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A Hilbert–Padé method for multipole approximations.

Application to the Gaussian

Pablo Martín, Jorge ZamudioCristi, and Guillermo Donoso

Citation: Journal of Mathematical Physics 21, 1332 (1980); doi: 10.1063/1.524583

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A Hilbert-Pade method for multi pole approximations. Application to the
Gaussian function
Pablo Martin
Universidad Simon Bol(var, Departamento de F(sica, Apartado 80659-Caracas, Venezuela
Jorge Zamudio-Cristi
Universidad Metropolitana, Departamento de Ffsica, Apartado 76819-Caracas, Venezuela
Guillermo Donoso
Universidad Simon Bolivar, Departamento de Ffsica, Apartado 80659-Caracas, Venezuela

(Received 30 October 1979; accepted 24 January 1980)

A method is developed where a Hilbert transform is combined with an asymptotic Pade method in
order to obtain good multi pole approximations for functions whose power series have a large
radius of convergence. This method has been used to find two- to eight-pole approximations for
the Gaussian function.

I. INTRODUCTION fn (v) is obtained by using the corresponding main approxi-

In previous papers I we discuss a modified procedure to mation for Z (s) with n poles. In Sec. III the results are pre-
the Pade method 2 where both the asymptotic expansion and sented in a graphical form and the analysis and discussion
the power series for the same function are considered. In this are carried out. The conclusions are presented in the last
way we obtain a fractional approximated function (multi- Section.
pole approximation) which gives better agreement to the ex-
act function for small and large values of the independent II. THEORETICAL ANALYSIS
variable than the usual Pade method. However, this proce- We look for a fractional approximation for a given func-
dure fails when applied to some functions as the Gaussian, tionf(v) of the form
where the radius of convergence of the power series is very
1 C;
large (infinite in this case) and an asymptotical series cannot fapprox (v) = .. /- L - - ~f(v), (1)
be obtained. For those cases we have developed a method of V 1T ; V - ai
obtaining a good multipole approximation to those func-
tions by using a Hilbert transform in combination with the where the coefficients C i and the poles a i are, in general,
asymptotic Pades method in the line of the Borel-Pade complex numbers.
method. 3 Our procedure can be used for several kinds of The general procedure will be to obtain the Hilbert
functions; however, the method is described here in relation transformj(s) off (v) and to determine the power series and
to the Maxwellian distribution, where a four-pole approxi- the asymptotic expansion of this transformed function. Then
mation has been proposed recently.4 In that paper the au- we obtain a fractional approximation!.pprox (s) to this trans-
thors have shown that the function 1I(v2 + B)2 + C 2 ap- formed function by using the asymptotic Pacte method pre-
pears to approximate the Maxwellian reasonably well and viously discussed. I Finally, by applying the inverse Hilbert
they correlate this approximation to the two-pole approxi- transform to the approximated transformed function, an ap-
mation for the plasma dispersion function Z (s) given by proximated fractional functionfapprox (v) for the originalf(v)
Fried, et al. 5 Here we discuss multipole approximations for function is obtained.
the normalized Maxwellian distribution functionf(v) The method is better described in relation to the Gaus-
= exp( - v2 )/v 1T and we correlate it with the two-pole and sian function, as we do here. However in this case, before
multi pole approximations to the Z (s). Each pole in the Z (s) applying the general procedure, it is convenient to reduce the
approximation generates two poles in thef(v) approxima- number of independent coefficients by means of the symme-
tion. A new Lorentzian approximation forf(v) is obtained by try and reality conditions of this function.
a one-pole approximation for Z (s), using the asymptotic Pa- A first consideration is that the poles a; of the approxi-
de method. I mated Guassian function can not be real becausef(v) does
First we consider the general case of approximatingf(v) not show any singularity for v real. In this case the reality
by a sum of simple rational fractions, and, by the symmetry condition off(v) implies that each pole a i must have a corre-
and reality conditions, we correlate the poles of the different sponding complex conjugate, and the same applies to the
fractions. In this way we find a general form in terms of the coefficients C i . Thus,
independent poles. Except for very small values of v, our
method gives better approximation than a straightforward
fapprox (v) = .. / -
V 1T

--=-- + ~
a, v ai
Pade method.
In Sec. II the theoretical foundations of the method is Besides, thesymmetryconditionf(v) = f( - v) imposes
presented and the computation of the 2n-approximation for a further restriction on the number of independent poles. If

