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FPCS0001 Computing Skills

Group Activity

Due Date: _May 04, 2023_ Topic Name: public Wi-Fi_____________________

Date Submitted: ___4/ may /_2023______________________

Description of Assignment: You will work in groups of two to three students to write
an assignment about one of the following topics. The assignment is worth 5% of your total
marks in the course.

Groups: Groups will include 2 to 3 students, depending on the total number of students in
the class. Work with your group to find a suitable topic from the list below, or you can
select any topic you like related to module 4.

Important Notes:
1. References are very important to support your writing and avoid plagiarism.
2. Each member of your group should be involved in the assignment.
3. Do Not CUT - PASTE your content from the Internet or other student answer instead
of writing it in your own words or paraphrasing.
4. We expect you to write about 800 to 1600 words.
5. The assignment should be submitted within 4 weeks [May 04, 2023].
6. You should confirm your topic with your instructor.
7. No assignment will be accepted without a signed copy of this form.

The format of the document should be as following:
a. Font size: 16 Bold (heading), 14 Bold (sub-heading), 12 (paragraphs)
b. Font color: Black
c. Font type: Times New Roman.
d. Line spacing: 1.5
e. Paragraphs alignment: Justified
f. Page numbering: Bottom center.

Report Structure:
 Cover Sheet (includes: course name, the title, names of students and Id numbers)
 Introduction.
 Sub-heading 1
 Sub-heading 2
 …..
 Conclusion / Summary
Mark Distribution:
 Covering all sub topics: 2 marks
 Words Count: 1 mark
 Formatting & structure: 1 mark
 List of references: 1 mark

Submit your assignment report as MS Word file through the system available (Blackboard
/ Moodle) or through e-mail.

 We hold a copy of this assignment if the original is lost or damaged.
 We hereby declare that the work submitted is entirely our own and that ideas or
extracts from other sources are properly acknowledged and referenced.
 We also acknowledge that the penalty for plagiarism incurs serious sanctions.

Student Name Student Number Signature

1. Sheeth al siyabi 11j22333 sheeth
2. Suhaib al battashi A@123456 suhaib

List of Topics: You can choose a topic from the list below or any other topic that is
related to computer security.

1. Social network security and privacy

a. Define the main concepts.
b. Social network-based malware.
c. Privacy vulnerability and protection.
d. What can be done to protect social network?

2. Cloud computing security and privacy

a. Define the main concepts.
b. How malware is spread in cloud?
c. Malware in cloud environment.
d. What can be done to protect cloud computing?

3. Email spam and phishing defense

a. Define the main concepts.
b. Spam detection, filtering
c. Phishing attack defense
d. What can be done to protect Email?
4. Wireless networking security
a. Define the main concepts.
b. Security and privacy protection in location service in wireless networking.
c. What can be done to protect wireless networking?

5. Security and privacy issues in smartphones

a. Define the main concepts.
b. Jail breaking in iPhone
c. Bluetooth security issue in smartphones
d. Vulnerabilities brought by downloaded apps; unnecessary privilege or
privilege elevation in downloaded apps.
e. What can be done to protect smartphones?

6. Network security
a. Define the main concepts.
b. Defense against distributed denial-of-service attack
c. Network traffic-based monitoring and attack detection
d. What can be done to protect Network?

7. Passwords and Authentication

a. Define the main concepts.
b. Types of Authentication.
c. Strength and weakness of passwords
d. Practices for creating strong passwords

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