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Reading cimprehension, test 3, A.


Why play volleyball? by Elena on 24/03 1 comment

There are so many reasons to play volleyball! I have been coming to Greenbank to
play volleyball since I was 12, and it's changed my life. Volleyball is a fast-moving
and strenuous team sport that improves your physical fitness and muscle
strength, reduces stress, and improves your sense of balance. Plus, it's a lot of fun!
To play volleyball well, you need good teamwork, and I've made some really good
friends here. Since the team has been competing against other clubs, we've won
the local competition three times.
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ):
1. What is the main benefit of playing volleyball mentioned in the text?
A) Improves cooking skills
B) Enhances mathematical abilities
C) Improves physical fitness and muscle strength
D) Reduces the need for sleep

2. How long has the author been playing volleyball at Greenbank?

A) 5 years
B) Since childhood
C) Since turning 18
D) Not mentioned
True or False Questions:
1. The author has won the local competition with the team three times.
2. Volleyball is a slow-paced individual sport. (True/False)
3. The author's life has remained unchanged since playing volleyball at
Greenbank. (True/False)

Open-ended Question:
1. When did Elena start playing volleyball?

2. What are the health benefits of volleyball?

3. What do you need to play volleyball well?

4. How many times did the team win the local competition?

5. Quote a sentence that means "Elena had new social relationships."

6. What are some benefits of playing volleyball mentioned in the text, and
how has it impacted the author's life?
I don’t want to show off too much, but this year we've been chosen to represent
our country at the international volleyball competition in -" Hungary. So exciting!
Now all we need is to find the money for our travel. Has anyone got any
fundraising ideas?

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

1. What is the main focus of the text?
A) Cooking tips
B) Travel experiences
C) Fundraising for a volleyball team
D) International chess competition

2. Why does the author mention not wanting to show off?

A) They are not proud of their achievements
B) They are being modest about their success
C) They are seeking attention
D) They want to hide their accomplishments
True or False Questions:
1. The volleyball team will represent their country at a local competition.
2. The team is currently looking for fundraising ideas for their travel expenses.
Open-ended Question:
1. Explain the main challenge mentioned in the text.
2. suggest one fundraising idea to support the volleyball team's travel to

"Hi guys! We've been working really hard to organise The fundraising events for
our team trip to Hungary. The good news is that we've already raised enough
money for the team to travel there and back. The bad news is ... we still need to
find money for accommodation and our meals while we're there. So, please give
your support to our 24-hour non-stop volleyball match. Teams have been selected
to play, taking turns to play and rest throughout the day and night. Please sponsor
them. You can also come along to the game and lend your support. There will be
drinks and refreshments. Our families have been making lots of delicious cakes, so
come and join in!"

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ):

1. What is the purpose of the fundraising events mentioned in the text?
A) Organizing a movie night
B) Supporting a volleyball team trip to Hungary
C) Raising money for a charity marathon
D) Funding a chess tournament

2. According to the text, what have they already raised enough money for?
A) Traveling to Hungary
B) Accommodation and meals
C) Organizing a volleyball match
D) Making delicious cakes

True or False Questions:

The team has already raised sufficient funds for their entire trip. (True/False)
The 24-hour non-stop volleyball match is organized to support the team's
accommodation and meals. (True/False)

Open-ended Question:
Describe the format of the 24-hour non-stop volleyball match mentioned in the

Explain how it contributes to the fundraising efforts for the team trip to Hungary

Hello from Hungary! by Andrei on 3/07 8 comments

So here we are in Hungary. We arrived at our hotel yesterday afternoon and since
we got here with our coach, we've been talking, eating and making new friends.
It's awesome to be with so many young people from around the world, who all
share a love of one sport - volleyball. This evening there's a demonstration game
from the national adult team players, with a lot of spectators. We've been looking
forward to that so much. And tomorrow, the competition starts. Watch this space
for an update on our progress!
1. When did the group arrive in Hungary?
A. This morning
B. Yesterday afternoon
C. A week ago
D. Tomorrow

2. What mode of transportation did the group use to get to Hungary?

A. Airplane
B. Coach
C. Train
D. Car
3. What activity did the group engage in since arriving at the hotel?
A. Sightseeing
B. Shopping
C. Talking, eating, and making new friends
D. Sleeping

4.What is the common interest that unites the young people in the group?
A. Soccer
B. Volleyball
C. Basketball
D. Tennis

5.. What event is scheduled for this evening?

A. Movie night
B. Talent show
C. Demonstration game from the national adult team players
D. Dance party
6. What are the participants excited about tomorrow?
A. Sightseeing
B. Rest day
C. Shopping
D. The start of the competition

7. What kind of team is playing in the demonstration game this evening?

A. Youth team
B. International team
C. Adult team
D. Local team

7. What promise does the text make regarding future updates

A. Watch this space for an update on the weather
B. Watch this space for an update on the hotel facilities
C. Watch this space for an update on the food
D. Watch this space for an update on their progress in the competition

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