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Machine Learning Automated Detection of

Large Vessel Occlusion From Mobile Stroke Unit
Computed Tomography Angiography
Alexandra L. Czap, MD; Mersedeh Bahr-Hosseini, MD; Noopur Singh , MPH; Jose-Miguel Yamal, PhD;
May Nour, MD, PhD; Stephanie Parker, RN, MHA; Youngran Kim , PhD; Lucas Restrepo, MD; Rania Abdelkhaleq, MPH;
Sergio Salazar-Marioni, MD; Kenny Phan , BS; Ritvij Bowry , MD; Suja S. Rajan, PhD; James C. Grotta, MD;
Jeffrey L. Saver, MD; Luca Giancardo , PhD*; Sunil A. Sheth , MD*

BACKGROUND: Prehospital automated large vessel occlusion (LVO) detection in Mobile Stroke Units (MSUs) could accelerate
identification and treatment of patients with LVO acute ischemic stroke. Here, we evaluate the performance of a machine
learning (ML) model on CT angiograms (CTAs) obtained from 2 MSUs to detect LVO.

METHODS: Patients evaluated on MSUs in Houston and Los Angeles with out-of-hospital CTAs were identified. Anterior
circulation LVO was defined as an occlusion of the intracranial internal carotid artery, middle cerebral artery (M1 or M2),
or anterior cerebral artery vessels and determined by an expert human reader. A ML model to detect LVO was trained and
tested on independent data sets consisting of in-hospital CTAs and then tested on MSU CTA images. Model performance
was determined using area under the receiver-operator curve statistics.

RESULTS: Among 68 patients with out-of-hospital MSU CTAs, 40% had an LVO. The most common occlusion location
was the middle cerebral artery M1 segment (59%), followed by the internal carotid artery (30%), and middle cerebral
artery M2 (11%). Median time from last known well to CTA imaging was 88.0 (interquartile range, 59.5–196.0) minutes.
After training on 870 in-hospital CTAs, the ML model performed well in identifying LVO in a separate in-hospital data set
of 441 images with area under receiver-operator curve of 0.84 (95% CI, 0.80–0.87). ML algorithm analysis time was
under 1 minute. The performance of the ML model on the MSU CTA images was comparable with area under receiver-
operator curve 0.80 (95% CI, 0.71–0.89). There was no significant difference in performance between the Houston and
Los Angeles MSU CTA cohorts.

CONCLUSIONS: In this study of patients evaluated on MSUs in 2 cities, a ML algorithm was able to accurately and rapidly detect
LVO using prehospital CTA acquisitions.

GRAPHIC ABSTRACT: A graphic abstract is available for this article.

utomated detection of large vessel occlusion (LVO) tomography angiography (CTA). An automated and
acute ischemic stroke in the prehospital setting accurate algorithm to analyze CTA images for LVO could
could substantially accelerate treatment times for provide crucial decision support to prehospital triage
endovascular stroke therapy. Many Mobile Stroke Units decisions, allowing routing of patients with LVO directly
(MSUs) have the capability to perform both noncon- to thrombectomy-capable centers and faster postarrival
trast head computed tomography as well as computed door-to-puncture times.1–4 However, the performance

Correspondence to: Sunil A. Sheth, MD, 6431 Fannin St, MSB 7.210, Houston, TX 77030. Email
*L. Giancardo and S.A. Sheth contributed equally.
This article was sent to Kazunori Toyoda, Guest Editor, for review by expert referees, editorial decision, and final disposition.
Supplemental Material is available at
For Sources of Funding and Disclosures, see page 1655.
© 2021 American Heart Association, Inc.
Stroke is available at

Stroke. 2022;53:1651–1656. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.121.036091 May 2022   1651

Czap et al Machine Learning MSU CTA

the initial imaging study is a noncontrast head computed


Nonstandard Abbreviations and Acronyms tomography using a Ceretom 8 slice CT scanner. Patients
with suspicion of LVO based on clinical exam also undergo
CTA of the brain using an OptiStat hand injector system (4

