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Nuclear Power Plant
• are a type of power plant that generates energy
using the nuclear fission process. This is
accomplished by combining nuclear reactors with
the Rankine cycle, in which the heat created by the
reactor turns water into steam, which powers a
turbine and generator. Nuclear power generates
around 11% of the world's total electricity, with the
United States and France being the leading
Nuclear power plants, except from the
source of heat, are essentially like coal-fired power
plants. They do, however, necessitate various safety
precautions since nuclear fuel has very different
characteristics than coal or other fossil fuels. They
generate thermal energy by breaking the nuclei of
atoms in their reactor core, with uranium serving as
the most common fuel today. Thorium has the
potential to be used in nuclear power, although it is
not currently in use. The fundamental functioning of
a boiling waterpower plant is shown below, which
includes the numerous components of a power
plant as well as energy generation.
A boiling water nuclear reactor in combination with the Rankine cycle forms the basis of a
nuclear power plant.
How does Nuclear Power Plant require?
Nuclear power requires a lot of uranium to make the fuel, and it produces a lot of
radioactive waste in the process. Building and constructing reactors requires a lot of steel,
concrete, and rare earth metals; there is a large carbon emissions footprint associated
with just the construction of nuclear power plants.

-is the most often utilized fuel for nuclear fission in nuclear power reactors. Because its atoms are easily
broken apart, nuclear power plants employ a specific kind of uranium—U-235—as fuel. Although
uranium is approximately 100 times more abundant than silver, U-235 is very uncommon, accounting
for slightly more than 0.7 percent of natural uranium. Uranium concentrate is produced by separating
uranium ore from a slurry at uranium mills or in-situ leaching plants. It is then processed in conversion
and enrichment facilities, where the level of U-235 is increased to 3–5% for commercial nuclear
reactors, before being manufactured into reactor fuel pellets and fuel rods in reactor fuel fabrication
Nuclear fuel is put into reactors and utilized until the fuel assemblies become extremely
radioactive, at which point they must be removed for interim storage and eventual disposal. Although
chemical processing of spent fuel material is technically conceivable to recover any residual product
that may undergo fission again in a new fuel assembly, it is not authorized in the United States.
The front end of the nuclear fuel cycle

The nuclear fuel cycle begins with uranium prospecting and mine
development to extract uranium ore. Airborne radiometric surveys, chemical
monitoring of groundwater and soils, and exploratory drilling to investigate
the underlying geology are all employed to discover uranium. Once uranium
ore deposits are discovered, the mine developer will generally do more
closely spaced infill, or development drilling, to assess how much uranium is
accessible and how much it will cost to collect it.
Nuclear Reactors

The reactor is an important part of a power

plant since it houses the fuel, the nuclear chain
reaction, and all nuclear waste products. The reactor,
like the boiler in a coal plant, is the heat source for
the power plant. Uranium is the most utilized nuclear
fuel in nuclear reactors, and its fission processes are
what provide the heat. This heat is then transferred
to the reactor's coolant, which provides heat to other
nuclear power plant components.
Other types of nuclear reactors are used for
plutonium production, ship, airplane, and satellite
propulsion, as well as research and medical reasons,
in addition to electricity generation. The power plant
includes cooling towers, turbines, generators, and
numerous safety measures in addition to the reactor.
What distinguishes it from other external heat
engines is the reactor.
Steam Generator
The production of steam is common
among all nuclear power plants, but the
way this is done varies immensely.
Pressurized water reactors, which employ
two loops of circulating water to create
steam, are the most prevalent power
facilities in the world. The first loop
transports extremely hot liquid water to a
heat exchanger, where it is exchanged for
water at a lower pressure. It then warms
up and boils, resulting in steam, which
may be delivered to the turbine portion.
The second most popular reactor in power
generation, boiling water reactors, heat
the water in the core directly to steam.
• Steam is generated and then sent
through one or more turbines at
high pressures and speeds. These
reach incredibly high speeds,
which causes the steam to lose
energy and condense back into a
colder liquid water. The turbines'
spinning drives an electric
generator, which generates power
for distribution through the
electrical grid.
Cooling Towers
• They function by transferring heat from hot
water (from the turbine portion) to the colder
outside air to reject waste heat to the
atmosphere. When hot water meets air, it cools
and a little percentage of it evaporates, around
2%, and rises to the top. Furthermore, these
plants emit no carbon dioxide, the major
greenhouse gas that leads to global warming.
Instead of using cooling towers, many nuclear
power facilities simply discharge waste heat into
a river, lake, or ocean. Cooling towers or huge
bodies of water are seen in many different
power facilities, such as coal-fired power plants.
This resemblance exists because the process of
converting heat to electricity in nuclear and coal-
fired power plants is almost comparable.
Nuclear Fuel
-is material used in nuclear power stations to produce heat to power turbines. Heat is created when nuclear fuel
undergoes nuclear fission.
Heavy fissile actinide elements, which can undergo and sustain nuclear fission, are found in most nuclear fuels. Uranium-
233, uranium-235, and plutonium-239 are the three most important fissile isotopes. When a slow-moving neutron hits the unstable
nuclei of these atoms, they split into two daughter nuclei and two or three additional neutrons. After then, the neutrons divide
additional nuclei. In a nuclear reactor, this results in a self-sustaining chain reaction, which can be regulated or uncontrolled in a
nuclear weapon.
The nuclear fuel cycle encompasses all of the steps involved in mining, refining, purifying, utilizing, and disposing of
nuclear fuel. Not all nuclear fuels produce electricity through nuclear fission; plutonium-238 and a few other elements are utilized in
radioisotope thermoelectric generators and other types of atomic batteries to generate tiny quantities of nuclear power through
radioactive decay. Nuclear energy offers the greatest energy density of any viable fuel type.
Overall Efficiency

