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Hello evrybody, I’me Anas Khattab and I’me a student in class nine.

Today being a citizen means that you are part of a group and that you have legal and political right
Within that group. In mosern times, people generaly aren’t educated on how to be good citizen,
there for I aske my self, what are the qualities of the good citizen ? and how do you become a good
citizen ?

The personal qualities of agood citizen include :

First, honesty, tell the truth.

Second, integrity, be morally upright.

Third,responsibility, be accountable for yourself and your actions.

Fourth,respectfulness,treat others how you want to be treated.

Fifth,tolerance,be tolerant of others races and religions.

Sixth,morale courage,defend those who can’t defend them selves,and the laste, be fair and ask that
others be so as well.

So what are the ways to be good citizen as I’am a student.

First, do your dutis and listen to other people .

Second, organise your study time and improve your knowledge by searching and reading books, and
the laste and most important respect all educational frameworks.

For the others citizens, there are so many advices to become a good citizen, among witch :

First,be productive and active in your community.

Partcipate in the political life.

Followthe rules and be kind and helpful.

Be responsibile and take car of the earth, and there are so many others advices.

But if me, you and all people respecte these advices, they can become good citizen and after we can
build our typicale society. As we say a good citizen owes his life to his country. Thanks for your

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