AUC ROC area under the receiver-operator curve

mL/s). Patients evaluated from October 2017 through April
CTA computed tomography angiogram
2020 were included in this analysis.
IQR interquartile range From these 2 combined cohorts, patients were included in
IV tPA intravenous tissue-type plasminogen this analysis if they underwent CTA in the field on the MSU.
activator Patients were excluded if image quality precluded expert
LVO large vessel occlusion reader determination of LVO (see below).
ML machine learning
MSU Mobile Stroke Unit Study Design
DeepSymNet-v2 LVO Detection
of such algorithms on MSU images, which can be of DeepSymNet-v2 is a ML algorithm based on a 3-dimensional
variable quality compared with conventional in-hospital convolutional neural network that leverages symmetry infor-
mation in the brain hemispheres to efficiently learn imaging
acquisitions and are typically performed earlier after
patterns predictive of stroke-related outcomes. In our previ-
onset, remains undetermined. ous works, we described the first iteration of the algorithm,
We previously developed a machine learning (ML) DeepSymNet that was used to detect LVO,6 estimate infarct
algorithm to identify LVO from CTA images, which dem- core,5 and detect hemorrhagic stroke.7 In this work, we employ
onstrated exceptional performance using in-hospital an updated version, DeepSymNet-v2, that includes improve-
conventional CTA acquisitions.5 The algorithm leverages ments in the preprocessing steps and network architecture.
brain symmetry information to make decisions on out- Briefly, the image registration pipeline was streamlined by
come variables. In this study, we explore the hypothesis including a CTA-specific template, a multi-resolution pipeline
that an ML algorithm trained and validated on in-hospital and automatic field of view selection of the anterior circulation.
CTA images will have suitable performance in LVO detec- Then, network architecture was improved by using a symmetri-
tion using CTA images acquired in the field from multiple cal and nonsymmetrical path, reduced the number of param-
eters by using more efficient building blocks, skip connections,8
MSUs in 2 different cities.
and batch normalization.9 The entire DeepSymNet-v2 pipeline
was run using a single 2.5GHz computing core and a Tesla
V100 Nvidia GPU.
METHODS DeepSymNet-v2 was trained and tested on an indepen-
dent data set of inpatient-acquired CTA scans. The training
Data Availability data set consisted of 870 CTA (n=419 with LVO and n=451
The data that support the findings of this study are available without LVO) images. All images were acquired from in-hos-
from the corresponding author upon reasonable request, after pital Siemens and General Electric scanners from 4 differ-
clearance by the local ethics committee. Ethics approval was ent sites, with the LVO determination was based on radiology
obtained from the local UTHealth Institutional Review Board, and reports. The model was then tested on a separate testing
the need for patient consent was waived (HSC-MS-18-0175). data set of 441 (n=121 with LVO and n=320 without LVO)
A data transfer agreement between the 2 institutions (UCLA in-hospital CTAs. The performance of DeepSymNet-v2 on
and UTHealth) was obtained before study conduct. this in-hospital data set was then reported using area under
the receiver-operator curve (AUC ROC) statistics. Then, with-
Study Population out any further re-training or parameter tuning, the network
The patient population in this study was derived from 2 pro- was then tested on a data set of CTA images acquired on
spectively collected MSU cohorts. The first cohort consisted of the 2 MSUs.
patients treated in the Houston-based MSU. This MSU evalu- Reporting guideline of clinical artificial intelligence mod-
ates patients suspected of acute ischemic stroke within 4.5 eling research is provided using the MI-CLAIM checklist10
hours of last known normal. Patients are evaluated initially with (Table S1).
noncontrast head computed tomography, and eligible patients Primary Outcome
are treated on scene with IV tPA (intravenous tissue-type plas- The primary outcome of the study was the performance of
minogen activator). On-board CTA is obtained immediately DeepSymNet at predicting anterior circulation LVO. This out-
after the start of the tPA infusion in patients using a Ceretom come was measured by the area under the ROC curve statis-
8 slice CT scanner with an OptiStat hand injector system (4 tic. The output of the DeepSymNet-v2 model is a probability
mL/s). All imaging occurred on scene while the ambulance was of likelihood of LVO, and this probability was then compared
flat and stationary following strict radiation safety guidelines. against the gold standard of expert reader interpretation of LVO
Patients evaluated from October 2017 through March 2020 in (binary yes/no) and analyzed using ROC analysis.
the Houston MSU were included in this analysis.
Patients were also included in this analysis from the Los LVO Determination
Angeles-based MSU. This MSU evaluates patients for any The determination of LVO was made by independent review
focal neurological symptoms within 24 hours of onset, and of all the MSU CTA imaging by a single vascular and

