my mom and
she continued on the tradition to me.
Big Red Barn was one of the first books that I was able to read on my own and
therefore helped me to be able to read more when I was a child. It also taught me
socially about animals and their mutual relationships with each other.
This influences my midwestern and agricultural identity pieces as I grew up in a farm
based community that became more suburban as I grew up. It introduced to me the
love of literature and reading as that is a big key in my identity.
I am wanting to teach English and I think the love of reading and writing because of
this book helped to influence what I want to teach.
If I Could Turn Back
Time- Cher
A song about a relationship that went wrong and
wanting to go back in time to be the person that
gave their all in the relationship.
If I Could Turn Back Time- Reflection
This song was my favorite song when I was a child, I was first introduced to it by curiosity in my
parents music choices and their cds. I often went through their CDs and found this song and
immediately became attached to this song alone. It differentiated me from other kids my age for as
they liked music at the time, my favorite song was this.
This song brought about social consciousness because it made me different then others. I had to
discover at a young age to be proud of what I liked and not let others detour me from my interests.
It also brought along more mature content which pushed me to understand concepts that others
didn't at that time.This song made my language more advance because all I dove into this song it
brought about words and language that was unfamiliar to my peers.
This brings out the identity in me that I am a music lover and that a piece of me is that I am an
individual proud to be myself. I am willing to stick up for myself in the face of those that critique me
for me being myself.
As a future english teacher, I want to look at how music and artists use their style to create a
message as this songs message sent me into poetry and songwriting.

A musical based of the songs from ABBA telling the story
of a young girl getting married who invites three men in
whom her mother all had relationships with to figure out
who her father really is. It is about growing up and
figuring out what's best for you in the midst of lifes crazy
journeys.A movie about old and new love
Reflection on Mamma Mia
This movie became a part of my life when I was probably 10 years old or a little younger than that,
it was a movie my mom loved and was always playing in our house.
This movie opened me up to the ideas that not everyone in the world grows up with a father
figure present in their lives and sometimes are families are outside of the norm. It also taught me
that decisions can be changed and that you have to do what’ best for you regardless of societies
pressures. It gave me also the ideas as a child to write down my feelings in a journal so that my
children or grandchildren may one day have a glimpse of what my teenage years were like and to
learn from them.
This influenced my identity piece of being a world traveler as this movie showed a part of the
world that is open to travelers and self-exploration. It also influenced me in the writing aspect as
it helped me to delve into creative expression and journaling.
The House
on Mango

A collection of vignettes telling the story of a girl ,Esperanza Cordero, living in Chicago
navigating the world .
Reflection House on Mango Street
This novel became a part of my life my sophomore year of high school through my english teacher
at the time. It was something that I did not pay much attention to at the time, but as I got older
and went through life, I realized the impact that this novel had made on me. It showed me a
glimpse into others lives especially those of color. THis book was a glimpse into the culture of that
which I had never experienced and the lessons that I learned from this story I carry today. This
taught me to be open to learning about others stories and to talk about my own experiences. My
identity of being a storyteller and an avid learner about others was heavily influenced due to this

A romance triangle movie series between Bella a

human girl, Edward, a vampire, and Jacob, a
werewolf, navigating through challenges and
Reflection: Twilight
This movie series became a part of my life in my middle school years into my later high school years.
It was first introduced to me through a cousin and then became a hyperfixation of mine later on in
high school.
This movies nurtured my social consciousness as I became aware of others judgement or classification
based on the type of movie or genre they were into. It seemed that what you liked define you as a
person and though it is a piece of you, it isn’t you completely.I became aware of what it was like to
be deemed a certain characteristic due to my liking of this series and how that changed certain
My identity was changed due to this movie. I became more of a feminist because of it. There is a
classification labeling women who like movies like this and deem them as obsessive and crazy when
men also act this way towards movie series that are more targeted towards the male gender. It is
fight/argument that fights also naming women as crazy or extreme when they are passionate
about something.

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