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You are a cyber security manager, and your task is to identify if the
password entered by the user is strong or not. The basic rule to check
the password strength is it should have at least 8 characters, and
contain at least one each of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits,
and special characters (any character that is not a letter or digit).
Write a function checkpass(password) that takes a string argument
password and return True if it fits the criteria for a strong password
and False if not.

(a) Example 1:
• Argument: '12345678'
• Returns: False
(b) Example 2:
• Argument: 'Hello@123'
• Returns: True

2. Ankit, a teaching assistant in data science, has been frequently taking

leave in the past few weeks. His supervisor, who is is concerned that
he might have exceeded his quota of paid leaves. To investigate this,
the supervisor analyzed Ankit’s attendance for the last two weeks,
consisting of five working days every week. The attendance register
indicated ‘P’ for present and ‘A’ for absent. Ankit faces suspension
if his attendance falls below 70%. Your task is to write a function
attendance(record) that takes Ankit’s attendance record as a string
argument and determines whether he could be suspended or not. The
function argument is a string containing the attendance in the form of
’P’ or ’A’ separated by a single space. Return value should be a 2-tuple
whose first element is the string 'suspended' if he has less than 70%
attendance, and 'not suspended' if his attendance is 70% or above.
The second element should be the percentage of his attendance as a
fraction (0.7 for 70%).

(a) Example 1
• Argument: 'P P A A A P A P A A'
• Returns: ('suspended', 0.4)
(b) Example 2
• Argument: 'P P P A P P A P A P'
• Returns: ('not suspended', 0.7)

3. Ankit is always fascinated by the number 2. He always wants to know
who came second in a race, the second person to set foot on the moon
and so on. If Ankit is provided with a list of numbers and asked
to find the maximum, he reports the second highest number as the
maximum because according to him, 2 is higher than 1. Let us con-
sider Ankit becoming the instructor of a data science course. Write
a function ankit_max(marks_dict) for that returns the name of the
highest scorer in his class according to Ankit. It should take a dict of
the form {Name1: marks1, Name2: marks2, ...}, where the keys
Name1, Name2, ... identify students, and marks1, marks2, ...
are their respective marks as numbers. If there is no second high-
est, the function should return None.

(a) Example 1
• Argument: {'Alok': 10, 'Bikash': 24, 'Chandan': 26,
'Dali': 28, 'Eli': 30}
• Returns: 'Dali'
(b) Example 2
• Argument: {'Xavier': 25, 'Ibrahim': 25, 'Yatin': 25,
'Sami': 25, 'Takahashi': 25}
• Returns: None

4. Write a function multiple_of_3(number) which takes an integer number

to check if it is divisible by 3, without using the modulo or division
operator. Instead, use the fact that any number is divisible by 3 if the
sum of its digits is divisible by 3. Consider 0 as divisible by 3.

(a) Example 1
• Argument: 123
• Returns: True
(b) Example 2
• Argument: 124
• Returns: False

5. Write a function deduplicate(arg) that takes a string arg as pa-

rameter and returns another string after removing all the adjacent
repeated characters in arg.

(a) Example 1

• Argument: 'poonam'
• Returns: 'ponam'
(b) Example 2
• Argument: 'suruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur'
• Returns: 'surur'
(c) Example 3
• Argument: 'blahblahblah'
• Returns: 'blahblahblah

6. Now ask a large language model (LLM, like ChatGPT, BARD, etc.)
for solution to each of these problems. At the bottom of your script file,
write a multiline docstring comparing its result with yours. Mention
which LLM you used.

I queried ChatGPT for solution to these problems.

ChatGPT always documented the generated code nicely with

,→ docstrings as well as comments.

Problem 1:

Problem 4: I used a recursive approach where as ChatGPT

,→ gave a nonrecursive solution.


For problem 5 ChatGPT gave an answer that fails for ...


7. Submit your script on codePost. The file must be named


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