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c o m p u t e r m e t h o d s a n d p r o g r a m s i n b i o m e d i c i n e 9 7 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 28–38

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Development of a comprehensive medical

recorder on a cellphone

Akihiro Takeuchi a,∗ , Noritaka Mamorita b , Fumihiko Sakai c , Noriaki Ikeda a

a Department of Medical Informatics, School of Allied Health Sciences, Kitasato University, 1-15-1 Kitasato, Sagamihara, Kanagawa
228-8555, Japan
b Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kitasato University, 1-15-1 Kitasato, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 228-8555, Japan
c Department of Internal Medicine, Kitasato University School of Medicine, 1-15-1 Kitasato, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 228-8555, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Paper medical diaries have effectively been used in chronic diseases for self-management
Received 11 September 2008 without information and communication technology for many cases. To facilitate self-
Received in revised form control in chronic diseases, and observe one’s own condition objectively and continuously,
16 January 2009 we developed a cellphone-based medical recorder (MedData) for patients with chronic dis-
Accepted 19 May 2009 eases. The MedData is based on the Java2 Micro Edition and DoJa-3.5 (NTT DoCoMo, Inc.),
and it runs like a scheduler with a calendar, diary, and data entry canvas. The MedData
Keywords: stores laboratory data, such as blood pressure, BUN (blood urea nitrogen), creatinine, Hb
Cellphone A1c (glycosylated hemoglobin), and other pertinent comments, into a cellphone memory.
Java2 Detailed graphic displays of the data are automatically visualized. The MedData can cus-
Medical records tomize recording events, items, prescriptions, and graphics all on the cellphone. These can
Medical diary then be transferred via an infrared port between a cellphone and a PC.
Infrared transmission © 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction is no formal format, the American Diabetes Association has

recommended a self-monitoring of blood glucose and record
A medical diary is intended as an aid for patients, as a keeping with doses of insulin three or more times daily for
reminder to collect useful data regarding their chronic dis- most patients with type 1 diabetes [6–8]. For chronic headache,
eases, and as a bridge between a patient and the specialized several diaries have been specially developed for each type of
care services [1]. The most well known of such diaries is event [9,10]. A diagnostic headache diary is to prospectively
the Booklet of Mother and Child Health, which has been pro- record headache attacks and medicine consumption [11]. A
vided to every pregnant mother in Japan since 1942 and is structured migraine diary can be a valuable aid in improving
used to record a mother’s and her child’s history from preg- communication between physicians and patients regarding
nancy to school entrance [2]. For an asthma patient, a daily migraine disability and treatment outcomes [12].
diary and a periodic self-assessment form are recommended Information and communication technologies (ICT) have
[3]. The daily diary includes respiratory symptoms, and/or developed rapidly over the last few decades. The Inter-
peak flow, medication use, and restrictive activity [3–5]. The net is having a radical impact on health care models and
periodic self-assessment sheet is intended to capture the particularly on home health care [13]. Web-based medical
patient’s impression of asthma control, self-management of diary/record systems have independently been developed
skills, and overall satisfaction with care [3]. Although there in many groups [4,9,14–23]. Self-management might signifi-

Corresponding author. Tel.: +81 42 778 9164; fax: +81 42 778 9654.
E-mail address: (A. Takeuchi).
0169-2607/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
c o m p u t e r m e t h o d s a n d p r o g r a m s i n b i o m e d i c i n e 9 7 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 28–38 29

