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Group no.

_______ Block number: ________ Subject: ADGE 111 Score: _______/ 100

Making Home/Lab-Made Wine

(Fermented Fruit Juices)

 To demonstrate fermentation through home-made science experiment.

 To create fermented beverage from selected fruit juice/extract.
Biotechnology is the production of materials using biological organisms or their
processes since some organisms such as economically useful fungus and
bacteria are used in the production of various food products such as beer, wine
and vinegar. These products have been widely accepted since ancient brewers
begun to extract juices from grapes, grain and store them into a large container to
convert them into wine and beer after several months. Such conversion to
produce wine and beer undergoes the process of fermentation. In this
experiment, the cellular respiration of yeast is utilized in a process known as
fermentation to produce carbon dioxide and alcohol. ndsor_times/news/fermented-drinks-

Fermentation takes place when yeasts are being added into a chamber of mixture of grain, flavouring agents
and water to produce carbon dioxide (in the form of bubbles) and alcohol.


WARNING: It is important to follow the directions as closely as possible. Nobody wants to drink wine
contaminated with chemicals or harmful bacteria. To ensure this, all materials must be well-cleaned.
Materials and Apparatus:
 500 mL fresh 100% sweet mango  1L of any container
fruit juice/extract extract, Mulberry  Kitchen funnel
available at home fruit extract)  Kitchen plastic
(e.g., , Grape  1 cup of white wrap
Extract, Apple sugar (about 250  Rubber bands
Extract, Ready- ml of beaker)  Disposable hand
made Berry Juice,  Hot water (1 gloves
Pineapple Extract, CUP/250 ml)  CLEAN WOODEN
Sweet Orange,  Live Yeast (1 STICK
Blueberry extract, spoonful)

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Group no. _______ Block number: ________ Subject: ADGE 111 Score: _______/ 100


1. Make sure all you materials are clean enough to avoid bacterial contamination that could
bring unwanted changes to the experiment.

2. Lay down a clean cloth on your table (or any platform for this home-made experiment). Make
sure your table is also clean enough to avoid further bacterial contamination. Moreover, do not
lay any equipment on the table itself as the table may be contaminated with other chemicals.

3. Wash your hands and remove your disposable gloves to remove any contaminating bacteria.

4. Mix sugar with just enough hot water (combine1 cup of sugar/250 g and 1 cup of hot water
water/250 ml) in a separate large bowl to dissolve the sugar. This is called sugar solution.

6. Pour the sugar solution into the clean 1L of container (any) using a clean funnel.

7. Add your selected sweet fruit juice/extract available in your home into a clean 500 ml
container (or any storage vessel for fermentation process) and add a spoonful of yeast into it.
Read the packet of yeast for any additional instructions; some yeast may need to be activated
before use. Yeast that does not need to be activated is preferred. Stir the mixture well with
CLEAN WOODEN STICK and allow it to cool.

8. Put a piece of any clean kitchen plastic wrap on top, and secure with a clean rubber band.
Store at room temperature in the dark overnight.

9. The next day, take off the rubber band, and replace the kitchen plastic wrap with a new piece,
and secure with a rubber band again. Store it in a dry and dark place for a week/s to ferment.
Allow it to ferment in 20 days to 1 month. Monitor it every day or every two days and stir for
a while. Please maintain cleanliness. Secure that your experiment would not be contaminated
with pests, ants, dusts, etc.

11. Light-colored, sweet fruit juices are preferred because more sugar means more alcohol
produced, and the light color will allow the sediment to be clearly seen. After one month, pour
into a glass/cup, and observe. Be careful not to taste the product. (Note: Most fermented fruit
juices have debris/sediments/suspended particle below the container. You can filter the juice 3
TIMES using a clean cloth as shown by sample picture below. Repeated filtration makes your
fermented fruit juice look clean. THERE SHOULD BE NO SUSPENDED PARTICLES BELOW)

Residue/Debris inside the



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Group no. _______ Block number: ________ Subject: ADGE 111 Score: _______/ 100

Please record once you finished the set up:

Course and Year: ____________

Block No. ___________ Sticker outside the bottle

Date of Production: _________

Date harvested: ___________

(Get this to your instructor)

Recommended Bottle as
Final Output to submit

8 oz.
Note: You need to buy
this bottle in any nearest
mall, or, just order it by
advance through Shopee.

Adapted and modified from

Group no. _______ Block number: ________ Subject: ADGE 111 Score: _______/ 100

Documentations/Pictures (Insert your pictures inside the box)

This is a highly recommended picture to put here. (You and the
A. All materials.
materials needed example @ the left)


B. Documentations during the activity. (Follow the dotted boxes for you to insert your pictures)

Adapted and modified from

Group no. _______ Block number: ________ Subject: ADGE 111 Score: _______/ 100

C. DURING: After a week, what did you observe to your fermented fruit juice? Please take and
insert the picture of the production of bubbles. Describe it (as indicated below). This indicates
that your fruit extract undergoes fermentation process.

D. BEFORE AND AFTER: Original Fruit Juice/Extract VS. Fermented juice (inside the 8 oz
bottle. The pictures MUST BE IN A WHITE BACKGROUND. Write your observation on the

Original Fruit Extract (before) FERMENTED Fruit Extract (after)

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Adapted and modified from

Group no. _______ Block number: ________ Subject: ADGE 111 Score: _______/ 100

Guide questions (Please answer briefly)
1. How do you find yourself in conducting the experiment? If you are going to assess your experiment, how
should it be done for it to become successful?
2. How do products of fermentation improve our quality of life? What are the benefits of fermented fruit

Group Leader: __________________________________

Group Members:
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