Because a nuclear power plant is technically a big heat engine, its efficiency is determined
similarly to that of conventional heat engines. The thermal efficiency of a plant is determined by the
quantity of electric power generated for each unit of thermal power, and there is a limit to how efficient
these plants can be owing to the second law of thermodynamics. Nuclear power facilities typically have
efficiency of 33-37 percent, which are equivalent to fossil-fuel power plants. Nuclear reactors with higher
temperatures and more contemporary designs, such as Generation IV, may possibly achieve efficiencies
of greater above 45 percent. It requires less fuel than separate heat and power generation, to produce a
given energy output. Cogeneration also avoids transmission and distribution loses that occur when
electricity travels over power lines from central generating units.
Efficiency of a Light Bulb
If efficiency of each step is known, we can calculate the overall efficiency of production of light from
coal in the ground. The table below illustrates the calculation of overall efficiency of a light bulb.

Calculation of Overall Efficiency of a Light Bulb

Step Step Efficiency Cumulative Efficiency or Overall Efficiency

Extraction of Coal 96% 96%

Transportation 98% 94% = (0.96 x 0.98) * 100

Electricity Generation 35% 33% = (0.94 x 0.35) * 100

Transmission of Electricity 95% 31% = (0.33 x 0.95) * 100

Lighting: 5% 1.56% = (0.31 x 0.05) * 100

Incandescent Bulb

Lighting: 20% 6.2% = (0.31 x 0.20) * 100

Fluorescent Bulb
Steps of Overall Efficiency
We have been looking at the efficiencies of an automobile or a power plant
individually. But when the entire chain of energy transformations is considered—
from the moment the coal is brought out to the surface to the moment the
electricity turns into its final form—true overall efficiency of the energy utilization
will be revealed. The final form at home could be light from a bulb or sound from a
stereo. The series of steps as shown in the Figure below are:
1) Production of coal (Mining)
2) Transportation to power plant
3) Electricity generation
4) Transmission of electricity
5) Conversion of electricity into light
Fission and Fusion
We get all our energy from simple chemical and physical processes.
Throughout history, this has primarily been achieved by burning carbon-based materials
like wood, coal, and gas, or by harnessing energy from the sun, wind, and water.
Fission and fusion are two physical processes that use atoms to generate huge quantities of
Nuclear processes provide millions of times more energy than other sources.

When a neutron collides with a bigger atom, it causes it to excite and split into two
smaller atoms, which are known as fission products. There are also more neutrons emitted,
which might start a chain reaction.
A significant quantity of energy is produced when each atom divides. Because they
are easy to begin and regulate, uranium and plutonium are the most widely utilized fission
materials in nuclear power reactors.
In these reactors, the energy generated by fission warms water into steam. To generate
carbon-free power, steam is utilized to spin a turbine.
The Pros & Cons of Nuclear Energy: Is it safe?
What comes to mind when you hear the words "nuclear energy"?
Perhaps a nuclear bomb or a nuclear energy disaster like Chernobyl or
Fukushima comes to mind. If this is your perception of nuclear power, you
may be shocked to discover that it is one of the most ecologically benign
types of energy generation in the world. Nuclear energy has various
advantages and disadvantages, including lower emissions and more
There are also costs, safety, waste, security, and other issues to
consider while creating nuclear energy. Learn more about the advantages
and disadvantages of nuclear energy to have a better understanding of this
energy source and how it may help our planet in the future.