cantly improve outcomes in asthma [14,15,23] and diabetes

[16–18,24,25]. Although online systems facilitate recording,
reliability, and data processing, they are also more costly and
complicated than paper versions [9]. Anhoj and Nielsen [23]
reported that their Web service for asthma patients was gener-
ally considered a trustworthy and reliable site by both patients
and doctors, but it was still not integrated into people’s every-
day lives. They suggested explorations of other methods for
data entry and feedback than conventional Web forms. Per-
sonal digital assistants (PDAs) and smart phones have become
the most appropriate devices for clinical practices and studies
[24,26–30]. Research indicates that data collection is more reli-
able with a palmtop computer than with paper diaries [31,32].
Although cellphones have not officially been integrated into
hospital life, they have become an essential communication
tool for modern society [29,30,33]. In our experience, although
such systems are used for gathering and presenting data, it
may be difficult for an application to have individually tai-
lored functions as far as communicating with a data server is
concerned. Since a cellphone is able to run a Java application
as a standalone application, it may be suitable as a personal Fig. 1 – System overview.
medical recorder similar to the Wellness Diary [30]. Although
data types recorded in chronic disease diaries are widely var-
ied from a simple numeric value, a choice of questionnaires ory (named, “ScratchPad”) when the application is opened or
to symptomatic comments, on a cellphone-based application closed.
may correspond to various questionnaires by implementing a Prewritten messages are ready for the user to easily add one
customizing function. Our objectives are the same as those of or several items to an event record all at once. Although record-
the Wellness Diary other than the program implementation. ing most events can easily be done just by clicking some items,
This paper reports the development and implementation of a it is somewhat troublesome to select items from predefined
multipurpose event recorder with customizing functions on a list of substantial items for every event. Then the application
cellphone with some early experiences. handles a set of items as a “prescription” such as a so-called
recipe describing a set of pharmaceutical items and comments
for each patient. The prescription is convenient but implicitly
2. System description requests users to answer all the items in order to avoid data
deficits. Items used in the application are “controlled items” and
The application is designed as a multipurpose event recorder should be registered in a resource file or a memory. Although
for integrating personal medical data. The recorder can simul- it is impossible to automatically adjust and have ready many
taneously handle various types of disease diaries, and the items for each patient, the application has creating, customiz-
user interface for the diaries can be customized by its owner. ing, and deleting functions of items and prescriptions.
The application will most likely be used by healthy people The application functionally consists of a calendar canvas,
and patients who are familiar with functions of cellphone. A a diary canvas, a data entry canvas, a plot canvas, and an
summary of the application requirements would be: (1) sim- infrared module (Fig. 1). The first three canvases are layered
ple usage, (2) visualization of clinical events to the owner for chronologically: per month, day, or time of day. On the diary
self-management, (3) customization of the user interface to be canvas, selecting an event record gives a list of pairs of a medi-
adapted to the owner’s disease(s) and prescription(s), and (4) cal item (laboratory name, event name) and its value (numeric
a tally of recorded data on a PC. value, intensity or clinical findings) on a data entry canvas.
New values are manually entered on the data entry canvas.
2.1. System overview Event records are interactively modified, added, or deleted by
the user, and then automatically stored onto a “ScratchPad”
The application is a kind of database management system when the application is closed. All data are stored in text form
that handles laboratory numeric values and clinical findings in the memory of the patient’s cellphone (maximum 200 kB).
(string type), “event record,” simultaneously (Fig. 1). An event The resource file that contains initial values of items and sam-
is what the user wants to record, such as numerical data, ple events is loaded once at the first run after installation of
calories, pharmaceuticals, clinical conditions, and comments. the application.
Event records are interactively displayed, modified, added, The event records, items and prescriptions can be exported
or deleted by the user as in a scheduler. Event records are as a formatted text file to a PC through an infrared (iR) hard-
searched and selected to make graphs for certain items listed ware module plugged into a cellphone and a PC (with an
in a “plot item.” Event records are sorted by a time stamp of iR-USB [universal systems bus] adaptor). The infrared module
the event and stored in an array memory. All event records are exports event records in units of a day or a month to a PC with
transferred between the array memory and non-volatile mem- a format described in Section 2.2. The exported records on the
30 c o m p u t e r m e t h o d s a n d p r o g r a m s i n b i o m e d i c i n e 9 7 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 28–38

Fig. 2 – Data structure of the system.

