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LRSK104-Group project:
Learning & Communication Skills
Group information

Group Name:
No. Name Student ID Grade

Teacher’s Name:

Please complete your group information above and answer the research and evaluation
activities in the sections provided (below). Attach additional documents where
requested in the questions

PLEASE SUBMIT through Blackboard (Group Project). You will be graded for your
coherent and competent understanding of research, evaluation, and appropriate
responses to questions to demonstrate your skills, NOT for your English language.

Only the group leader needs to upload ONE copy on blackboard

Contents must include:

 This page (Cover page)

 Group activity responses (sheet below)
 Research article evaluated
 Group roles/discussion plan etc. (see questions – section E)

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Learning & Communication Skills Group Project

Thousands of articles are written every day for journals and magazines. Depending on the article,
or where it is published, it can be inaccurate or have bias. People use blogs, comments, and
other mediums to express their opinion on a given topic without any review process. In academic
journals, however, articles or research papers undergo a process of peer-review by specialists in
their field before publication. This process minimises bias and aims to uphold academic integrity
by applying certain conventions to maintain standards (this same convention does not apply to
blogs, for example!). From your sessions on Critical thinking, you will have learnt the importance
of objectivity, credibility, and accuracy in academic research and writing. In this group activity,
you will apply what you have learnt so far in LRSK101.

Driving Safety and Searching Skills Group Project

The aim of Driving Safety theme is to raise your awareness of safe driving. In this ‘group project’
you will focus on a discipline-specific research topic, related to driving safety; for example,
Computing, Design, Engineering or Health perspective. From your chosen perspective, your
group will create research questions, then search for, and identify, credible and reliable
sources to answer your questions (searching skills activity). You will then present the project to
your class.

Driving Safety Ideas for Different Tracks

 Engineering – impact of design, urban planning, collision material, body types, etc
 Health – impact on health/injuries, type of common injuries, implications etc.
 Science – impact on the economy, compare statistics from different countries, etc.

Project Examples:

 Health: How does diabetes affect driving safety?

 Engineering: What has been the impact of airbag in car design in driving safety?
 Science: How is Artificial Intelligence (AI) used in driving safety?

Group Project Content

Part 1: Reflection based on group discussion of driving safety sessions (video & observations).

Part 2: Searching Skills Activity (Literature search and responses to questionnaire). Choose a
topic related to driving safety, and then find relevant research articles/papers; answer questions
in part 2.

Part 3: Group presentation of the project using PowerPoint.

To complete this activity, you need to find academic article(s) of your chosen research topic and
answer the questions below (Part 2, page 5).

You should try to find answers to your research questions and check if the article has bias,
unsubstantiated opinions, or weak research!

More specifically, you will need to apply the learning outcomes from ‘critical thinking’ to do well
in the project.

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Searching Skills Guidance Notes
This is a small group research activity on a topic of interest to find answers from a credible,
reliable and relevant source. You need to work as a productive ‘team’ to ensure your project is
successful and enjoyable. Make SMART objectives for the activity and use a monitoring plan to
keep track of your project.

To help you complete the project, a series of questions (questionnaire like reflective activity)
have been posed to help you in your work. You should reflect and give appropriate answers.

Activity Action plan:

1. Form a group
o Discuss and choose a sensible and interesting topic. Narrow your focus – NOT broad (a
bad example: Obesity)
o Brainstorm in your group to select the ideas/information you wish to find answers to
o Organise roles and responsibilities for TEAM members
o Plan how you will a keep track of progress (see below)
2. Search for article(s) that will answer your questions: find appropriate and relevant
academic sources
o Note how you found research articles. What key words did you use? Other questions in
the template will guide you through the process.
3. Read the chosen (or re-chosen, if initial article is not relevant) article as a group and
evaluate resources (judge them relevant/irrelevant)
o Answer the questions in the assignment as a group (for your research and evaluation)
o Avoid plagiarism. Write in your own words.
o Check as a group what you have answered. For example, proof-read obvious errors of
spelling, formatting etc.
4. Submit the completed activity questionnaire (by team leader only)

Example of how you can monitor project progress (or you can use your own style)

# Items Not Started In Progress Done

1 Topic
2 Title
3 Research Question
4 Researched Articles
5 Read Articles
6 Evaluate sources
8 etc

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Part 1: Driving Safety Reflections ( 10 marks)

This part is a reflection on the driving safety session. As in your reflective activities, write your
reflections to the questions below. There is no right or wrong answer – it is an opportunity for
you to discuss as a group and share your reflection on the importance of driving safety.

