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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title:
In the Kitchen: Outbreaks, Identification, and Prevention.
- Students will be able to identify foodborne pathogens.
- Students will be able to identify food safety and sanitation protocols.
- Students will understand the importance of CPR and First Aid.
- Students will know how to prevent foodborne illness.
State Standards:
8.2 Demonstrate food safety and sanitation procedures.
- 8.2.1 Identify characteristics of major foodborne pathogens, their role in causing illness,
foods involved in outbreaks, and methods of prevention.
- 8.2.2 Employ food service management safety/sanitation program procedures, including
CPR and first aid.
- 8.2.3 Use knowledge of systems for documenting, investigating, reporting, and preventing
foodborne illness.
Students have prior knowledge of sanitation, cleanliness, illness if food isn’t made correctly, and
how they can prevent things. This prior knowledge allows my students to be able to further.
their knowledge with how to prevent foodborne illness, how to recognize it, file it, and
understand the importance of documenting any illnesses that come from our product.
After students understand the importance of foodborne pathogens, outbreaks, safety, sanitation,
cpr, and first aid, they will be able to properly make a dish and serve it without the stress of
thinking that their station is unclean, and their food is not cooked through fully.
Students will be grouped in 4’s. They are going to be grouped on what their grade was during the

quiz from the last class. In addition to this, it will also be based on their closure activity and

where they felt they stood in the previous lesson. Data from these groups through our activities,
quizzes, and our handouts, will then be revealed to me to see who is doing better or worse with

the teaching methods used.

Part Of Lesson Material Used Link
Introduction Pre-Quiz In google classroom on a
google form, multiple
Teacher-Directed Quizlet- flashcards Foodborne Illness Flashcards |
Collaborative Kahoot and handout, includes a First Aid Breathing
matching game; term matched with Emergencies - Details - Kahoot!
Independent Digital Youtube and a Venn Diagram that Foodborne Illness: What
students will create that include the Problem? - YouTube
similarities and differences between
this class and our previous class.
Closure Post-Quiz In google classroom on a
google form, multiple


Introduction (15):
I will start this lesson by asking for an overview from the last class. I will ask what they enjoyed
about it, what they didn’t enjoy, what they learned, and what they think they need improvement
on. I will then proceed to ask them what they think they will learn from this class period. After
our discussion, I will have them go into google classroom and take the pre-quiz assigned for this
class period.

Teacher Directed (20):

In this section I will talk about food borne illness. I will ask my students what they think this
may be, what they think it does, and how they think this can be prevented. I will continue with a
description and example of food-borne illness and then proceed to the quizlet for our flashcards.
I will turn the teacher directed learning into a competition to help energize the students. During
this time frame I will explain to the students what things mean and explain why these things are
important to know in a kitchen setting.
Collaborative (20):
During this group period the students will work on a kahoot, focusing on CPR and First Aid,
with partners and then individually do a matching game with the terms and definitions. With
students working with partners, they are going to have to communicate with each other on an
answer before submission. They may, in groups, figure out the matching. Each child in this
group needs to do the kahoot with every other child in the group.

Independent Digital (20):

For independent digital learning, students will watch a YouTube video on food-borne illness.
This video will contain what it is, what it includes, how to prevent it, who to call, what measures
should be taken, etc. while the video is playing students will record on a piece of paper what they
found interesting, least interesting, and something they might have already known. Responses
should be a paragraph length each. After the video, students will then create a vent diaphragm on
a separate piece of paper comparing and contrasting this class period to the previous class period.
Closure (15):
For the closure of this class period, I will ask the class as a whole about what they learned, if this
lesson lived up to their expectations, what they liked and disliked, and how this could have been
a better lesson. After we talk about our discussion, I will have them take the post quiz to be able
to compare them to the pre-quiz. When they submit the post quiz, I will then let the students
know that homework assignments are on google classroom and they are more than welcome to
reach out to me anytime, through email.

Google forms-
I used this piece of multimedia because it is easy for myself and students to work with when
submitting a quiz. This supports student learning and applies to my standards and objectives by
allowing me to be flexible in creating the quiz that fits my curriculum. I know that this is high
quality because of its past dependability. Google forms are bent to your will and satisfaction. If
you wanted to make your form more creative you may, this might also include if you wanted to
add feedback, you can. Google forms has no limit to what you can or can’t do, it allows you to
be flexible.
I chose this piece of multimedia because it is an exciting way for students to learn. This supports
student learning and my standards and objectives by digging deep into food-borne illness and
explaining all its attributes. I know that this is of high quality because many teachers use it, and it
is known to be an effective way of learning while in the classroom. Kahoot follows all of the
Lori requirements, especially in the motivation and reusability department. Kahoot can help tons
of students how have different types of learning methods. Kahoot is a site where you can not
only play games but create them. With this, a teacher can either find another kahoot more
suitable or just create one for a child who may need things a certain way to learn and identify
what is being taught.
I chose to use Quizlet as a piece of my multimedia technology because there are so many ways
that you can go onto this site to be taught. Quizlet has matching games, flashcards, q-chat, learn,
and a test mode. With quizlet, like kahoot, you may also create your own to help your students
learn in a way they know how. I also know that quizlet is of high quality because it is used
weekly in undergrad schools. Many students like to use quizlet to become better in the subject
needed. Quizlet are made on my learning objective, but, if it wasn’t exactly what I had in mind, I
could create one in no time at all. Quizlet has everything that Lori consists of. The one thing that
it might lack is feedback and adaptation, but this can be fixed with some communication from
my students.
I chose YouTube to have as one of my pieces of multimedia because it consists of millions of
valuable information that students can learn from. YouTube, specifically the video I chose,
supports student learning, and follows my standards and objectives but simply looking it up and
evaluating it. There are hundreds of videos available on my subject, it’s just the matter of
choosing one that goes over the most of what I want my students to learn. I know that YouTube
is of high quality because it is used in most classrooms today and that people all over the world
learn things from off a YouTube video. YouTube follows every single piece of Lori. All the way
from content quality to standard compliance and everything in between. YouTube can be helpful
for most learners. For instance, if there is a deaf child, a video of someone signing could be
available to them. Using this multimedia technology just depends on where you look for your

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