Fig. 3 – Sample descriptions in a resource file. The upper

nine lines show sample items, integer type, decimal type,
PC are tabled and tallied on an Excel worksheet with an origi- and text type. The middle seven lines show examples of
nal VBA (visual basic for application) program. The application the special function for calorie control. Line 17 shows a list
can also import new items, new prescriptions, and/or new of plot items. The lower part shows two prescriptions
setting values to revise the user interface of the application including the items defined above.
through the iR communication.
The application does not handle the data of the scheduler Data types are available for integer, decimal, list, text, and
or address book preinstalled in cellphones to avoid confusing expression. The list-type item has a nickname, a selected
business data with private medical data of the application. value, and predefined selections. The maximum number of
the selection is 32 for a list-type item. A “plot item” is a kind
2.2. Data structures of the system of list-type item with the registered name, “PlotDataName”
and contains the names of the items for data plots. Graph-
The “event record” is constructed with a time stamp and one ics for those items will be shown on the plot canvas with each
or more pairs of an item’s name and its value (Fig. 2). The data item’s properties, color, and mark. An expression (calculation)
structure of an “item” used in the system is defined as a set item is constructed with a nickname, a calculated value, sev-
including a name, the data type, a default value, the minimum eral factors and operators. Predefined operators are: +, −, *, /,
and maximum of normal (or target) range, plot level (plot or sigma, mean, and both left and right parentheses. If an expres-
no plot), line color, graph type (bar, line, or mark), and the sion contains a registered item’s name as a factor, the item’s
upper and lower limits of the plot canvas. Properties of the numerical value is automatically substituted to calculate the
item require obligatory plot-related values as many plot items expression.
are distinguished from others when two or more are presented Fig. 3 shows examples of data formats of items, plot items,
in one plot canvas. Plotting data naturally requires two scales, prescriptions, and event records. This data format is used in a
one for the x-axis and one for the y-axis, for a simple graph. resource file and data transport to and from a PC through an
The x-axis is arbitrarily selected in day, week, month, or year. infrared communication. Properties of items are described by a
Although the upper and lower limits of each plot item are used command key “myVar=” and separated by a comma. For exam-
for the y-axis, these limiting values are varied among items ple, the initial properties of item “BUN (blood urea nitrogen),”
and patients. For example, a blood sugar range from 50 to 200 are: data type integer, default value 10, minimum of normal
is relevant for normal patients, but one from 0 to 300 or more range 5, maximum of normal range 15, the lower limit of a
is needed for diabetes mellitus patients. And if the target for vertical axis 0, the upper limit of the axis 110, plot mode 3 (sin-
daily calorie intake is 1600 for some person, the y-axis lim- gle plot), graph-type line, mark and line color yellow (red 255,
its may be set from 1100 to 2100. Whereas, if the target daily and green 255 in tone). Items of “Insulin human”and “Neutral
calorie intake is 2000 for another person, then the y-axis limits insulin” are integer-type items for an injection dose of insulin.
may be set from 1500 to 3000. These plot-related values should “Tolbutamide (Orinase) mg” and “Acetoheamide (Acetohex-
be manually customized by each patient. If an off-scale plot amide) mg” are examples of decimal-type items. In the list
occurs, the graph will indicate that to the user. The applica- type, the name of the item is followed by some recommended
tion does not automatically change the scale range because values. Plot items are defined in an item “PlotDataName” that
any automatic adjustment, such as Excel Chart Wizard, may contains “BUN,” “blood sugar (BS),” “Day calories,” etc., in this
cause a misinterpretation and/or a misunderstanding. case. The expression item “Day calories” totals “(the number
c o m p u t e r m e t h o d s a n d p r o g r a m s i n b i o m e d i c i n e 9 7 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 28–38 31

Fig. 4 – Overview of user interface. Each arrow shows a link to the next canvas or menu as examples as all relations
between menus are too complicated to show at once. Each numeric key is programmed to call each function at anytime.

