Final Task

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Creat your own fake news story

STEP 1 - Pick your topic.

1. Learn from the pros!

Here is some advice from Jestin Coler (called the “Fake News King” by the National Public Radio) about
writing effective fake news stories:
First advice: “We’d work on getting emotional responses from readers. You want to hit some buttons – whether
they laugh or make them angry – that gets them to share it to hundreds of their friends.”
Second advice: “ You don’t need a story that’ s over the top or clickbait. As long as your site looks legitimate
and you have these fictional stories that people want to be true, they’ll spread it all around.”
2. Start investigating your own topic.
Browse through your textbook to find examples of popular topics.
Think of a controversial story that will surprise or shock your readers and start a debate.
3. Use the 5 Ws.
To build your story, answer these questions: Who is involved? When and where does the action take place?
What is happening and why?

In journalism, asking the 5 Ws is considered the best way to gather basic information and to solve


Before creating your news story: identify the different parts of an article.
Headline : a line of words printed in large letters to show the title of a story in a newspaper.
Subheading : a sentence displayed under the headline, introducing or summarising the article.
Author’s name and date
Picture : needs to complement the text.
Caption : a brief description explaining what is happening in the picture.
Main text

STEP 3 – in class

Build your article.

1. Write a headline. Make it eye-catching to grab the reader’s attention.
2. Think of a subheading.
3. Be creative! In fake news stories, photos are sometimes edited or used out of context.
4.Include a caption under the picture (preferably in the present tense).
5. Write the text.
The first paragraph is the most important: jump into the action to secure the reader’s attention. Then, use a
quote or an anecdote and give short answers to your 5 Ws to write the entire text.

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