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Rite Publishing Presents

10 Inquisitor Feats

By Steven D. Russell
Rite Publishing Presents:

10 Inquisitor Feats
Knight Templar (Design and Develop
Steven D. Russell

He Who Fights Monsters (Cover and Interior Artist):

Toby Gregory

The Spanish Inquisition (Layout and Publisher):

Steven D. Russell

Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC.
See for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee
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10 Inquisitor Feats © 2012 Steven D. Russell, Open Gaming License Copyright © 2007
Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved, Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Compatibility License. See for more information on the compatibility license.
10 Inquisitor Feats
Anathema Strike
“You shall not escape our pronouncement of
Prerequisites: Bane, exploit weakness, greater
bane, and judgment class features.
Benefit: Bane damage (and greater bane damage)
dealt by weapons you wield cannot be healed by
natural healing, conjuration (healing) spells,
regeneration or fast healing if your opponent fails a
Will save Will save (DC 10 +1/2 your inquisitor class
level + your Wis Modifier). This save is made when
the effect attempts to heal the damage, once failed
none of the healing effects will work until the curse is
removed. A creature that makes is save is immune to
the effects of your use of this feat for 24 hours. The
curse bestowed by this effect cannot be dispelled, but
it can be removed with a break enchantment, limited
wish, miracle, remove curse, or wish spell.
Special: An inquisitor can take this feat as one of her
teamwork bonus feats and switch out the feat using
solo tactics just as if it were a teamwork feat.

Astute Advantage (Combat)

“I was quite ready and prepared for the heathen
Prerequisites: Cunning initiative and stern gaze
class feature, Improved Initiative, Dex 13
Benefit: If you are armed, you may make a single
melee or ranged weapon attack during the first round
of a combat encounter, before initiative begins, even if
you are surprised. Afterwards, combat process
resumes normally, and you may attack again on your Chastising Stare (Ge
initiative if able to. “At a glance from those cold eyes I felt the judgment
Special: An inquisitor can take this feat as one of her of the heavens upon me”
teamwork bonus feats and switch out the feat using Prerequisites: Bane, judgment, and stern gaze class
solo tactics just as if it were a teamwork feat. features, Cha 13
Benefit: You can as a swift action, chastise a creature
Bane Burst (Combat) within 30 feet with a look. The target must succeed on
“From Hell’s heart I stab at thee.” a Will save (DC 10 +1/2 your inquisitor class level +
Prerequisites: Bane and greater bane class features your Wis Modifier) or suffer wracking pains that
Benefit: You bane weapons explode with divine inflict a -4 circumstance penalty to attack rolls,
energy upon striking a successful critical hit against weapon damage rolls, initiative, skill checks, ability
the designated foe of your bane weapon. The energy checks, and a -10 ft. circumstance penalty (reducing
does not harm you. In addition to the extra damage its speed by 10 ft. to a minimum of 5ft. per round).
from the bane ability, a bane burst weapon deals an You can use this ability only once per day but it is only
extra 2d10 points of bane damage on a considered used if at least one opponent suffers the
successful critical hit. If the weapon's critical penalties inflicted by use of this feat. If a creature
multiplier is ×3, add an extra 3d10 points of bane makes its saving throw that creature is immune to
damage instead, and if the multiplier is ×4, add an your use of this feat for 24 hours. These effects last for
extra 4d10 points of bane damage. 1 hour.
Special: An inquisitor can take this feat as one of her Special: An inquisitor can take this feat as one of her
teamwork bonus feats and switch out the feat using teamwork bonus feats and switch out the feat using
solo tactics just as if it were a teamwork feat. solo tactics just as if it were a teamwork feat.
Instant Judgment (General)
General) you can grant yourself 1d8 + your inquisitor class level
in temporary hit points, plus an additional 1d8
“I believe in swift justice” temporary hit points for every five inquisitor class
Prerequisites: Judgment class feature, Dex 13 levels you possess. These temporary hit points last
Benefit: You may activate your judgment as an one minute per point of base attack bonus you
immediate action and can change it to another possess. Once per day you can maximize the number
judgment as an immediate action. of temporary hit points this feat grants you.
Special: An inquisitor can take this feat as one of her Special: An inquisitor can take this feat as one of her
teamwork bonus feats and switch out the feat using teamwork bonus feats and switch out the feat using
solo tactics just as if it were a teamwork feat. solo tactics just as if it were a teamwork feat.