1. Write at least three things that you learnt from the driving safety introduction.

2. From the videos you saw, what do you think was the impact on the people involved in the

3. If you could change the way people drive, what three things you would introduce to make
driving safer?

4. As you learnt, Saudi Arabia has amongst the highest in road fatalities (20/100K) in the
world. Suggest at least 3 impacts these fatalities have on the country (think about health,
economy etc.)

5. Suggest 3 ways that you could educate drivers to drive more safely (e.g., posters)

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Part 2: Searching Skills Activity (Literature search and
responses to questionnaire) ( 50 marks)

Answer all questions below [marks shown within brackets]


A1. Title of research topic [1]


A2. Give two reasons for choosing this topic: [1]



A3. List three major ideas or information you expect to find on your research topic (3)

1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________


B1. Searching for Articles

B1.1 What search terms did you use to find article(s)? [1]

B1.2 How did you refine, filter or narrow the range of articles? For example, did you use extra
search terms? Which ones? [1]

B1.3 Give 2 reasons for choosing the article(s) [2]

B1.4 Which academic database and/or search engine did you use to find the article? [1]

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B1.5 Why did you choose the database or search engine you mentioned in Question B1.4? [1]

B2. Article Information

(Note: if you have used more than one article, copy this section again for each article) [3]

1. Title of the article: ________________________________________________________

2. Author(s) of the article:
3. Author(s) address [University/Research Centre/etc.] (if available): _______________
4. Name of the journal in which the article was published:
5. Date the research was published:

Attach your article (as a PDF)


C1. Understanding and Evaluation

Read the article and answer the following:

C1.1 What is the author’s main reason for writing the article? [For example, to recommend
improvements, to solve a problem, check an existing theory, etc.] [3]

C1.2. What do you think is the most important fact(s) or information in the article? [2]

C1.3. What does the author show in the article? [tip: from read results/conclusions] [3]

C1.4. Give an example of the author(s) using existing research to support their ideas. [tip:
Citation] [1]

C1.5. Are the sources cited (or referred to) in the article from reliable or relevant sources? Give
an example of a reliable source cited. Explain why you think it is reliable. (For example, article
references academic journals). [2]

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C1.6. Do you feel the article is fairly presented? In other words, is the article balanced? Explain
your answer. [Tip: are there more than one side of the issue or just one side?] [2]

C1.7. Do you trust the information presented in the article? [2] [Tip: remember CARS acronym
from source evaluation session]

Yes or no:

Give two reasons:



C1.8. How will the findings/results reported in this article affect the public? Explain your
answer. [2]

C2. Research answers

C2.1. Has the article given you enough information or facts to help you with your research?
Give five facts [3]

1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________

C2.2. Has the article been able to answer all your questions? Yes or No:

What can you do to find out more? [2]

C3. Applying knowledge of evaluation

C3.1. Now you have practiced critically evaluating sources/articles. What skills have you
developed? How will this affect your future studies and/or career? [For example, write one
way that you can use the information in this article for your personal development, to enhance
your creativity, thinking ability, life-skills, etc.] [3]

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D1.1. Cite the article(s) you have used according to any of the known referencing style. (eg,
APA, Harvard) [1]

D1.2. Use quotation to mention something interesting in the article. For example, the authors
state “…….” [1].

D1.3. Select two sentences from the conclusion or in the main article, and write it in your own
words. [Give the original sentences AND write a sentence of your own][2]

Original Sentence:



E.1.1. How did you divide up the task for this activity? Give examples of division of timeline,
roles, and responsibilities. (e.g bullet points of who did what, evidence of your plan or a table
of roles and timeline) [4]

E1.2. In your group, did you all agree on the same points of view? What point, if any, did you
disagree on and how did you come to an agreement? [1]

E1.3. What went well, and not so well, during your groupwork? Give at least one example and
how you will approach groupwork in the future? [3]

 What went well (good):

 Not so well (problems or challenges you faced, if any):

 How you might approach groupwork in the future:

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