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Writing, Transcoding, and
Interpreting Expository Text
What I Know
Before you proceed to the first lesson, answer this activity first. Below are five
visuals or things such as pictures, diagrams, or pieces of film used to show or explain
something. You usually see them in textbooks, encyclopedias, reports, and the like.
Identify where you can use each of them. You may choose your answer from the



Lesson Writing, Transcoding, and

1 Interpreting Expository
As you age, your responsibilities increase, and as it happens, the skills you
need to possess level up too. You have to cope with the increasing demand for your
new challenges in life, so you would not be left behind. Hence, it is indispensable for
you to develop various strategies for identifying expository structures and utilize them
as guides for understanding text (Gajria et al., 2007 in Hall-Kenyon and Black, 2010).

What’s In

In the previous grade, you encountered different text structures in your lessons
not only in English but also in other subject areas like science and math. Let us check
if you can still recall each of them.

Take the pre-test below. It is consists of paragraphs taken from an article

about Japanese and Chinese traditions. Identify the text structure used. Choose the
correct answer from the box.
cause and effect
sequence problem and

1. Buddhist practices and beliefs in Japan stemmed from practices in

China and were very similar to those in China.
2. Noh drama is rigidly traditional Japanese drama which in its present
form dates back to the early 14th century. Noh plays are short
dramas combining music, dance, and lyrics, with a highly stylized
ritualistic presentation. Kabuki drama combined elements of no
drama and folk theater.
3. Kimono and Yukata are traditional Japanese clothing. Kimono are
made of silk and are usually very expensive. Nowadays they are
worn at formal or traditional occasions such as funerals, weddings
or tea ceremonies. Only rarely kimono can still be seen in everyday
life. The Yukata, on the other hand, is more of informal leisure
4. In the beginning, tea was cultivated and used solely as herbal medicine
mostly within temples. Monks began to use tea to teach a respect for
nature, humility and an overall sense of peace and calm. Today, there are
six major aspects to consider when performing a Chinese Tea Ceremony:
attitude of the person performing the ceremony, tea selection, water
selection, tea ware selection, ambiance and technique.
5. Chopsticks are believed to symbolize kindness and gentleness.
Confucianism taught the Chinese to abandon knives and forks from the
dining table. So they have their food cut to bite-size before it comes on the

What’s New
Read the story below and answer the guide questions that
The Sun and the Moon

Once upon a time, there lived a poor woman with her son and daughter. She did
chores for other families for a living. One day, she went to work for a rich man’s
party and got some rice cakes there.
“My children must be hungry,” said the woman hurrying home.
On the way home, she met a big tiger. “Give me a piece of rice cake. Then I will not
eat you,” said the tiger. The woman gave a piece of rice cake to the tiger. But the
tiger kept following the woman.
“Give me a piece of rice cake. Then I will not eat you,” repeated the tiger. The
woman gave another piece of rice cake to the tiger. The tiger kept asking her for
more rice cakes. She gave away all the rice cakes to the tiger. Now she had no more
rice cake. So the tiger ate her.
Now the tiger put on her clothes and went to her house. He pretended to be the
children’s mom. “Open the door, dear,” said the tiger.
“You are not my mom. Your voice is too hoarse. Her voice is soft,” said the brother.
“Oh, is it? Hmm, I have a cold.”
“Then, show me your hands,” said the sister.
The tiger showed his hands to them.
“Your hands are too hairy and dark. Her hands are white,” said the brother.
The tiger covered his hands with flour. And he showed his white hands to the
children. Then the children opened the door. The tiger entered the house
saying “I will make dinner. Wait here.”
Then, the brother saw the tiger’s tail.
“It’s not Mom. It’s a tiger,” said the brother.
“What should we do?” said the sister.
“We have to run away from here,” said the brother.
The children ran out of the house and climbed up a tree near the well. The tiger
looked for them here and there. Then, he saw the children’s face reflected on the
water inside the well.
“Oh, you are in the well. I will scoop you up with this bowl,” said the tiger.
The sister in the tree laughed at the tiger. “Oh, you are in the tree.”
The tiger tried to climb up the tree. But he could not do it.
“How did you climb up the tree?” said the tiger.
“We used oil,” lied the brother.
The tiger rubbed some oil on his hands. And he tried to climb up the tree. But he
only slid down. Laughing at the tiger, the sister told the secret of how to climb
“You could use an ax,” said the sister. Then the tiger made small cuts on
the tree with an ax. Then, he could climb up the tree.
The children were frightened so they prayed to God. “If you want us to live, please
hand down a rope,” pleaded the children as they looked up towards God.
Then a rope came down from the sky. The children held onto it and went
up to the sky.
The tiger could not catch the children. The tiger prayed to God, too.

