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Directions: Fill in each part of the App Lesson with your own original ideas.

Please look at the

sample provided on the class website. Provide 3 to 4 apps/steps for students to complete along
with a creative title, helpful description, and relevant SC teaching standards.

 There must be one app per step.

 Android apps can be used as long as all included apps are from the same platform.
 Lessons must cohesively link together 3 to 4 apps going from one focus/step of the lesson
to another.
 Lessons may include direct instruction provided the lecture contents are explained.
 Lessons may utilize web browser apps like Chrome or Safari to access website-based
tools. Link to the website in the write-up and the web browser app in the App Store web
link area.
 The final step in lessons must have students create a learning artifact from a creation-
based app (presentation, video, etc.) or screenshot of progress from a skill-based app
that students would submit to the teacher for assessment.

Title: United States Geography

2.G.1 Identify the geographic location of the U. S. in relation to the rest of the world. This
indicator was developed to encourage inquiry into the location of the U.S. on various maps and
globes. This indicator promotes further inquiry into bordering nations and oceans.

2.G.2 Describe and compare various landforms over time within the U.S. using primary and
secondary sources. This indicator was developed to encourage inquiry into using historic images,
maps, narratives, texts, or video, to investigate and compare different landforms around the U.S.

2.G.3 Explain how the distribution of human features, physical features, and natural resources
within the U. S changes over time and impacts economic activity. This indicator was developed
to encourage inquiry into how rivers, lakes, mountains, and other land features affect economic
activity. This indicator also prompts students to explore how different geographic areas support
different activities at different times due to the availability of resources.

Description: This app lesson will help develop 3rd graders' areas of understanding and
where they are on a more global view.
Instructional Objective: Students will be able to Identify which continent they live
on and how many there are in total. Students will also know which state they live in and
what states are around the state they reside in.

Step 1 Content-Based or Skill-Based App: Students will use the True Size App to figure
out how big their state and country are compared to the rest of the world. This will help
them get a better understanding of their geographical features.

Step 2 Content-Based or Skill-Based App: Students will use the stack the States app to
learn more about each state in a fun and interactive way that can be semi-competitive
with the rest of the class.

Step 3 Creation-Based (Learning Artifact) or Skill-Based App (Screenshot of

Progress): Students will create one meme on the meme-making app, and the meme has
to be about a particular state in America. Then students will share amongst each other
and vote for who created the best meme in the class.

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