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Young people are continuously exposed to a wide range of influences and information in the
digital era. Exposure to advertising and the sharing and receiving of information through
various internet platforms are two significant areas of influence in their life. This essay will
examine which sector has a bigger influence on youth and is more important in developing
their opinions and actions, even if both have advantages and disadvantages.

Nowadays, being exposed to advertisements has become normal. Advertisements are

constantly shown at young people through a variety of media platforms, including social media
and television. Advertisers use persuasion to manipulate the decisions of their target audience.
Young people's self-esteem, financial decisions, and general well-being can be negatively
impacted by this continuous exposure, which can result in materialism, unrealistic beauty
standards, and impulse buying.

Sharing information and receiving it, particularly on social media, has a significant impact on
young people. The digital era has altered the spread of information, facilitating people's ability
to express their thoughts, beliefs, and principles to people around the world. Online
information, whether it is news, social commentary, or educational content, frequently shapes
the identities and views of young people. Their viewpoints on important problems can be
shaped by this process, which can also increase empathy and motivate societal change.

While sharing and receiving information and being exposed to advertisements both have a big
influence on young people, the last one has a bigger and more lasting effect. While advertising
mostly affects consumer behaviour, the power of shared knowledge may inspire social
movements, promote critical thinking, and transform worldviews. Since they can actively filter
and interact with shared information, young people may use it as a more empowering and
influential force in their life. As a result, in the digital era, information exchange and reception
seem to have the most influence on young people's growth and ability to make decisions.

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