When two atoms collide to produce a heavier atom, for as when two hydrogen
atoms fuse to form one helium atom, fusion occurs.
This is the same process that drives the sun and produces enormous quantities of
energy—many times that of fission. It also doesn't create fission products that are very
Scientists are studying fusion events, but they are difficult to sustain for long
periods of time due to the enormous pressure and temperature required to fuse the nuclei
What Is Nuclear Energy?
Before we get into the benefits and drawbacks of nuclear energy, it's
important to understand what nuclear energy is and how it's produced. Nuclear
energy is generated by breaking atoms, especially uranium atoms. When an atom
is split, it splits into two smaller, lighter atoms. Because energy does not just
vanish, the "lost" mass is transformed into heat, which is then utilized to generate
electricity. Nuclear power facilities just offer a regulated environment in which
these reactions can take place.
Nuclear Energy Pros
There are several advantages and disadvantages to nuclear energy, and it is critical to
comprehend all sides in order to understand what this energy resource is capable of. Knowing the
benefits and drawbacks of nuclear energy will allow you to determine for yourself if this energy
source is a good choice for our future energy requirements and for the world.

1. Low Cost of Operation

After the initial building costs, nuclear energy is one of the most cost-effective energy alternatives
accessible. Unless such resources are situated near the power plant they feed, the cost of producing
electricity from nuclear energy is significantly cheaper than the cost of producing energy from gas,
coal, or oil. Nuclear energy also offers the advantage of having very minimal risks of cost inflation, as
opposed to traditional fossil fuels, which constantly vary in price.
2. Reliable Source of Energy

While certain energy sources, such as solar and wind power, are affected by weather conditions,
nuclear energy is not. It makes no difference if the wind isn't blowing or if the sky is cloudy. Nuclear
power facilities are largely unaffected by external environmental variables, producing predictable and
consistent energy output. A nuclear power station in full operation can produce electricity nonstop for a
whole year, allowing for a strong return on investment due to no energy production delays.
Nuclear power plants are also dependable since the earth has enough uranium to provide
electricity for the next 70-80 years. While that may not seem like a long period, it is longer than many
fossil fuels are expected to endure, and alternative nuclear energy sources are being investigated for use
in nuclear power plants.
3. Stable Base Load Energy

You may not realize it, but nuclear energy is widely used in America. In fact, it makes up
around 20% of all electricity generated in the United States. This efficient energy source comes from the
98 nuclear power reactors dotted around 30 different states in the U.S. The stable production of power
created by nuclear power plants means that it can ideally be used in conjunction with other forms of
renewable energy.
For example, wind turbines generate significant amounts of power—when the wind blows.
When the wind is blowing, nuclear plants can adjust energy output to be lower. Conversely, when the
wind is not blowing and greater energy is needed, nuclear energy can be adjusted to compensate for the
lack of wind (or solar) generated power.
4. Produces Low Pollution

When it comes to pollution, it's apparent that nuclear energy has both advantages and
disadvantages; don't worry, we'll get to the subject of nuclear waste shortly. However, as compared
to energy generation from fossil fuels, the overall pollutant output from a nuclear power station is
very modest. Every year, existing nuclear energy usage eliminates about 555 million metric tons of
emissions. This reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is a wonderful sign of how switching to
nuclear energy may help lessen our long-term impact on global climate change.
Nuclear Energy Cons
On our list of pros and cons of nuclear energy, we’ve covered what makes nuclear power a
great option for the future of our electricity needs. However, there are disadvantages of nuclear
energy to keep in mind when considering if this power source is the best form of environmentally
friendly energy for our future. Here are some of the main cons of nuclear energy.

1. Expensive to Build
Nuclear power facilities are extremely expensive to build, despite the fact that they are
quite affordable to operate—and the cost is growing. The anticipated cost of building a nuclear plant
increased from $2-$4 billion to $9 billion between 2002 and 2008, and power facilities frequently
exceed their cost projections during construction. Aside from the cost of constructing a power plant,
nuclear facilities must also budget for the protection of their waste and the storage of it in cooled
buildings with security measures in place. All of these expenditures add together to make nuclear
power prohibitively costly.
2. Accidents

One of the first things most people think of when they hear nuclear power plant is the
disaster at Chernobyl. Although we don’t know exactly how many people died as a result of the
Chernobyl incident, it’s estimated that there have been as many as 10,000 deaths from the long-
term effects of radiation in the region. The Fukushima power plant crisis in 2011 showed that no
matter how safe nuclear power plants are designed to be, accidents can and do happen.
3. Produces Radioactive Waste

Although nuclear energy production does not create any emissions, it does produce radioactive
waste that must be securely stored so it doesn’t pollute the environment. While radiation might sound
scary, we are constantly exposed to small amounts of radioactivity from cosmic rays or radon in the air
we breathe. In small quantities, radiation isn’t harmful—but the radioactive waste from nuclear energy
production is incredibly dangerous.
Storage of radioactive waste is a major challenge facing nuclear power plants. Because there’s
no way to destroy nuclear waste, the current solution is to seal it securely in containers and store it deep
underground where it can’t contaminate the environment. As technology improves, we will hopefully find
better ways of storing radioactive waste in the future.
4. Impact on the Environment

