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A citadel of research consulting services that encompass; data collection, data

mining and screening, data analysis, training and workshops on research &
data analysis, proofreading, formatting and editing, web design & other IT
Contact: +2348060841449

Date: - January 4th, 2023


Kadams Chavala Allen,

Dear Mrs,

Schedule of Costs for Data Collection, Analysis, and Chapter Five of your M.Sc. Research Work

We at AIMOKAN Consult have carefully analysed the costs implication of your research work in
regards to chapter four (4) and five (5), which includes; data sourcing, data extraction and mining,
data cleaning, data analysis, presentation of results in APA format, interpretation of results, and
chapter five. The breakdown and summation of the costs involve is presented in the below table.

S/N Description Sub-item Cost per item Total Cost of

(item) N Items
1. Data Collection: Data sourcing: (financial
reports of 10 sampled firms 400 36,000
for 9 years) = 90 financial
Data Extraction and Mining:
extracting values and figures 40 28,800
from the annual reports
based on the study variables
(8 variables x 90 financial
reports = 720 items)
2. Data Analysis For in Accounting or
Banking & Finance, or 35,000 35,000
3. Interpreting of Presentation and discussion
Results of results 30,000 30,000

4. Chapter 5 Summary, Conclusion, and 15,000 15,000

TOTAL - - 144,800

Note that you can choose any among the above service, and we are ready to serve you. Moreover,
you may wish to collect the data yourself and give us the data to analyzed for you. Also, you can
analyze the data and ask us to interpret for you.

Thank you very much in anticipation for the opportunity serve you.


M. M. Kakanda, PhD.

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