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Reflective Journal #2

Summary of Contents:

 Social Work
Social work is a profession concerned with helping individuals, families, groups and

communities to enhance their individual and collective well-being. It also promotes social

change, and problem solving in human relationships. Utilizing theories of human behaviour and

social systems, social work intervenes at the points where people interact with their

environments. Principles of human rights and social justice are fundamental to social work.


According to Pincus & Minahan: “Values are beliefs, preferences or assumptions about what is

desirable or good for man. Values are not assertions about how the world is and what we know

about it but HOW it should be.”

Social Work Values

Social work values comprises of seven values; Service, Social justice, dignity, uniqueness &

worth of the person, importance of human relationships, integrity, competence & confidentiality.

I will expound on three:

1. Integrity- Social workers behave in a trustworthy manner. Social workers act honestly

and responsibly and promote ethical practices on the part of the organizations with which

they are affiliated.

2. Competence-The National Association of Social Workers describes competence ‘Social

workers continually strive to increase their professional knowledge and skills and to

apply them in practice. Social workers should aspire to contribute to the knowledge base

of the profession.

3. Service- Social workers’ primary goal is to help people in need and to address social


The ability, coming from one's knowledge, practice, aptitude, etc., to do something well, doing
something with competence.

Social Work Skills

There is not a definitive list of skills for a Social worker but the seven presented in Unit 5 were:
• Active listening • Critical thinking • Problem solving • Recording/reporting • Referral •
Networking • Analysis. Three are defined below:
Active listening is the ability to listen carefully to the client, ask pertinent questions and
remember the information the client said. This is important to establish trust with the client.
Critical thinking is being able to think on your feet to help the clients seeking help for their
Problem solving consists of using generic or ad hoc methods, in an orderly manner, for finding
solutions to problems.

Knowledge Base
The foundation on which understanding, familiarity and awareness in a subject area is founded
and built on.

The knowledge I received from this unit was very insightful during my first week of practicum. I

entered the Welfare Department understanding the social work profession seeking to promote

social change and empower clients seeking assistance from the agency.

In this unit I also learned the values that concern social work, are those of the client and not my

self-interests. In the section about social work values, it was very refreshing to see our tutor

involved each student to share their views/opinions about the seven values and then listened as

she encouraged us with our answers and sought to give us more information about the value.

During my first week of practicum I understood the value of integrity, service, competence and
confidentiality in a social agency meeting the welfare of clients. I was also pleased when my

supervisor told me she can see I am a person of integrity after training me for one week.

The Social work skills module was very descriptive and informational as I was able to grasp the

concepts of active listening; critical thinking and problem solving which were used during the

interviewing process I undertook on Friday after the class on Wednesday.

In the social work knowledge base module, I found the Law section a bit tough to understand

because I have not done any course about law as yet but thankful for Mrs. Matthew-Mowatt

patience and understanding to always make sure her students are knowledgeable about every unit

before class is finish. Due to this section about Law I have decided to register to U.W.I Cave Hill

Campus to complete a Bachelor in Social Work.

Examining values, skills and knowledge caused me to reflect on the role of a Social Worker

being qualified and competent in their job. As a Social Worker in this generation of technology,

you must be adaptable to change and to always keep abreast of the different theories that are

reported. What stood out to me in this unit was ‘When your personal values clash with those of

the social work profession you SHOULD adhere to the values of the profession WHEN

PROVIDING SERVICES TO THE CLIENTS,’ I will be taking this statement throughout my

Social work profession.


Buchanan, C (No year). Examining Values, Skills and Knowledge-Unit 5, SOWK0904 Social

Services Practicum Experience

Canadian Association of Social Workers, (last accessed March 12, 2016). What is Social Work?

National Association of Social Workers (last revised 2008). Code of Ethics

of the National Association of Social Workers

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