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Lesson Title Skill application in beginners soccer

Grade Level & Grade 6 in Physical Education

Content Area
Lesson Students will be able to dribble the ball amongst themselves without
Objectives fumbling the ball
Students will be able to pass the ball to one another in pairs
State MS.N.1.1: Demonstrate the basic skills and tactics used during an
Standards invasion game individually and with a partner.
Block Time 1H 20M
How will Students will do a self-assessment to claim if they are a 1,2, or 3 level
students be student in the soccer category. 1’s being least experienced, 2 being
moderate, and 3 being pro.
Pros will go straight into collaborative work, to individual, to teacher
Intermediate will start Individual, then teacher, then collab
Beginners start with teacher, then collab, then individual
What data will 1’s being least experienced, 2 being moderate, and 3 being pro. Each
these student will be matched with someone of similar or equal skill to
maximize individual performance
groupings be
based on?
How will data Data will be collected as pairs of students get “assessed” as an exit ticket.
be collected in It will be a brief physical example of dribbling and passing amongst pairs
to see if they can perform basic soccer skill.
this lesson?

Introduction Estimated Time: 15 Min

After students bring their belongings into the locker room they will settle in the gym. The
gym will be separated into 1/3’s before they arrived. Brief instruction will be explained as to
where each group starts. 1’s, 2’s, 3’s get explained as to what they are doing then how they
rotate when the alarm sounds. With quick teacher demonstration for each with professional
student assistance.
Teacher Directed Small Collaborative Independent Digital
Group Content
Estimated Time: 15 Min Estimated Time: 15 Min Estimated Time: 15 Min

The teacher will speak about As a collaboration a student Individually students will grab
basics of soccer. Where to will pair with another student a soccer ball and walk up and
strike the ball with what part of similar/same level and down the floor 10 yards at a
of your foot, how far the ball start passing. Depending on time dribbling the ball at a
should be from your feet skill level, the student can go slow pace at first. The goal is
when dribbling, and effective as far or close as they’d like. to maintain the ball and keep
techniques. The teacher will We encourage 1’s to pass it close so the ball cannot be
be able to physically perform within 5 yards to start and stripped. Like passing,
these actions as example and branch further as they get students can go faster if they
this section also stands as a comfortable. Students can feel up to it just remain safe
Q&A segment for any mix it up ad perform tricks and dribbling.
questions. In the proceeding and “Flashy” passes to work
classes games will be played on their craft if they are up to
so the teacher will lastly it as long as both students
explain the basic rules of involved are working and
soccer (Out of bounds, no passing the ball.
handball, no slide tackling,

Closure Estimated Time: 20 Min

3’s will be called to stay in the gym and quickly do their exit slip while 2’s wait on standby. In
the mean time 1’s will grab their belongings from the locker room. Then 2 goes while 1 is on
standby and 3 goes to the locker room. Then 1 goes and once they ae done class will be

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