“If you want me to catch them, please hand down a rope.”

Then another rope came down from the sky. The tiger held onto it and went up to
the sky. But the rope was rotten. The tiger fell down.
The children went up to the sky. The brother became the sun. And the sister
became the moon.
“I am scared of the night,” said the sister.
“I will be the moon for you instead,” said the brother.
So the brother became the moon. And the sister became the sun.
Guide Questions:

1. What is the story all about? Who are the protagonists and the
2. What do you think does the tiger symbolize in the story? Did he
use his power to oppress the weak? Cite some events in the story that
support your answer.
3. The children in the story were orphaned after the tiger ate their
mother. What challenge did the orphaned children experience
afterward? If you were an orphan, what would you do to
4. In the story, the children prayed to God to escape from the tiger
and their prayers were answered. The tiger also prayed and God
also granted his prayer but the rope he was given was rotten, so he
fell and died. What lesson did the author want you to learn about
5. This story is a Korean folktale. Based on this story, which among
their characteristics are similar or different from yours? Explain
your answer.

What is It
The folktale that you have just read is an example of a narrative, a text
that tells a story and aims to entertain readers. In this grade level, you
will learn another type that would teach you to learn from information, the
expository text, but beforehand, you have to know how they differ from each other
so that you would avoid interchanging them.
What are the differences of a narrative text from an expository? How can you
distinguish them from each other? The matrix below contrasts these two types.
Study it to unlock them.
Narrative Text Expository Text

Tells a story Explains, informs, or describes

Usually written from the author’s Depend on reliable sources; based on

thoughts, experiences, and imagination facts

Can be fictional (imaginary) or Non-fictional (real)

nonfictional (real)

Has a beginning, middle, and end Has an introduction, body, and

Usually in past tense Usually in present tense

Has features that may include setting, Has features that may include titles,
characters, conflict, rising action, headings, subheadings, boldface words,
climax, falling action, resolution charts, tables, diagrams graphics

Uses a story structure that includes Has five common text structures:
story elements like setting, compare/contrast, cause and effect,
characteristics, conflict, plot, and problem and solution, description,
resolution sequence or chronological

Examples: A novel (A Wrinkle in Time), a Examples: speech (The Importance of

movie (Death on the Nile), a comic Good Manners), research paper (Why
(Spiderman), a recount (My First Week Humans Sweat), an online manual (A
in the GEP), a fable (The Hare and the Guide to Windows Vista), a book (All
Tortoise, a short story (The Ghost Who About Dalmatians), a magazine article
Came to Dinner), a letter to your best (The Life of Mother Theresa), a
friend, diary entry on how I spent the persuasive essay (The Most Important
day, a nursery rhyme (Twinkle, Twinkle Invention of the 20th Century), an essay
Little Star) (How to Think Like a Cat and Never
Have to go to School Again)

Moreover, in the previous years, you learned about the structures of a

narrative text. This time, the focus is on the expository text structure. It is
essential that you gain an understanding of them because, in the coming
years, you would do more expository writing than narrative writing. The
following matrix enumerates the five common expository text structures, the
signal words that would help you identify the type of text structure or
structures the author used, and the graphic organizer used to explain the
topic further.

Text Structure Examples Possible Signal Sample Graphic

Type and Words Organizer

Comparison/ Sports pre-game Comparison: like, alike, Venn Diagram
Contrast- shows stories about two similar, similar to,
the similarities
opposing teams similarly, in common,
(compare) or
in comparison, the
differences News articles Differences Differences
(contrast) of two or explaining
more things. candidates’ Contrast: unlike, not
positions on issues alike, different from,
differ from, differently,
Descriptions of in contrast, but, NOTE: You will write the
multiple health however, contrary, similarities in the
insurance options opposite, nevertheless, intersecting portion of the
vary circles.
Advertisements for
work-related tools or

