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Question 1

The nurses will act both as health educator and health care provider. Their Services will be
compensated no less than _______per visit by the local government unit (LGU), PhilHealth,
health maintenance organizations (HMOs),


Question 2

Fitz is Roma's co-worker as a Community Health Nurse. Which of the following is the
general duty of Fitz?

Provides nursing care to the community

Question 3

When a person needs his/her promotion or appointment papers signed, when following up
documents or when in need of certifications.


Question 4

Entrepreneurs create __________________ for themselves and others.


Question 5

This indigenous Filipino trait is the regard for the dignity of others and being with them.


Question 6

What principles of community development if there is a gathering of people and

organizations together to have a stronger voice?

Empowerment / Collective action

Question 7

The following are the purpose of a business plan. Select TRUE or FALSE.

To document your financial activity for one year


States the purpose and your vision


Guides you on the amount of money you need to run the business


For legal papers only


Question 8

Diseases that are always present in a community, usually at a low, more or less constant,
frequency are classified as having an __________ pattern.


Question 9

The following are considered Societal Values. Point the exception.


Question 10

Which trait or characteristic would describe a successful entrepreneur?

Self Starter
Question 11

​Which is the primary goal of community health nursing?

To enhance the capacity of individuals, families and communities to cope with their health

Question 12

As a nurse, you organize community groups to participate in your program?

Let people decide for themselves

Question 13

Successful entrepreneurs need math skills so they can create budgets.


Question 14

The public health nurse is responsible for presenting the municipal health statistics using
graphs and tables. To compare the frequency of the leading causes of mortality in the
municipality, which graph will you prepare?


Question 15

Family knit is a very common attitude of a Filipino people


Question 16

Entrepreneurs do not need "people skills" to be successful.

Question 17

A target market is

a group of consumers at which a product/service is aimed

Question 18

It is a community development approach that allows the community to systematically

analyze their conditions, plan solutions, implement and evaluate projects while utilizing the
community development process.


Question 19

CHN is a community-based practice. Which best explains this statement?

The services are based on the available resources within the community.

The nurse has to conduct community diagnosis to determine nursing needs and problems.

Question 20

Nurse Che develops the family’s capability to take care of the sick, disabled, or dependent
member. Identify the role of the CH-Nurse.

Provider of Nursing Care

Question 21

In the Philippines, advertisements of milk formulas for infants and young children are
followed by the reminder “Breastfeeding is best for babies up to two years”. In the Health
Belief Model,this reminder is an example of

Cues to action

Question 22

What is an entrepreneur?

A person who organizes and operates a business or businesses.

Question 23

Nurse Louie motivatesand enhances community participation in terms of planning,

organizing,implementing, and evaluating health services. Nurse Louie is doing what role of


Question 24

A poor person who is a kind and honest person and respects the dignity of hard work has a
lot of:


Question 25

Identify the proponent of the following Filipino values

whatever is actually likes, prized, esteemed, desired, approved or enjoyed by anyone at any


Question 26

it is the actual experience of enjoying a desired objector activity.Hence,values existing

realization of desire


Question 27

Pamantayan is the appropriate model for understanding the Filipino traditional value

=> Landa F. Jocano

An entrepreneur is someone who works for themselves.

=> True
Question 27

Information campaigns during the entry phase can be done through a house-to-house visit.
While doing this activity, Ms. Sarah Nabati asked you where can be the BEST place for her
to give birth. Your best nursing response is:


All of the above are possible options


Question 28

Community-focused nursing practice requires which of the following processes?

Community diagnosis

Question 29

Is a common expression among Filipinos which rests on the fatalistic outlook and strong
dependence on spirits:

Bahala na

Question 30

Which of the following Filipino Values is considered as an ingredient in why Filipinos

overspend during fiestas in order to please their visitors, even to the extent of going into


Question 31

Which trait is not part of the attitude of an Entrepreneur?

risk avoidance
Question 32

The process of creating something new that makes life better is called...


Question 33

Provides a good example of healthful living to the members of the community. Identify the
specific role of the CH-Nurse

Role Model

Question 34

The following ways are the most effective to advertise your business or product.

Support Media


Broadcast Media


The Internet


within the community


Question 35

Entrepreneurs tend to be people with positive attitudes.

Response: True

Question 36

Which of the following statements is true concerning epidemic diseases?

They usually appear and disappear seasonally.

Question 37

Which among the following is/are true about the population pyramid?

High fertility and high mortality among the elderly is depicted by a triangular-

shaped pyramid

Question 38

Instead of seeing problems, a successful entrepreneur usually sees opportunities.


Question 39

Refers to the way of life of Filipinos to be recognizedor acknowledged by their fellow men
and social groups.


Question 40

Conductspre and post-consultation conferences for clinic clients; acts as a resourcespeaker

on health and health-related services. Therefore, Nurse Roma is performing what role of a


Question 41

The act of assuming the risk of organizing productive resources to produce goods and


Question 42

Filipinos often use euphemism in language because they value and maintain which of the

Question 43

What would you tell a mother who refuses to immunize her baby?

“Vaccines will prevent diseases.”

Question 44

Nurse Fitz maintains adequate, accurate, and complete recording and reporting. Identify the
role of Nurse Fitz.


Question 45

Village Health Volunteers (VHVs) serves as the backbone of community-based public health.
In one village there should be at least how many VHV?