1332 J. Math. Phys. 21(6), June 1980 0022-2488/801061332-04$1.00 © 1980 American Institute of Physics 1332

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a; is pure imaginary, then C; must be pure imaginary. If Q; is
complex, then each pole Q j must have a corresponding pole c1 =
= 1 + i (to)
of opposite sign, and similarly for the C; 'So Therefore, it is 2rri 25a 8XO.55 4V;'
convenient to separate the complex poles Q; and coefficients Theg l defined in Eq. (5) is the four-pole approximation
C; from the pure imaginary poles and coefficients which will given by Ward, 4 denoted here by f w. Since a I and C I come
be designated by a k and Yk respectively. Then out pure imaginary, from Eq. (7), E, becomes zero.
= ... / - L
.f, (C
--- +
- ---
cj Therefore,
V rr j = I V - aj v- a v + aj
1 lal 4
gl = V ; [v 2 + la 14(rr/4 - 52)]2 + 1Tlal 85 2
- ~)+
v + aj V
i 1
rr k = I
v - at
(3) 1 0.845
V -
= - V 17' (v 2 + 0.408)2 + 0.6787 .
The total number of poles 2n is related to rand p by the
equation The coefficients Bland C I are now identified with Band
C as defined by Ward, and FI come out equal to B 2 + C 2.
2p + r= n. (4) In relation to the general multipole approximation for
Since in Eq. (3) the Qj are not real, we can choose all the the Z function (one to four poles), our coefficients cj and Yk
poles to be in the lower half plane without losing generality. are obtained from the corresponding b-pole residues of
It is useful to designate the terms of the sum in Eq. (3) by gj Zim (s) by the equations
and h k • Then b.
cj = - __1 _ , Yk = (12)
Here Zim (s) is the n-pole approximation for Z (s),
Zlm(S)= L (b
_J_+ b~) + _1_ L r b k
j = I S - aj +a
S j k = t S - ak
obtained by means of I-terms of the power series and m-
terms of the asymptotic expansion.
whereEj , Fj, Bj' Cj , H k , and Gk are real numbers defined as
Ej = 4 Re(ajcj ),
Fj = - 41 aj 12 Re(ajcj),
Bj = - Re(a]),
(7) f/IO
Cj = Im(a]),
Hk = 2akYk = -2l a k IIYk I,
Gk = - a~ = la k 12. .~

The value hk is obtained from ~j when aj and cj are .01

pure imaginaries.
Following now the general procedure, we apply the Hil-
bert transform to the approximated and exact functions.
Thus we obtain for Ims> 0

Z approx (s) = J"" !.pprox (t) dt

= 1 f
(2rriCj _ 2rriCj)
V rr j = I S - aj S + aj
1 {- 2rriYk
+--~--. (8)
k=1 s-a k

The two-pole approximation of Fried et al. S is equiv- 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
alent to takingp = 1 and r = 0 in Eq. (8). Our values a l and
C I are given in terms of their parameters, a-I = 5 + i'T/, by
FIG. I. Deviations lift.. from the exact value, for the best n-pole approxi-
mations. The deviation of Ward approximation is shown for comparison.
The values of the exact function (divided by 10) are also shown. To be able to
Q, = a = lal 2 ( 5 - iTJ) = (0.55 2 + rr/4>-1(0.55 - ,V-;12), show the different deviations in the same graph, part of iii•• is shown divid-
(9) ed by 2, and Ii!;) is shown multiplies by 10.

1333 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 21, No.6, June 1980 Martfn, Zamudio-Cristi, and Oonoso 1333

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TABLE I. Poles (a), ak)' coefficients (cj , Yk) and parameters ofEq. (7) of the best approximationsj,m for different number of poles.

n= 1

I .
a,=---=' y, = ~ i
= -0.56i = 0.28i
1 I
G, = V 1T H,=-

= 0.318 =0.318


a, =0.505 -0.815i C, = -0.227 +0.14Ii

B, =0.408 C; = 0.6787
E, =0 F, = 0.845

(231T - 32 - 4~)"2 v;; .
1 1 .
c, = (231T _ 32 _4~)"2
2(4 - 1T) 2(4 - 1T) + 4V 1T 1
= 0.5138 - 1.0324i = -0.3636 +0.14IOi

B - 2~+16-ll1T =0.8018 C' _ (231T - 32 -4~)

