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In December 2019, a dangerous virus appeared in China in Wuhan city.

The new coronavirus to

small to see, spread quickly from person to person, town to town, and country to another to all
corners of the world. Therefore all the world announced a state of emergency and instituted a
complet lockdown. 2020 or the dark year as many people call it, every body was terrified as it was
the second world war. But why do we only focus on the dark side ? Why we don’t see the bright
side ? I know that staying at sounds really hard and believe me at first i find it impossible and boring.
But over the time, i started to find my hobbies and my hidden talents. First of all I tried some things i
never tried before, i find time to read books, i had time to take care of myself, and i found that some
simple things can make me happy, i didn’t know that rains makes me happy i didn’t know that the i
have in balcony is tastier than the coffe i have in coffe shop, playing cards wasn’t bad at all, i didn’t
know tha sport at homme is better than at club. In addition to this, coronavirus pandemic taught me
the real meaning of responsability, because I was responsible of all my actions and every wrong step
can lead to the death for my relatives. Also the pandemic taught me the importance of freedom in
my life that I never take care of it before. Furthermore I learned from the pandemic to keep clean
and to preserve my health by watching and eating home healthy food. Thanks to E-learning and
autonomous learning i learnes to rely on my self instead of waiting for the teacher to understand
lessons. Moreover, the lockdown taught me an important lesson which is the walue of the world
family, while my parents are working me and my brothers are at work and each one of us takes his
mobile phone and lives in his virtual world, but thanks to the pandemic, we are getting close to each
others and more and more and we are spending more time together in watching films, in discussions
and calling our relatives even if the distances separat us. And we shouldn’t forget that our solidarity
helped us to overcome this crisis.

In brief, coronavirus pandemic taught me to enjoy my life,to be happy and positive for everything
around me. Also we have remember that the best life lessons are learned during hard times. And as
the famous proverb sad « there is no rainbow without rain ». Thank you for listening and thanks for

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