3 (nakita ko sa google, 1 pero hindi sure)

Score: 0 out of 1 No

Question 46

Which of the following is not among the criteria of choosing a community for the purpose of

Convenience of the community organizer and institution

Question 47

It is basically a human creation. That culture is created and developed by human beings. →
Culture is learned

Question 48

No one person knows the entire culture. This means that it could be impossible for a person
to acquire total experience and knowledge of the whole group or society. → Damayan


Question 49

An evaluation done after project implementation.

Summative evaluation

Question 50

It is the type of evaluation done during the process of implantation to allow for revisions or
modifications in the project

Formative evaluation

Question 51

ALL entrepreneurs have a college degree.


Question 52

How do many people become millionaires?

All of the above

Question 53

When epidemiologists judge the evidence to establish possible causes of a health outcome,
they consider

All of the options given.

Question 54

Entrep Nurse is a project initiated by the________________ to facilitate nurse

entrepreneurship by giving opportunities to unemployed licensed nurses to create
cooperatives servicing

Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)

Question 55

In a mothers’ class, the nurse gives instructions on the immunization program. Some
mothers remark that the immunization schedule at the health center conflicts with their
working hours.Based on the Health Belief Model, the nurse recognizes that the mothers’
statement indicates

perceived barriers

Question 56

An epidemic that becomes unusually widespread and even global in its reach is referred to
as a _______________ .


Question 57

To encourage community participation, which of the following should a nurse do?

Listen when people relate their problems

Question 58

The predisposition to indirectness of Filipino communication would most likely be due to?


Question 59

What factor contributes to the effectiveness of care to your clients as a CH nurse?

Respect of customs beliefs and values of clients

Question 60

All are positive factors that could affect eHealth in the country except:

The country’s archipelagic distribution

Question 61

The following must be the characteristic of a successful entrepreneur





Takes very little risk




Question 62

The community health nurse deals with several levels of clientele. Still, the family is the
basicunit of care in community health practice because

the health of people is strongly influenced by the family situation.

Question 63

Many of the students at the boarding school, including 6 just coming down with varicella,
went home during the Thanksgiving break. About 2 weeks later, 4 siblings of these 6
students (out of a total of 10 siblings) developed varicella. The secondary attack rate among
siblings was, therefore,:

4 ⁄ 10
Question 64

What principles of community development if working and learning together to help increase
understanding and empathy is visible in the community?

Shared experience

Question 65

A new or different product is can be considered as?




Question 66

Which of the following is false about the public health surveillance system?

It covers all diseases, whether communicable or non-communicable

Question 67

Which of the following scenarios do not show proper record management?

Nurse Aldin logs-in to the electronic medical record using Nurse Adrian’s account

Question 68

Public health services are provided by government facilities. What is the most
appropriateresponse of a public health nurse to the statement, “The government should give
these servicesfree of charge to citizens”?

“Many public health services seem like they are given free. But we pay for them just
thesame through our taxes”.

Question 69

Which is a common characteristic of an entrepreneur?

all of the above

Question 70

The following are sources of data and information, except:


Question 71

The following identified factors may be the reasons for startup entrepreneurs to typically fail.

Run out of cash


Poor marketing


No business model/plan or concrete plan


Market demand


Score: 2 out of 4

Question 72

During the entry phase, one major activity is the provision of basic health services. The
nurse must focus on:

Promoting health & preventing illness

Question 73

What does O in FOSS stand for?

Question 74

Most entrepreneurs work long hours, but they create their own schedule.


Question 75

Which of the following scenarios show unethical use of a patient record?

Nurse Abi photocopies the patient’s records for their group’s case presentation

Question 76

Community health nursing is population-focused. Which of the following situations best

illustrates this feature?

The nurse organizes the community to enable it to deal with a particular health problem.



SIGE hahahahah

Question 77

Epidemiologists are interested in learning about

the causes of diseases and how to cure or control them

All the above

Question 78

The Health Belief Model is directed towards modifying individual health behavior bymodifying
health beliefs through health education. On the other hand, Milio’s framework forprevention
is focused on

bringing about changes in a society’s capacity to provide an environment supportive of

healthy choices of individuals.
Question 79

Which of the following would be MOST likely true about the concept of Hiya in Filipino

the uncomfortable feeling that accompanies awareness of being in a socially unacceptable


Question 80

The entrepreneurial mindset is a blend of characteristics, attitudes, and skills that only
people born with certain aptitudes can develop


Question 81

A group of nursing students is conducting a study on the correlation of mothers’ level of

knowledge about the immunization program for infants and their compliance to the schedule
of immunization. Which theory is best suited to serve as the framework for this study?

Health Belief Model

Question 82

During the meeting, an employee just went along to the majority decision. This best reflects
which of the following?


Question 83

One of the ways to increase your entrepreneurial potential is to find a mentor.

Question 84

COPAR is different from traditional research in some aspects. If traditional research output
puts emphasis on the data and its analysis, COPAR’s emphasis ison:

the research process

Question 85

What principles of community development if the community demonstrates helping others to

develop and grow in confidence, career, life choices et.,?


Question 86

The EntrepreNurse Project was initiated by the Department of Labor and Employment to
improve access to health services and ease the unemployment of nurses in the country.
What Services may be offered by an EntrepreNurse cooperative?

1. Home health care

2. Hospice home care

3. Outsourced health services for LGUs

4. Annual physical assessment of employees

D. All of these

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