of) Calories” per day. The expression item “Mean number of and simply, “Search” to find any event records including the
calories for 7 days” calculates “(the mean number of) Calo- keywords, “Help” and “Exit.” The menus of “Items” and “Plot
ries” during the previous 7 days. The command item “set Day items” are ready to list items or plot items to edit their proper-
calories” sets properties of “Day calories” for the graphics: ties. A submenu on the “list item” canvas links to functions to
minimum of normal range 0, maximum of normal range 2000, create a new item, create a new selection item, to create a new
the lower limit of the vertical axis 0, the upper limit of the axis expression item, to change the order of items, and to delete
3000, plot mode 3 (single plot), graph-type Bar2, mark and line an item.
color, light purple (red 255, and blue 192 in tone). The “plot items” canvas shows a list of plot items with tog-
A prescription is followed by a command key “RP)=” and gle switches for plot or not, and has a submenu for changing
contains a nickname, several pairs of an item’s name and plot properties, selecting (redefining) plot items from all items,
its default value. These prescriptions of “Calorie balance” and deleting an item from the plot list. The “redefine” sub-
and “Weekend calorie check” will be listed in a menu under menu shows a list of items selected for a plot. The “Infrared
“Add prescriptions” on a diary canvas. An “event record” is (send)” menu sends all event records during the month shown
described in between the command key “BOR=” with a time on the canvas. The “System” menu includes submenu “Font,”
stamp and “EOR=;” such as a prescription. “Data transfer,” “Control level” to modify items, “ID,” “Name,”
“Birthday,” and “Private Memo.” The “Control level” sets an
2.3. User interface item’s data (plot) property to a constant (not to be modified,
0), system level (1), no plot (2), single plot (3), or multiple plot
The calendar canvas is a main window and interactively (4).
responds to user operation by a selection key, arrow keys, and The right soft key on the diary canvas pulls up a menu
two soft keys (Fig. 4). On the calendar canvas, selecting a day, including, “Add item” and “Add prescription.” The “Add item”
shows a list of daily event records and/or prescriptions on a menu is to add any items to the daily event records. The “Add
diary canvas. The user interface on the data entry canvas is prescription” menu is to add any prescriptions to the daily
automatically adjusted to input for the data type of the item, event records, and to create or delete a prescription. A new
e.g., time, integer, decimal, selection, or comment. To enter prescription is set by certain items marked on a selection can-
an integer value, only numeric keys are available, not alpha- vas. The “Infrared (send)” menu sends daily event records on
betic keys. For the selection type, a list of predefined answers the same day.
is automatically shown such as a pull-down menu. Pushing the left soft key of the calendar canvas shows a
The right soft key on the calendar canvas pulls up a menu plot canvas. A graph of each item is drawn sequentially in the
that includes “Copy,” “Paste” and “Delete” to handle event order of the list of plot items. The vertical scale of each item
records during a day in bulk, “Items” and “Plot items” to modify is automatically adjusted to a graph property of the item. The
each item, “System” to modify system values, “Infrared (send)” horizontal scale of the graph must be set arbitrarily according
and “IR (receive)” to transfer event records via an infrared to each item’s characters from day to year. For example, a BS
module, “Memo” to record a comment at any time, quickly varies quickly in a short term and can be measured a few times
32 c o m p u t e r m e t h o d s a n d p r o g r a m s i n b i o m e d i c i n e 9 7 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 28–38

Fig. 5 – Captured screen of a calendar canvas (left), diary canvas (middle), and data entry canvas (right) in a case requiring

a day. On the other hand, Hb A1c (glycosylated hemoglobin) is (J2ME), and developed with an “i-␣ppli Development Kit for
measured monthly in a clinic, not daily or weekly. DoJa-3.5” [34] on a PC. DoJa is a version of the Java platform spe-
A numeric key on a cellphone directly calls a function. A cially tailored to the mobile environment of NTT cellphones.
horizontal scale of the graph is set to day, week, month or The application, a medical recorder (MedData.jar 100 kB), was
year by pushing 2, 5, 8 or 0, respectively. Pushing 4 or 6 shows uploaded with two files (MedData.jam and MedData.html)
the previous or the next graph in order of the list of plot items. into our server. Then the medical recorder was once down-
Pushing 1 returns a plot canvas to the calendar canvas with a loaded via the Internet and automatically installed into a
text screen. Although a calendar canvas can only show a part Java-enabled cellphone in the ordinary way of a Java appli-
of the daily data on a small screen at a time, pushing 9 shows cation. The application emulator is not capable of perfectly
daily event data in bulk on an edit-text screen (Input method: emulating the behavior of cellphones and each cellphone
edit on a cellphone). The key “7” starts the function to draw has its own particular memory capacity and other limita-
a small graph on each day on the calendar canvas. Pushing 3 tions. For example, a cellphone SO902i has a memory for a
shows the simple usage of the system. Java application (100 kB), persistent storage for an applica-
tion (ScratchPad 400 kB), a screen resolution: 240 (width) × 300
2.4. Hardware and software specifications (height) and an infrared module. The application was tested on
several cellphones: N903Li, N905imyu, P903i, SO902i, SH902i,
To develop and test the application, an ordinary PC (Dell and SH903iTV (NTT DoCoMo, Inc.).
DIM4400, Pentium 4 1.90 GHz; NVIDIA GeForce2 MX, Mem-
ory: 1 GB) with Windows Xp is used. The Java 2 Platform (Sun
MicroSystems) provides the Java environment to run on a 3. Status report
cellphone and to develop Java applications on a PC. To use
the application, one needs to use version 1.4 or later. The For clarity in the present report, the PC screens are shown in
application was based on the Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition the regular order of usage rather than using photographs of

Fig. 6 – Diary canvas and entry canvas in a case of chronic headache.

c o m p u t e r m e t h o d s a n d p r o g r a m s i n b i o m e d i c i n e 9 7 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 28–38 33

Fig. 7 – Headache intensity (red), analgesics (light blue), and

pharmaceuticals (blue) for 1 day (left). Headache intensity
during 1 week (right). (For interpretation of the references
to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the
web version of the article.)

