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Field Report # 4:

Emma M.

Tarrant County College

The required field experience was conducted in Northwest Independence School District, at

Lakeview Elementary School located in Trophy Club, Texas. I observed Mrs. Nix, who is a

second grade all subjects teacher.

Physical Space

Mrs. Nix had a wonderful classroom. When you walk into her room you can feel the love. She

has storage at the back of her room with I believe there were lockers back there as well. On the

left of the room there were cabinets with different supplies in them. On the cabinets there was the

word wall, as well as some anchor charts. The student's desks were in the middle o the room

grouped into groups of three to five. As you look to the right there is the classroom library. Also

along that wall were more anchor charts. At the front of the classroom there was a whiteboard

and a television screen projector. On the very far right of the front was Mrs. Nix’s desk. The

room had natural light, lamps and had some of the lights covered with fabric to make it not seem

so bright.

Students Activities

When I got to Mrs. Nix’s classroom it was the beginning of the day. They did many activities

while I was there that day. First, they started working on their computers; they were working on

either Imagine Math or Imagine Literacy, by doing those lessons on the computer they were

catching up lessons from the week that they needed to finish. Next activity I was there for they

did a math lessons. They got out their Stepping Stones work book to begin the lesson. Mrs. Nix

began to explain the topic they were about to be working on. The first math lesson was about

numbers in the hundreds place. The next lesson in math was about three digit numbers. With

both the math lessons she would explain and give examples then she would let them work on

their own, while checking in every so often. The students during these lessons were working
alone most of the time, except for when Mrs. Nix would show examples, and would let them ask

questions. I could tell that most of the students were engaged in the math lessons.

Classroom Management

Mrs. Nix has great classroom management with her students. Mrs. Nix has a reward system put

in place. I believe the plan was put in place with a classroom rules and guidelines put in place

and made by both Mrs. Nix and her students. Mrs. Nix would give out points through Classroom

Dojo. Some examples students got points were, being on task when asked, going above and

beyond when in the halls and with other teacher, and doing something without being asked. I

also saw her take points away from students for bad behavior. When students are nt on task Mrs.

Nix politely gives them reminders of how they should behave, then she was take away Class

Dojo points if it continues, and the last resort is to call home if the misbehaving has not stopped.

Classroom Interpretations

Mrs. Nix has a great classroom atmosphere. Her classroom feels very home like and very

welcoming to everyone and anyone. Along with Mrs. Nix classroom to have a great atmosphere,

she seems to make all her students feel loved and cared for, even on their bad days. In Mrs, Nix

classroom her students seemed to have a great relationship with one another. The students are

always nice to one another and very helpful to their peers. Mrs. Nix students are respectful to

each other and any adult that comes to help in their classroom. Mrs. Nix has a great relationship

with her students. My overall impression after observing Mrs. Nix is that every grade level is

completely different, but the teachers are the ones who make the classroom special. As well as

making the students feel like they are truly special. I believe this observation lead to me figuring

out what grade level I want to work with eventually. The most important concept I took away

from my observations is that you do not have to know everything your teaching your students,
but you have to be willing to put in the time and effort to be a good teacher. You do not just

teach them the basics you also teach the students life skills, how to deal with their emotions, and

so much more. I believe as a teacher you play many roles in the students life's, you are not just a

teacher to your students you are more.

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