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Have you ever given the woman you love a nipple orgasm?
If not, you’re both missing out! Nipple play is one of the BEST ways of helping the woman in your
life experience the orgasm of her dreams!
Nipple play will make her open her heart to you and can help her experience one – or multiple –
orgasms that she’ll never forget! If you truly care about your girl and want to learn how to give
her experience of her life, this guide is for you!
Think that the only way to satisfy your woman was through intercourse, or through her clitoris?
Think again. With nipple play, you can take your woman on an incredible sexual journey that will
leave her breathless.

Playing with your woman’s breasts and nipples in just the right way can get her dripping wet with
excitement; it can make her tremble, writhe and moan with pleasure, and even reach the Big O!
So, if you want your woman to become ADDICTED to you and keep coming back you again and
again for more, read on...
By the end of this guide, you will know how to:
 Show your woman how much you care about her by learning the secrets of nipple play!
 Make her surrender to you with intense nipple orgasms.
 Easilyturnabreastmassageintoa full-body female orgasm.

Get her wet with passion even if she’s not in the mood for sex.


Nipple play is the art of caressing, kissing, licking, and stimulating your partner’s breasts and
nipples lovingly. Nipple play is GREAT for foreplay and can turn up the heat in any sexual
If you become skilled at nipple play, it unlocks an entirely new world of passion that your woman
has likely never experienced before. With practice, you’ll be able to make the woman in your life
SCREAM and BEG you for more until she explodes with pleasure! Following the techniques
described in this guide can even help your woman experience a NIPPLE ORGASM!
You see, unlike vaginal or clitoral stimulation, nipple play can create an entirely unique type of
intense orgasm that she’ll never forget. A word of caution though; nipple play may make your
woman sexually addicted to you, so don’t say we didn’t warn you!

The reason that few guys have heard of a nipple orgasm is that they have never really looked at
nipples too closely... You’re probably aware that nipples come in many shapes and sizes, but
apart from their basic function during breastfeeding, what else is there to know?
There are three main ‘zones’ on a woman’s body that you should know about if you want to
master nipple play:
1. The nipple
2. The areola (the area of pigmented
skin surrounding each nipple) 3. The breast
Knowing a little about each of these zones will help you learn how to best to touch and stimulate
them during nipple play!

Nipples aren’t just for breastfeeding; they are actually islands of sexual pleasure packed full of
nerves. Nipples are connected to a woman’s entire breast and chest area and can deliver amazing
sexual pleasure. They definitely deserve to be on your erotic radar!
So why is nipple stimulation erotogenic? It has long been known that nipple stimulation, as in
breast- feeding, releases the love hormone But more recent data suggests that nipple nerves may
actually be linked directly to the brain. A 2011 study by psychologists at Rutgers University
discovered that nipple stimulation actually ‘lights up’ the same area of a woman’s brain as cervix,
clitoris and vagina stimulation does!
When female volunteers were asked to lie inside a magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner
and rhythmically tap on their nipples, scientists noticed that the nipple stimulation activated the
same brain areas as genital stimulation.
Unfortunately, nipple play isn’t for everyone. Some women LOVE having their nipples stimulated,
while others won’t want your fingers (or anything else!) anywhere near them!

That’s why it’s helpful to know about the areola and breast; even if your woman isn’t into her
nipples being touched directly, you can still fondle and stimulate her in other ways to excite the
same nerve endings. Always ask first (“Are there any parts of your body you don’t love being
touched?”) before you experiment with nipple play with your woman.


Nipple orgasms are incredibly rare and special – many women are unaware that they can even
orgasm this way! As nipples have fewer nerve endings than the clitoris, it may take your woman
longer to orgasm through nipple stimulation.
It depends on how relaxed and turned on she feels. If you want to help your woman feel the
earth move during nipple play and orgasm, you’ll need to help her become incredibly relaxed.
Here’s what to do:
 Create a relaxing and comfortable atmosphere
Choose your favorite make-out spot and use soft music, candles, and aromatherapy to create just
the right atmosphere.
 Give her an erotic massage
Sit down and ask her to sit on your lap or sit next to you. Start giving her a shoulder massage and
make it erotic by focusing on her erogenous zones like the back and sides of her neck.
Most women LOVE the nape of their neck being caressed. An erotic massage will get her body
and her mind perfectly in the mood to crave more and more from you!
 Introduce massage oil
Nipple play is 100 times better if you use massage oil! A water-based lubricant works well too.
While giving your woman a shoulder and neck massage, you can introduce a soothing massage
oil to help build her arousal levels. Slowly undo her top and bra and move to her breasts.
She’ll love it as you stroke, massage and caress her breasts. Using edging technique, start from
the outside and slowly move your way in. Ask her to tell you what feels good and let you know if
anything feels tender or painful.
 Use nipple arousal gel
For top results, we suggest using a special nipple arousal gel on her nipples and areola. This
unique gel creates an amazing warming and cooling sensation that will totally rock her world!
Gently stroke, flick and caress her areolas and nipples until they are firm and erect.
 Use touch your lips and mouth
For some women, edging into her nipples using just your fingers can be enough to trigger a
nipple orgasm! For others, the loving touch of your lips and mouth may be what sends them over
the edge. We’ll show you the exact techniques to use later on in this guide!

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