Fig. 9 – An example of a selection canvas.

cellphone screens. The application operates like a scheduler

(Fig. 5). “Today,” on the calendar, is highlighted in yellow. The
selected day is highlighted in light blue and moved by oper- trend graph of headache intensity for 1 week is shown in red.
ating the arrow keys. Each colored line on any day, e.g., the A condition of mild intensity is shaded in light red.
7th and 21st, corresponds to each clinical event or set of data Pushing the left soft key “Plot” of the calendar canvas shows
and appears with comments and/or a graph in the lower area. a graph of all plot items on the lower area of the canvas and
Two records, pairs of the time of day and prescriptions, with as a simple graph for each plot item on a new canvas (Fig. 8).
laboratory data, are shown in this case of a chronic patient The normal range is shaded with the same line color of the
requiring hemodialysis. The current record is moved by the item but in a halftone. The trend graph of potassium for 1
up or down key. Pushing the select key on a target record year is shown in light blue (Fig. 8, middle). The values in the
shows a data entry canvas with laboratory item names and last half of the year are higher than the target range shaded
values. The patient types are in numeric data or text. When in the same color as the item in halftone. Graph properties of
a current cursor is moved on an item whose data type is a each item (vertical scale, normal range, line color, mode and
list type, an adaptive submenu is automatically shown on symbol) can be customized via a submenu on the calendar
the right side of the item along with a blood-flow setting for canvas (Fig. 8, right).
hemodialysis. Selecting one of the submenus: “Add item,” “Plot items,”
In a patient with chronic headache, three records and two “Redefine plot items” or “Create prescription” shows a check-
submenus of headache intensity and analgesics are shown in list of items on a new canvas and selection boxes. Pushing the
Fig. 6. All these values, including the time span, can later be select key on an item exchanged a head mark to the white
edited on the data entry (edit) canvas. Daytime diaries and squares or black diamonds in turn (Fig. 9). Only the checked
nighttime symptoms can be completed and edited at any time, items were selected and stored. The exported event records
each evening before bed or each morning upon waking up. The are tabled and tallied on Excel (Fig. 10). How to interpret and
left soft key “Back” moves back to the previous canvas without use the tabled data is dependent on the object of each disease
saving data, and the right soft key “Save” to save data edited diary entry.
at the time. Fig. 7 shows a daily graph of headache intensity, Fig. 11 shows sample screens of creating a new item and a
analgesics and headache pharmaceuticals on February 19. A new selection item. The properties of the item “Exercise dura-

Fig. 8 – Calendar canvas with a graph (left), plot canvas (middle), and edit canvas for creatinine (right).
34 c o m p u t e r m e t h o d s a n d p r o g r a m s i n b i o m e d i c i n e 9 7 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 28–38

Fig. 10 – An example tabled and tallied on an Excel worksheet.

tion” are modified and can be seen on the canvas. An answer Although a captured screen may be different from the screens
list for “Sport” is also made available. These values can be of the Wellness Diary, the data entry and graph functions are
modified at a later time. To confirm the data transfer through completely reproduced in our application.
iR communication and the interpreter function of our applica- The initial responses from the pilot users were pos-
tion in response to the reviewers’ comments, we reproduced itive. Through interviews, we assessed user satisfaction
functions of the data entry and a graph of the Wellness Diary. and their pros and cons regarding the system. They
We only created a text file with our data format of items and agreed that it was easy to use, that the graphics could
prescriptions that were based on their report (Fig. 12). The text be easily understood, and said that they would like to
file on a PC is imported through iR communications. The items continue using it. Accesses to the systems for DoCoMo
and prescriptions are incorporated in a menu of our applica- cellphones are freely provided via an application provider
tion. Fig. 13 shows the calendar, data entry and plot canvases. at 045759.htm for chronic
headache and 045756.htm
for metabolic syndrome.