1652   May 2022 Stroke. 2022;53:1651–1656. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.121.036091

Czap et al Machine Learning MSU CTA

interventional neurologist with significant experience in neu- RESULTS


roimaging reads (Dr Sheth). The reader was blinded to the
DeepSymNet-v2 LVO predictions. Patients were included if Among 78 patients with CTAs performed on MSUs, 68
they harbored an occlusion of the anterior circulation, includ- had adequate imaging quality and met inclusion criteria

ing the internal carotid artery, middle cerebral artery (M1 or for the study. Among all patients, median age was 73.9
M2), and anterior cerebral artery. Our cohort was limited to (interquartile range, 62.4–82.2) years, and 48.7% were
anterior circulation occlusions to be consistent with the indi- female. The most common vascular risk factors were
cations for guideline-based thrombectomy, as well as other hypertension (74.4%), diabetes (29.5%), and hyperlip-
LVO-detection algorithms, which are indicated for use only idemia (29.5%). Median time from last known well to
for anterior circulation. Patients were excluded if the imag-
CTA acquisition was 86.5 (interquartile range, 56.5–
ing quality was insufficient for the expert reader to make
187.8) minutes. Among the 68 patients, 27 (40%)
a determination of the presence/absence of LVO. Studies
were also excluded if image preprocessing for the ML algo- patients harbored LVO. 65% received IV tPA. The most
rithm including registration and bone-stripping could not common occlusion location was the middle cerebral
be performed. A total of 9 studies were excluded for poor artery M1 (59%), followed by internal carotid artery
contrast bolus or timing, and 1 study was excluded due to (30%) and middle cerebral artery M2 (11%). Demo-
significant artifact from large metallic implant. graphics and clinical characteristics are detailed in the
Table. The only parameter different among the groups
Statistical Analysis was greater National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale
For the description of the characteristics of the study population, in patients with LVO.
percentages are reported for categorical variables, and medi-
ans (interquartile range) for continuous variables. The Fisher
exact test and Mann-Whitney U test were used to compare Inpatient CTA Performance
categorical and continuous variables between patient groups,
After training on a data set of 870 in-hospital acquired
respectively. ML model performance was evaluated using area
under the ROC statistics. All statistical tests were 2-sided, and CTAs as described above, DeepSymNet-v2 was then
conventional levels of significance (α=0.05) were used for tested on an independent data set of 441 in-hospi-
interpretation. Stata 14 (StataCorp LLC, College Station, TX) tal CTAs. DeepSymNet-v2 achieved an AUC of 0.84
and Prism 7 (GraphPad, La Jolla, CA) software were used for (95% CI, 0.80–0.87) for identifying LVO, as shown in
data analysis. Figure S1.

