Chapter 3 Network

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Networking devices such as : Network Interface Card (NIC), Hubs, Switches, Bridges,
Routers, Modems, and Wireless Equipment--- are used to provide connectivity
between computers and to extend a network.
Every network includes :
 At least tow computers.
 A network Interface Card (NIC) on each computer.
 A connection medium – usually a Cable or wireless technique such as Wi-Fi.
 A central device such as a Switch to interconnect the computers.
 Network operating system – e.g. MS Windows Server that provides protocols such as (TCP/IP , file and
print sharing….).
A network interface card (NIC) provides the link between a computer and the
network. It functions at both data-link and physical layers of OSI model.
NIC function:
 Transfer of bits, flow control, and CRC (error detection mechanism).
 MAC addressing.
 Signal encoding/decoding
In computer networking, a MAC address (Media Access Control) is a 48 bits, unique
identifier assigned to a network interface card (NIC) by the manufacturer.
The 48-bit MAC address is often represented as a set of 6 octets (hexadecimal). For
example : 08-00-2B-FA-C5-B9. The first 3 octets usually identify the manufacturer’s
number, while the rest represent the device number.
When a computers sends a message to another computer, the message always includes
the MAC address of the source and the destination computers.
A repeater is an electronic device that regenerates or boosts a signal in its original
strength, so that the signal can cover longer distances without degradation
Repeaters are used when the total length of you network cable exceeds the standards
set for the type of cable being used. For example, a repeater is required for a UTP
cable which runs longer than 100 meters. Repeaters work at the physical layer of OSI

Advantages Disadvantages
Cheap and Simple to install No security mechanism
Regenerate the signal
The hub is a multiport device that provides a central connection point to interconnect
computers in star network. Hubs operate at the Physical Layer of the OSI model. The
number of devices that can be attached is limited to the number of hubs ports
(4,8,16, or 32 ports).
A hub broadcasts any received message on all ports, except the port on which the
message was received which increases network traffic and collisions.
There are tow types of hubs :
 Passive Hubs that allow the signal to pass from one computer to another without any change.
 Active Hubs (multiport repeaters) that amplify the signal as it moves from one device to another.

Advantages Disadvantages
Simple to install A hub broadcasts incoming packets out
through all of its ports
Cheap Increases network traffic
It can amplify the signal Increases network collision
Helps to extend a network. No security mechanism.
The Switch is multiport device that provides a central connection point to interconnect
computers in star networks . Switches operate at the Data link layer of the OSI model.
Switches are smarter than hubs, since they forward packets only to the correct port
based on MAC address.
How a Switch works : A switch maintains a table of MAC addresses for computers that
are connected to each port. When a data frame arrives at a port, the switch compares
the addresses information in the frame to its MAC address table, in order to determine
which port to use forward the frame.
There are two basic types of switches :
1. Cut-Through Switch : this switch forwards the packets immediately by reading the
destination address as soon as they’re received without waiting for the entire
packet to arrive before it begins forwarding it. This Switch is inexpensive and fast.
2. Store-and forward Switch : this switch waits until an entire packet arrives before
forwarding it to its destination. While the packet is stored in the switch buffer, the
switch verifies the data by performing a CRC check for error detection. This results
in a higher qualify of service. On the other hand, Sore-and forward switches are
expensive and slow.
Advantages Disadvantages
Simple to install More expensive that hubs
Increases the network performance Security problem
Decreases/Eliminates collisions Network connectivity problems can be difficult to
trace through a switch.
They forward packets only to the correct port based
on MAC address
Helps to extend network
Reduces the number of broadcast domains.

Hub Vs. Switch

Hub Switch
Hubs increase collision and traffic on the network Switches decrease collisions and traffic on the
Slower performance Faster performance
Cheaper More expensive
Operates at the physical layer of OSI Operates at the Data link layer of OSI
A hub broadcast the packets to all ports connected. A switch forward the packets only to the correct
port based on MAC address.
A bridge is a network device with two or four ports that is used to connect multiple
network segments or to segment/split a large network into two smaller, more efficient
Bridges operate at the data link layer of OSI model. They can used to connect
different types of cabling , or physical topologies. They must, however , be used
between networks with the same protocol.
When a bridge receives a frame, it looks at the destination MAC address to decide
whether to discard (source and destination belongs to different segments) or to send
the frame onto another segment ( source and destination belongs to the same
Advantages Disadvantages
Bridges can reduce network traffic and collision Slow

A bridge can connect networks of different types of More expensive than repeaters and hubs
cabling or physical topologies

It forward data frames based on MAC addresses Not suitable for large networks.