4. Discussion

4.1. Aims of the cellphone application

By using a diary, a chronically ill person is able to gain an

overview of his situation [1]. Such information is helpful in
supporting behavioral changes in patients with chronic dis-
eases [3,35]. On the other hand, mobilization has become
a major trend, and mobile devices offer great potential
Fig. 11 – Examples of creating a new item (left) and a new for improving quality in health care [29,36]. Data collec-
selection item (right). tion proved more reliable with a palmtop computer than
c o m p u t e r m e t h o d s a n d p r o g r a m s i n b i o m e d i c i n e 9 7 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 28–38 35

Fig. 12 – Items (left) and prescriptions (right) to reproduce a Wellness Diary. These variables are manually transformed
according to a table of variables and implementation of the Wellness Diary. The default value and properties of each item
were arbitrarily predefined.

with paper diaries [8,31,32]. Burke et al. [37] identified the 4.2. Manual data input
strengths and limitations of paper diaries and PDAs in a
review of the literature on the use of paper diaries for self- Strenuous efforts in the system design and implementation
monitoring food intake. Although some negative aspects successfully achieved making an input canvas and a visualiza-
are listed as: “requires some training, requires user to be tion canvas to simplify the users’ operations. Our main focus
computer literate, requires user to recharge battery regu- during development of this system was, “the system should
larly, or if battery is not charged, data are lost,” regular be easy to use,” which was also stated in the development of
cellphone users are used to dealing with these matters a diagnostic headache diary [11]. A Web service for asthma
without too much difficulty. Therefore, we developed a patients and health-care “LinkMedica” was provided, but it
cellphone-based medical recorder whereby patients can flex- was not integrated into the patients’ everyday lives [23]. In our
ibly enter, maintain, compare and analyze their own clinical system, we used four key concepts from the patients’ six sug-
data. gestions: “daily data entry, mobile phone, a diary overview, and
36 c o m p u t e r m e t h o d s a n d p r o g r a m s i n b i o m e d i c i n e 9 7 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 28–38

standing and situational awareness” and “over automation of

data entry and information processing may diminish both the
users’ situational awareness and the usefulness of the infor-
mation, . . .” [39]. Self-monitoring blood glucose allows patients
to recognize and prevent severe hypoglycemic episodes [6].
Patients who monitor their own blood glucose are empow-
ered to be more active in their treatment [40]. Record keeping is
almost as important as blood glucose monitoring itself [6]. Fre-
quent reminders may be helpful for newly diagnosed patients
or those with uncontrolled diabetes [41]. It is reported that
daily reporting was therapeutic for some of the participants
[9]. Nappi et al. stated, “The study did not provide any conclu-
sive evidence, but it would be interesting to test the hypothesis
that the diary may have a positive influence on the headache
course” [9]. Our system draws daily data each day, and trend-
grams of all plot items together on a calendar canvas and
separately on a plot canvas. Graphs of clinical data are use-
ful for realization, awareness and self-management of chronic
Validation checks of data entered and appropriate error
messages must be incorporated into a system to maintain
the data accuracy. However, because even a simple error
message often confuses the user, our application validates
only numeric keys where actually a numeric value should
be entered: hour, minute, number of tablets, etc. Alphabetic
characters are only validated for entering comments. A list
menu is automatically shown when answers are prepared.
These ideas hide a certain obstacle error message when enter-
ing data. Even if a mistake is made in entering data such as
omitting a decimal point and saved, the user with a chronic
disease should see the invalid data on a graph canvas and
Fig. 13 – Captured screens of a reproduction of functions catch the mistake in the next phase of data entry and/or in a
from a Wellness Diary. Sample screens show prescriptions communication with medical services staff. Although inten-
corresponding with “Study 1 (obligatory)” and “Study 2” as tionally entering invalid data may extinguish data availability,
defined in Fig. 12. Figures show two kinds of graphs, all there is no sure way of preventing this in any system. The
plot items, or a single item. The hatched area in the bottom system has “Memo” and “Search” menus that, as far as we
figure indicates the target line in this case—“duration of know, are not reported in any Web-based or server-based cell-
exercise.” phone application. The “Memo” menu automatically records
a time stamp, a function that one operator said was unex-
pectedly very reassuring. This application may be especially
graphing facilities.” Three layered canvases: a calendar canvas, useful for commenting on each event in cases of Holter ECG
a diary canvas, and a data entry canvas, are natural and easy recording. The time stamp can be modified easily at any time
to use. The user can arbitrarily access the canvases by only such as when an event record is being accessed. Though the
using the select keys and soft keys. Captions of soft keys on “Search keyword” menu is not indispensable and not main-
the canvas are simple: “Plot, Back, Save, and Menu.” These cap- tained in a preinstalled simple scheduler or diary application,
tions are defined according to four recommendations: “avoid it has turned out to be convenient beyond our expectations.
abstract expressions, generic terms, similar words or phrases,
and double negatives” [38]. Because designs of soft keys on 4.3. Customization
Japanese cellphones are similar from make to make, the user
might not be confused by the variations in cellphones. A customizing function provides the possibility for a user to
Our system imposes upon the user to manually enter his or create and maintain new, original variables and templates [42].
her own clinical data, even laboratory numerical data, without In our system, the user can easily modify any prescription,
having firsthand information and/or the required expertise in questionnaire and/or item using the menus. Also, as the appli-
communication technology. Although entering data is trou- cation runtime behavior presented in the examples is driven
blesome, the operation of doing so and seeing the graphics by items in the system, this mechanism is a highly flexible
one’s self may enable a person to recognize and deepen their and adaptive integral part of the system. Because the data
awareness of their own symptoms, laboratory data, diseases, structure of a questionnaire is defined as several pairs of an
and prescriptions to help them manage their own diseases. item’s name and its value such as a prescription, even long
Tufano and Karras reported, “an act of actively processing and names, the system can handle a questionnaire the same as
managing information improves their (the patients’) under- it does a prescription. A new prescription (or questionnaire)
c o m p u t e r m e t h o d s a n d p r o g r a m s i n b i o m e d i c i n e 9 7 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 28–38 37