Table. Demographics and Clinical Characteristics for Combined Mobile Stroke Unit Sites

Characteristic Al, N=68 LVO, N=27 Non-LVO, N=41 P value

Age, median (IQR) 73.2 (62.5–82.1) 79.0 (63.7 83.9) 71.8 (62.3–79.5) 0.27
Female, N (%) 35 (51.5) 13 (48.1) 22 (53.7) 0.84
Past medical history, N (%)
Prior stroke 20 (29.4) 9 (33.3) 11 (26.8) 0.87
Atrial fibrillation 12 (17.6) 5 (18.5) 7 (17.1) >0.99

Coronary artery disease/myocardial disease 10 (14.7) 4 (14.8) 6 (14.6) >0.99

Diabetes 21 (30.9) 8 (29.6) 13 (31.7) >0.99

Hyperlipidemia 19 (27.9) 7 (25.9) 12 (29.3) 0.87

Hypertension 50 (73.5) 17 (63.0) 33 (80.5) 0.19
Smoking 9 (13.2) 5 (18.5) 4 (9.8) 0.57
Initial NIHSS, median (IQR) 10.0 (6.5–17.5) 17.5 (10.0–23.0) 7.0 (5.0–12.0) <0.01

Receipt of IV tPA, N (%) 44 (64.7) 18 (66.7) 26 (63.4) 0.99

Occlusion location, N (%) <0.01

ICA 8 (11.8) 8 (29.6) 0 (0.0)

MCA M1 16 (23.5) 16 (59.3) 0 (0.0)
MCA M2 3 (4.4) 3 (11.1) 0 (0.0)
No LVO 41 (60.3) 0 (0.0) 41 (100.0)
Imaging acquisition, median (IQR), min
LKW to CTA 88.0 (59.5–196.0) 88.0 (65.5–177.5) 88.0 (55.0–208.0) 0.88

CTA indicates computed tomography angiography; ICA, internal carotid artery; IQR, interquartile range; IV-tPA, intravenous tissue-
type plasminogen activator; LKW, last known well; LVO, large vessel occlusion; MCA, middle cerebral artery; and NIHSS, National
Institutes of Health Stroke Scale.

Stroke. 2022;53:1651–1656. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.121.036091 May 2022   1653

Czap et al Machine Learning MSU CTA

MSU CTA Performance to angiography suites, and avoid interhospital transfer. In


addition, prior studies have shown that patients that are

Representative noncontrast CT and CTA images of
brought to Comprehensive Stroke Centers have shorter
a patient with a left middle cerebral artery occlusion

hospital arrival to treatment times when an LVO has been

acquired in the MSU are shown in Figure 1. The perfor-
identified in an MSU.3 Moving forward, non-CT based
mance of DeepSymNet-v2 at identifying LVO in MSU-
diagnostic testing may broaden the generalizability of
based CTAs is shown in Figure 2, with area under the
such approaches.12
ROC curve of 0.80 (95% CI, 0.71–0.89). ML algorithm
One of the challenges with MSU image analyses has
running time was <1 minute per imaging study. Sensi-
been image acquisition and quality. As such, the perfor-
tivity and specificity results at different DeepSymNet-v2
mance of LVO-detection algorithms on MSU images is
probability thresholds are given in Table S2. There was
unknown. In this study, the performance of our Deep-
no significant difference between the DeepSymNet-v2
SymNet-v2 algorithm is comparable to performances of
performance in the Houston and Los Angeles-based
several commercially available software packages using
cohorts (AUC, 0.85 [95% CI, 0.73–0.94] versus 0.75
in-hospital images (Vizai AUC 0.86, Rapid AUC 0.85,
[95% CI, 0.52–0.89]; P=0.44 with DeLong test for
MeThinks 0.87).13,14 The performance reported by com-
unpaired ROC curves; Figure S2).
mercial packages and DeepSymNetv2 have not been
tested head-to-head on the same data set, and thus
all direct comparisons should be taken with care. While
DISCUSSION there remains room for improvement in MSU-CTA LVO
In this study of imaging data from 2 MSUs, an ML algo- detection, our findings here demonstrating that evalu-
rithm trained on in-hospital CTA acquisitions was able ating an algorithm trained purely on an external data
to detect the presence of anterior circulation LVO using set of in-hospital CTA performed relatively well on MSU
MSU-acquired images in an accurate, automated, and images suggest that further improvement of LVO detec-
rapid fashion. The performance was comparable between tion software on in-hospitals scanners will also improve
2 different scanners in the 2 MSUs studied, and com- MSU detection. This approach, of training on in-hospital
parable to the performance achieved using in-hospital CTAs to improve MSU CTA analysis performance, may
scanners. These findings suggest that automated LVO be beneficial as imaging data sets of MSU CTAs will
detection in MSUs can be achieved using ML algorithms be substantially smaller than in-hospital CTA data sets,
trained primarily on in-hospital acquisitions. limiting the capacity for ML algorithms to learn off of
LVO detection in the prehospital setting could pro- MSU CTAs alone.
vide a significant reduction in treatment times for these An additional challenge with MSU CTA analyses
patients. It is well known that the largest period of time is that imaging acquisitions typically occur substan-
lost in onset to treatment time for patients with LVO is tially sooner after last known well than with in-hos-
the prehospital setting, especially when patients are pital imaging. As a result, MSU scans are likely to be
first brought to a nonthrombectomy center and require evaluating patients with smaller clot burdens in whom
secondary transfer to a thrombectomy center.11 LVO thrombus growth in stagnant arterial segments has not
detection could allow for accurate triage with direct to yet occurred and may be evaluating patients with bet-
comprehensive stroke center delivery, potentially direct ter collaterals before collateral failure occurs.15,16 The