Bridges can extend the network

A router is a smart network device that connects multiple networks together. Its main
function is to route data packets over networks of different protocols, particularly the
internet. Also , a router acts a firewall providing access filtering to a network.
Routing table : Router configuration is maintained in a piece of storage called the
Routing Table. This table helps a route to send the packets over the most efficient path
or “BEST ROUTE” to their destinations. The routing table ca be filled either by the
administrator ( static routes) or automatically (dynamic routes) using routing protocols
such as RIP and OSPF.

Static Routes Dynamic Routes

Limited to small networks. They are not easy to Scalability and adaptability to networks
implement in a large network changes
No use of redundant links in case of a link Reliability. Use of redundant links when a partial
failure. If a route fails it has to be fixed failure occurs, so traffic is rerouted automatically
Controllability and predictability. It is very Increase in complexity and Bandwidth consuming
predictable, as the route to the destination is
always the same
More secure Less secure due to the broadcast and multicast
routing updates
Filled by the administrator. Filled automatically using routing protocols.
Router functions at layer 3 (network layer) of OSI model, so it use IP addresses to
handle data routing but they also can process MAC addresses.

How a router treats a received packet?

 When the router receives a packet, it checks the destination IP address against its routing table. If the
destination network address is marked in the routing table, the router transmits the packet out the correct
interface toward the destination. In case the destination address is not known by the router, the packet
will be forwarded to another router if it was configured as a “default gateway” otherwise the router will
discard the packet.
Advantages Disadvantages
Can connect networks with different media and More expensive than Bridges and Switches

Multi-protocol capabilities Routers work only with routable protocols (RIP,


A router can determine the best route for data Complex to configure
packets to reach the destination, it can use multiple
paths to provide load sharing

Can reduce traffic. Slower than Bridges and Switches. Routing updates
consume bandwidth.
Bridge VS. Router
Bridge Router
Bridges work on layer 2 (data link layer) of the OSI Routers work on layer 3 (network layer) of the OSI
model model

A bridge use MAC addressing to make networking A route use IP addressing to make networking
decisions and forward the received packets decisions and forward the received packets

Bridges forward data from one network segment to Routers forward packets from one network to
another another

A bridge usually offers only one path to a given A router offers a number of paths, to send the
interconnected LAN packets out to destination on different networks

A bridge can be used to connect networks having A route can be used to connect networks having
the same protocol. different protocols.
Gateway :
 A network gateway is a network device that enables dissimilar networks (having different protocols0 to communicate. It can be a
type of routes that connect a computer to the internet. A gateway can be implemented in hardware (usually a router or pc set up to
act as a router), software or both. A computer server acting as a gateway node is often also acting as a prosy server. Gateways
operate at higher levels in the OSI model (layer 4  layer 7).

Brouter :
 A hybrid networking device that combine the capabilities of bridges and routers.

Transceivers :
 A transceiver is a device that has both a transmitter and a receiver.
A modem is a network device that enables a computer to transmit digital data over
analog telephone lines. A modem performs two operation:
 Modulation : the process on changing the digital signal to an analog signal on the sending computer.
 Demodulation : the process of converting the analog signal back to a digital signal on the receiving computer.
Modem speeds can be measured in bits per second “bps” or “baud rate”.

There are different types of modems:

 Dial up modems : such as fax modem, are used for telephony application.

 Broadband Modems :

 Cable modems : A type of modem that allows people to access the internet via their cable television service. Data can be
transferred over cable lines mush more quickly than over traditional phone lines (around 1.5 Mbps).
 ADSL modems : DSL, or Digital subscriber line, is the technology that is used to provide you with access to the internet over your
local telephone network using ADSL modem. In addition to greater speed, DSL service allows the user to talk on the phone while
simultaneously accessing the internet.

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