STP Lesson 2 Analysis

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Crew Bunn

Student Teaching Seminar

Lesson 2 Analysis Treble Clef Composition

This lesson is a foil to the last one as it gives them much more independence and they are

actively making music for almost the whole class. This lesson while reviewing the treble clef also

reinforces some of the concepts, we talked about in the first few classes of the year like beat vs

rhythm. We go over why 2 eight notes equal 1 quarter note and start to talk a little bit about

measures and bars. They also are learning to choose smart groups they can get work done in.

During the lesson I noticed I had not included putting names or teachers' names on the

worksheets, so I made sure to pause to establish that. I also used the beginning of class to re-

establish the expectations for working in groups and the expectations for using the boom

whackers which I have learned is something that needs to be done and gone over multiple

times to be successful. During the lesson the students had lots of time to independently work

so I would go from group to group helping students if they needed it and making sure they

were staying on task. I also made sure to correct any behaviors with the boom whackers while I

was in their groups so the students would not feel called out. During the lesson I had to answer

some questions about beat and rhythm, so I know this is something that needs to be worked on

as well as keeping the beat steady the whole time even when switching boom whackers or

going to another person. I plan to address this next lesson by doing a review on beat and

rhythm as well as steady beat. I am also planning on having the students perform all together,

that way the transitions between boom whackers and people will be smoother.

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