and/or an item are created on an edit canvas. The question- dalone mode without the Internet, and (4) the cellphone can be
naire includes some questions (items) that are registered in secured with a protection key in case it is lost or stolen. Conse-
an item list. To be able to answer a question more simply, quently, the application code was made as simple as possible,
some quick answers are preset in a list. The questionnaire and its size was reduced. Although the application dose not
can include even emotional or environmental factors, such use the Internet, records are directly exported to a target PC
as nutrition, stress and/or psychological complaints. However, by the user’s operations with an infrared communication. The
each question might have a numerical scale to allow data to exported records must be secured in the PC.
be entered more easily, and it might be preferable to link the
question to an established, standard code or classification to
facilitate analyses and tallying at a later point in time. 5. Future plans
Although the nature of a Web-based application can be
helpful in design and implementation [13], most Web-based We developed and reported on a multipurpose event recorder
systems do not allow users to customize data items or graph- with customizing functions on a cellphone as a functioning,
ics output. Self-configuration and mass-customization may self-managing tool, and not merely a concept. Although we
be two of the key features of newly converged technologies have started trials of our application with patients suffering
to successfully run public and/or organizationally sponsored from chronic renal failure, chronic headache, and diabetes
informational interventions [29]. The customization can be mellitus, the evaluations of the clinical outcomes should be
done by interactive keyed operations on a cellphone. Our studied statistically in clinical trials in each field. This cell-
application can also be modified by importing a set file from a phone application will be a private data repository available
PC that includes new definition of items and/or prescriptions anytime and anywhere for a better, safer, and more healthful
as shown in Fig. 12. This method is advantageous especially personal life.
in major modifications of the application. Moreover, if a user
wants, event records can be import in the same way.
Conflict of interest statement
4.4. Cellphone memory
There are no conflicts of interest that could inappropriately
DoJa is a version of the Java platform specially tailored to influence this research work.
DoCoMo’s mobile environment and competes with the MIDP
(Mobile Information Device Profile). Although the DoJa classes Acknowledgements
are related to the user interface, high-level and low-level APIs
(Application Programming Interfaces), we must use the low- This work was partially funded by a Research on Psychiatric
level user-interface classes to directly plot clinical data on the and Neurological Diseases and Mental Health of the Health
small screen using primitive graphics. Because J2ME has no Labour Sciences Research Grant for “Research on the develop-
database management class such as SQL (Structured Query ment of the innovative treatment for migraine headache.” We
Language) interpreter and the “ScratchPad” is a contiguous thank Robert E. Brandt (MedEd Japan, Tokyo) for helpful advice
chunk of memory, we made several procedures to structure on the English language in this paper.
and handle data strings as database records. Although new
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