Solution 1 PROBLEM

Solution 2 Cause and An editorial discussing Cause: for, Hierarchy Chart

effect- explain the the possible because, since,
reason for an consequences of as, to result from
event and its implementing a policy to be result of, Cause
impact or result. due to, because
A troubleshooting of, the sequence
guide for the office of, as a result of,
copy machine that as a Effect 1 Effect 2
outlines possible consequence of,
causes of on account of,
Effect: as a
Warning labels result, as a
naming possible consequence,
side effects of using a therefore, thus,
product accordingly,
hence, so, to
result in, to
cause, to have
an effect on, the
cause of, leads
to, the reason
for, thereby

Problem and solution- A newspaper Problem: Hierarchy Chart

states or shows editorial outlining a problem,
current difficulty, question,
development of a
proposing for challenge,
problem; list or
solutions, and dilemma, puzzle,
shows solution to
advocating for one of difficulty
a problem; poses
a question and Solution: answer,
then nsawers it. A workplace stating resolve, solve,
why a certain rule has solution,
been put in place recommend,
A political speech alternative
proposing a remedy
for a troubling

Description- Information sheets is, for example, Web

provides about products for involves, can be,
information about sale such as a car, an defined, an description
a topic, lists appliance, a house, example, for
important etc. instance, in fact,
characteristics, also, contain, description description
connect ideas by Articles on things to make up, refers word
describing, and do at a vacation to, such as,
gives examples destination includes
description description

Sections of an
employee manual
that discuss
workplace policies

Sequence/ Recipes first, second, Timeline

Chronology- then, now,
puts facts, Directions in a before, after,
events, or manual for using an then, next,
concepts in appliance In the
finally, First Then end
order; traces the
development of a A timeline for product
development meanwhile, last,
topic; gives the
steps in a during, in the
process; lists Steps to follow in a end
items or events workplace process
in chronological

Activity 1 Cloze to You

To enhance your expository writing skills, do the following cloze test by filling out the
blanks with the omitted words, phrases, or clauses. You may choose your answers
from the boxes. Then, transcode them using the appropriate graphic organizers.

Cause and Effect

Covid-19 is a . Therefore, it
around the world. Because of this,
the government was forced to .
As a result , which lead to the

close down all schools and majority of the business establishments

has infected millions of people
loss of many people’s jobs
the world economy staggered
very contagious disease
Distance learning is . It also means
. There are
before going home. There is no fun in studying far from other people. However, I am
a grown-up now. I should understand that for now, this is the best way to continue
my studies. Moreover, . One of these
days, , and school will be fun

I would reunite with the people I longed to be with

no more side trips
not having my allowance again
studying away from school, from classmates, teachers, and friends, and the canteen
the pandemic will not last forever

Problem and Solution
During the pandemic, people are
_____________which made them feel ______.
To ease their boredom, some people started gardening. Others use their free time
in enhancing their skills in
, etc. Some businessmen began to
. Many spent their time
, while others opt to read books.

cooking, baking, sketching, painting restricted to go out

sell their products online
very bored
watching their favorite movies

Compare/ Contrast
Covid-19 and influenza are both that
cause . They have a similar
—by contact, droplets, or fomites.
However, they differ in . Influenza spreads
faster than Covid-19. Moreover, children are more prone to it than in Covid-19,
while older people are susceptible
Covid-19 butto less

mode of transmission more susceptible respiratory disease


Sequence/ Chronology

Washing your hands the right way is indispensable, especially in times of a

pandemic. Thus, we need to .
First, .
Next, .
Afterward, .
Do not forget to using the
paper towel and dispose of it.

follow the proper steps of hand-washing

put some soap in our hands and scrub them for at least twenty seconds
rinse them with warm running water and dry them with a paper towel
turn off the faucet after use
we have to wet our hands with warm, running water

Activity 2 I Understand You
Transcode the expository texts you completed in the previous cloze test
using the appropriate graphic organizers and explain each of them. Make sure to
use the appropriate signal words in your explanations.
Let us have the article, “Barriers to Education” as your sample expository
text that you need to transcode and explain. Study the example below.

Barriers to

Distance Time Age Circumstance

Learners need to Some learners Overage learners

travel to get to need to work to are sometimes Some learners
school. make a living. bullied. are born poor.

Need to Do not have

cross a Do not money for
river or Reluctant school
have time to finish
go down to go to their
a foods, and
school studies travel
mountain allowance

Possible explanation:
The graphic organizer above used the cause and effect structure. It explains
why the author considered distance, time, age, and circumstance as barriers to
education. One of the reasons is distance. Because learners need to travel to get to
school, some of them might need to cross a river or go down a mountain. Another
reason is time. Some learners need to work to make a living, that is why they do not
have time to go to school anymore. Age is also a barrier, especially for overage
learners who are usually bullied by their classmates, which makes them reluctant to
finish their studies. The last among the given reasons is the circumstance. Some
learners are born poor; hence, they do not have money for school materials, foods,
and travel allowance, so they opt not to study anymore.