Nuclear power plants have a greater impact on the environment than just the waste they
produce. The mining and enrichment of uranium are not environmentally friendly processes. Open-
pit mining for uranium is safe for miners but leaves behind radioactive particles, causes erosion, and
even pollutes nearby sources of water. Underground mining isn’t much better and exposes miners
to high amounts of radiation while producing radioactive waste rock during extraction and
5. Limited Fuel Supply

There are several significant advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy, but one of
the most essential things to bear in mind is that nuclear energy is dependent on uranium and
thorium to generate energy. We will be unable to generate electricity using the nuclear power
plants we have built for the future unless we can develop nuclear fusion or build breeder reactors
before our supply runs out. Finally, nuclear power is simply a short-term option at a significant cost.
Nuclear power facilities have a variety of safety procedures in place, all of
which are based on the concept that they must protect the safety of nearby
populations in order to avoid negative health effects. Nuclear power plants are
built to avoid unexpected events from happening. Even if abnormal
occurrences do occur, nuclear facilities are intended to avoid the spread of
abnormal incidents and the leakage of radioactive materials around the plants,
which might have negative consequences for the environment.
While nuclear power facilities are designed to be safe in operation as well as safe in
the case of a malfunction or disaster, no industrial activity can be described as completely
risk-free. Incidents and accidents may occur, and as in other sectors, what is learnt will lead
to incremental safety improvements. These enhancements include both new designs and
upgrades to existing facilities. Significant investment in such upgrades is required to
achieve long-term operation (LTO) of established facilities.
The safety of the operational crew is a top priority in nuclear power facilities. The
use of remote handling equipment for numerous procedures in the reactor core reduces
radiation exposure. Other safeguards include physical shielding and restricting the amount
of time personnel spend in regions with high radiation exposure. These are backed up by
regular monitoring of individual doses as well as the work environment to guarantee very
low radiation exposure in comparison to other sectors.
The safety of the operational crew is a top priority in nuclear power facilities.
The use of remote handling equipment for numerous procedures in the reactor
core reduces radiation exposure. Other safeguards include physical shielding and
restricting the amount of time personnel spend in regions with high radiation
exposure. These are backed up by regular monitoring of individual doses as well as
the work environment to guarantee very low radiation exposure in comparison to
other sectors.
Nuclear energy may be regarded highly safe when used to generate power.
Hundreds of people die every year in coal mines to produce this widely utilized
energy source. The usage of fossil fuels has severe health and environmental
consequences. Nuclear power, contrary to common opinion, saves lives by
removing fossil fuels from the energy mix.
Achieving optimum nuclear safety

The operator is accountable for safety, which is a fundamental concept of nuclear power plant operation across
the world. The national regulator is in charge of ensuring that the licensee operates the plants safely and that the design is
authorized. The purpose of a regulator is to safeguard people and the environment, which is a second essential notion.
National regulators are also in charge of reactor design certification. There is various degrees of international
collaboration among them, and a variety of mechanical regulations and standards relating to quality and safety exist.
Since the 1990s, when new reactor designs began to emerge on a more worldwide scale, both the industry and
regulators have sought increased design uniformity as well as regulatory harmonization. In the information page on
Cooperation in Nuclear Power, the function of the World Nuclear Association's Cooperation in Reactor Design Evaluation and
Licensing (CORDEL) Working Group and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency's (NEA) Multinational Design Evaluation Programme
(MDEP) is discussed.
Power plants utilize redundant safety measures to keep residential communities
around them safe at all times. Measures to be put into action in order to ensure
safety during unusual events can be summarized in the following three points:

1. To shut down operating reactors

2. To cool down reactors so as to remove heat from nuclear fuel

3. To contain radioactive materials

• IEA (2014), "World energy balances", IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances (database). DOI:
(Accessed February 2015)
• Wikimedia Commons [Online], Available:
• NRC. (June 25 2015). Boiling Water Reactor [Online], Available:
• J.R. Lamarsh and A.J. Baratta, "Non-Nuclear Components of Nuclear Power Plants" in Introduction to Nuclear Engineering, 3rd ed., Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice
Hall, 2001, ch.4, sec.3, pp. 129-133
• wikimedia Commons [Online], Available:
• World Nuclear Association. (June 30 2015). Nuclear Power Reactors [Online], Available:
• Michael Kappel on Flickr [Online], Available:
• J.R. Lamarsh and A.J. Baratta, "Power Reactors and Nuclear Steam Supply Systems" in Introduction to Nuclear Engineering, 3rd ed., Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice
Hall, 2001, ch.4, sec.5, pp. 136-185


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