Figure 1. Representative computed tomography (CT) images from Mobile Stroke Unit.
Ceretom 8 slice CT images acquired in an out-of-hospital setting on mobile stroke unit of a patient with left middle cerebral artery (MCA)
occlusion. Noncontrast head CT (A), and CTA slices (B and C) are shown. Arrow points to location of the MCA M1 occlusion.

1654   May 2022 Stroke. 2022;53:1651–1656. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.121.036091

Czap et al Machine Learning MSU CTA

Department of Biostatistics and Data Science, School of Public Health, Univer-


sity of Texas Health Sciences Center at Houston (N.S., J.-M.Y.). Clinical Innova-
tion and Research Institute, Memorial Hermann Hospial Texas Medical Center,
Houston (J.C.G.). Department of Management, Policy and Community Health,

School of Public Health, University of Texas Health Sciences Center at Houston
(S.S.R.). Center for Precision Health, UTHealth School of Biomedical Informatics,
UTHealth McGovern Medical School, Houston, TX (L.G.).

Sources of Funding
This study was supported in part by American Academy of Neurology Interven-
tional Neurology Career Development Award (PI: Sheth), National Institutes of
Health (1R01NS121154-01) and Patient Centered Outcomes Research Insti-
tute (PCORI R-1511–33024).

Dr Czap reports a grant from National Institutes of Health (NIH) during the con-
duct of the study. Dr Sheth reports consulting fees Penumbra and Cerenovus
outside of the submitted work and research grants from the NIH outside of the
submitted work. Dr Giancardo reports research grants from the Translational
Research Institute through The National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) Cooperative Agreement NNX16AO69A. Dr Grotta reports research
grant support from Genentech, CSL Behring, NIH, PCORI and serves as a Con-
sultant/Advisory Board member at Frazer Ltd. Dr Saver reports consulting fees
outside of the submitted work, for service on clinical trial steering committees
advising on rigorous trial design and conduct, from Medtronic, Stryker, Cerenovus,
BrainsGate, Boehringer Ingelheim (prevention only), and Rapid Medical. The other
Figure 2. DeepSymNet-v2 performance for large vessel authors report no conflicts.
occlusion (LVO) detection from Mobile Stroke Unit computed
tomography angiography (CTA). Supplemental Material
Receiver-operator curve (ROC) with 95% CIs. AUC indicates area Tables S1–S2
under the curve. Figures S1–S2

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