Know Thy
Thy Enemy (Combat
Combat) Strike Down The Liar (General)
“I knew what the heretic would do before he did” “May the gods strike me down if I am li…BOOM!”
Prerequisites: detect alignment and monster lore Prerequisites: Stern Gaze and Discern lies class
class feature, Knowledge (any one) 3 ranks, Int 13 features
Benefit: Three times per day if you know the target Benefit: Three times per day whenever you discern a
opponent’s alignment and you make a successful lie using your discern lies class feature a lightning bolt
Knowledge check based on its creature type (DC 10 + from out of nowhere will strike the creature who
its HD + its Wisdom modifier) you gain a +1 spoke the lie. This bolt deals 1d6 point of electrical
competence bonus to attack and damage rolls, as well damage for each inquisitor class levels you possess
as a +1 competence bonus to Armor Class against that (maximum 15d6) a successful Reflex save (DC 10 +1/2
target opponent. This bonus is increase by 1 for every your inquisitor class level + your Wis Modifier) results
three inquisitor class levels you possess beyond 3rd in half damage.
level to a maximum of +5 at 15th level. You maintain Special: An inquisitor can take this feat as one of her
this bonus for one round per inquisitor class level you teamwork bonus feats and switch out the feat using
possess. solo tactics just as if it were a teamwork feat.
Special: An inquisitor can take this feat as one of her
teamwork bonus feats and switch out the feat using
solo tactics just as if it were a teamwork feat. Track Magic (General)
“Your sacrilegious arts are like a trail of
Pronounce Weakness (General)
(General) breadcrumbs.”
Prerequisites: Orisons and track class feature,
“When I issued my verdict, the goddesses listened” Track, Survival 10 ranks, Wis 13
Prerequisites: Bane, judgment, and monster lore Benefit: You gain the ability to see traces of magic.
class features, Wis 13 The subject may follow the trail of any creature that
Benefit: You can force an opponent within 30 ft. to has active (or continuous) spells, magic items, or
make a successful Will save (DC 10 +1/2 your spell-like abilities. You must still make Survival
inquisitor class level + your Wis Modifier) or it gains checks to attempt to trail someone in this fashion.
one vulnerability special quality of your choice, it Instead of weather affecting the subject’s ability to
cannot possess more than one such vulnerability at a follow, discharges of magic in an area have the same
time, and so if the creature already possesses one, this effect as rain on the magical tracks. The spell lets the
feat has no effect. You can use this ability only once subject see a faint, glowing trail, but the subject
per day but it is only considered used if at least one cannot tell what type of magic creates it. For every
opponent gains a weakness by use of this feat. If a three active items/spells/abilities, the subject gains a
creature makes its saving throw that creature is +1 circumstance bonus to the Track check. This feat
immune to your use of this feat for 24 hours. This does not help your track via magic used to conceal or
necromantic curse effect cannot be dispelled, but it alter normal tracks, such as Trackless Step or dust of
can be removed with a break enchantment, remove tracelessness, but it would still give you a chance to
curse, limited wish, miracle, or wish spell. You do not track other active magic in the possession of someone
use up a use of this feat until using those magics to avoid being tracked.
Special: An inquisitor can take this feat as one of her Special: An inquisitor can take this feat as one of her
teamwork bonus feats and switch out the feat using teamwork bonus feats and switch out the feat using
solo tactics just as if it were a teamwork feat. solo tactics just as if it were a teamwork feat.

Stalwart Determination (Combat)

"To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield."
Prerequisites: Stalwart class feature, Con 13,
Benefit: When things are at their bleakest, you have
learned how to by shear morale and force of will carry
on when all others would fall. Three times per day as a
free action if your current hit point total is less than
your Constitution score plus your base attack bonus,
OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a Product Title, the Logos, and Images are product identity all other
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is content is open gaming content.
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