= 1.1257
,- 2(4 - 1T)2 , - 4(4 - 1T)4
1T - 3
E, = - - - = -0.1649 F, = (1T -2)2 = 1.7686
4-1T (4 _ 1T)2


a, = 0.9050 - I.I317i C, = -0.2088 -0.1639i

a, = -1.2278i y, = 0.6098i

B, = 0.4617 C; =4.1959
E, = -1.4978 F, = 0.0292
G, = 1.5075 H, = 1.4974


a, = 1.2359 - 1.2150i C, = 0.0105 -0.1542i

a 2 = 0.3786 - 1.3509i C2 = - 0.5929 + 0.2953i

B, = -0.0512 C; = 9.0192
E, = -0.6975 F, = -2.4069
B2 = 1.6816 C; = 1.0463
E2 = 0.6978 F2 = 4.9081

We will denote by Itm (v) the function whose Hilbert AU the new approximations, except the two pole ap-
transform is Zim (s). This notation is now more adequated proximation, give better agreement than!w'
than the previously used/'pprox (v) in Eqs. (1)-(3). The poles In Table II, the maximum absolute deviations ~ltm are
aj , a k and the pole-residues bj , b k for Zim (s) have been al- also indicated. The relative deviations are irrelevant since
ready determined. I Hence the coefficients cj and Yk can be !(v) goes to zero very quickly for large v. The approximations
computed. improve with the number of poles.
For a given number of poles we have computed only the
coefficients corresponding to the best approximation to the
exact function, which are shown in Table I, together with the T ABLE II. Maximum absolute deviation ,jlt", and the values of v and I
values for E j , Fj, Bj' Cj , H k , and Gk • where this deviation is found for different number of poles.


(,jlt", )"'''' Vrnf max I(v)'n, """
In Fig. 1, differences between the approximated func- -0.129 0.60 0.394
I" 0.251
Iw -0.030 0.90
tionsltm (v) and the exact function!(v) are shown for v in the
j" 0.018 1.70 0.031
interval (0,4). In the same figure the differences for the best 142 -0.007 1.20 0.134
of the four-pole approximation!w given by Ward (Eq. 15 of j" 0.0008 2.00 0.010
Ref. 4) is also shown.

1334 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 21, No.6, June 1980 MartIn, Zamudio-Cristi, and Donoso 1334

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Improvements of one order of magnitude are obtained In the case of the Gaussian function, we have used the
by increasing the number of poles from one to two and from reality and symmetry conditions in order to reduce the num-
three to four. Also, by increasing the number of poles, the ber of independent poles. The procedure requires finding
maximum deviation is obtained by larger values of v. previously a multi pole approximation for the plasma disper-
In connection with the moments, it must be pointed out sion function Z. Using the known approximation for Z, we
that the exact function has finite values for moments of any have determined approximations to Maxwellian distribu-
order. For the approximated functions, from some order on, tions with two, four, six, and eight poles. All of our approxi-
all the even moments are infinite. However the mean square mations with four or more poles give better agreement with
velocities are finite except for the Lorentzian approxima- the exact function than those found by Ward.
tions (two-pole).
It is covenient to point out that fractional approxima- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
tions to the Maxwellian distribution can obviously be ob- Work supported in part by the Venezuelan Govern-
tained by a straightforward Pade method. However, for a ment Agency CONICIT, Project No. 31.26.S1.0606.
given number of poles the Pade method results in very poor
approximations compared with ours. Only in the case of very
small values of v can the Pade method be compared favor-
ably with ours.

IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 'Pablo Martin and Miguel Angel Gonzalez, Phys. Fluids 22, 1413 (1979); P.
Martin, G. Don050, and J. Zamudio-Cristi, J. Math. Phys. 21, 280 (1980).
A method has been devised to find good multipole ap- 2G.A. Baker Jr., Essentials ofPade's Approximants (Academic, New York,
proximations for a given function, by means of the Hilbert 1975).
-'s. Graffi, V. Grecchi, and G. Simon, Phys. Lett. B 32,631 (1970); GJ.
transform and the asymptotic Pade method. The application Ruggieri and D.J. Thoules, J. Phys. F. 6, 2063 (1976).
of this method is adequate for functions where the radius of 'Michael A.V. Ward, Phys. Fluids 20, 1372 (1977).
convergence of the power series is very large. 'B.D. Fried, c.L. Hedrick, and J. McCune, Phys. Fluids 11, 249 (1978).

1335 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 21, No.6, June 1980 Martin, Zamudio-Cristi, and 00n050 1335

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