What I Have Learned

Recall the lesson you had in this module and answer the
questions that follow honestly.
1. What have you learned about the lesson?
2. What clarifications do you want to ask about the lesson?

What I Can Do
In this module, you have read the folktale entitled, 'The Sun and the Moon,'
which is an

example of a narrative text. Although its purpose is to entertain, it usually reflects

different lessons in life that readers must learn. Thus, it could give us ideas about the
topics that we could discuss in an expository text.
The sentences below are lessons derived from the said story. You may select one
from them as your topic in writing your expository text. You may also create your title.
Make sure to use the appropriate text structure in explaining your ideas.

1. Parents need to work away from their children to support their necessities.
2. We should not allow anyone to oppress us even if they are
3. God does not tolerate evil deeds.

Transcode the expository text you wrote using the appropriate
graphic organizer and provide an interpretation.

Graphic Organizer:


Answer Key
What I Know
What’s In
1. Compare and Contrast 1. Compare/ contrast
2. Sequence 2. Description
3. Description 3. Compare/ Contrast
4. Cause and Effect 4. Sequence
5. Problem and Solution 5. Cause and effect

What’s New
1. The story is all about the origin of the sun and the moon. The protagonists are the
mother and her children, while the antagonist is the tiger.
2. The tiger symbolizes oppression. Yes, he did. He threatened the mother that if she
would not give him rice cakes, he would eat her, ate the mother when she had no
more rice cakes left, and attempted to eat the mother’s children too.
3. Since they are already orphaned, they need to protect themselves from any harm at
a very young age. Answers may vary.
4. God does not tolerate evil deeds.
5. Like us, Koreans are also family-oriented. They can sacrifice their well-being to
support and protect their family no matter what.

What’s More

Activity 1. Cloze to You

Cause and Effect

Covid-19 is a very contagious disease. Therefore, it has infected millions of people
around the world. Because of this, the government was forced to close down all schools and
majority of the business establishments. As a result, the world economy staggered which
lead to the loss of many people’s jobs.

Distance learning is studying away from school, from classmates, teachers, and
friends, and the canteen. It also means not having my allowance again. There are no more
side trips before going home. There is no fun in studying far from other people. However, I
am a grown-up now. I should understand that for now, this is the best way to continue my
studies. Moreover, the pandemic will not last forever. One of these days, I would reunite
with the people I longed to be with, and school will be fun again.

Problem and Solution

During the pandemic, people are restricted to go out which made them feel very
bored. To ease their boredom, some people started gardening. Others use their free time in
enhancing their skills in cooking, baking, sketching, painting, etc. Some businessmen
began to sell their products online. Many spent their time watching their favorite movies,
while others opt to read books.

Compare/ Contrast
Covid-19 and influenza are both viruses that cause respiratory disease. They have a
similar mode of transmission—by contact, droplets, or fomites. However, they differ in
speed. Influenza spreads faster than Covid-19. Moreover, children are more prone to it than
in Covid-19, while older people are more susceptible to Covid19 but less susceptible to

Sequence/ Chronology
Washing your hands the right way is indispensable, especially in times of a
pandemic. Thus, we need to follow the proper steps of hand-washing. First, we have to wet
our hands with warm, running water. Second, put some soap in our hands and scrub them
for at least twenty seconds. Then, rinse them with warm running water and dry them with a
paper towel. Do not forget to turn off the faucet after use using the paper towel and dispose
of it.

Activity 2: I Understand You

cause and Effect

Covid 19 is a ccontagious
disease. not fun
chools and
It has infected and killed millions of
people around the world. fStudyingol,
no more rom scho
The peoplewas
government lost their
forced jobs.down
to close going
tripshome Distan classmat
s riends, and
Compare/ Contrast cante

PROBLEM and not having

gardening allowance

Enhancing skills
People are bored during the pandemic because they are not allowed to go out.
Selli n g
Watching movies

reading books


Wet our hands with Put some soaps in Rinse them with Turn off the faucet
Warm, running our hands and scrub warm, rrunning after use using the
water. them for at least water and dry them paper towel and
twenty seconds. with a paper towel. dispose of it.

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