Mini-Teach 3 Lesson Plan - Mus 126b - Fall 2023

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Mini-Lesson Plan Template

MUS 126B: Methods Lab Band

Process for planning your 5-minute mini-teach:

1. Using your chosen multi-voice exercise from Canvas, select a smaller section within the score to rehearse within a 5-minute
time frame.
2. Use this template to develop your plan using whole-part-whole as the framework of your teaching, strategies that address
issues you wish to address, and scaffolding that shows your building toward a specific goal. Add rows to the template as
3. Upload your lesson plan to BeachBoard prior to the implementation of your teaching episode. (You will not receive credit if
you do not upload your plan prior to the implementation of your plan.)

Composition: Half-Court Organum

Section (measures): msrs 17 - 24
Prior knowledge: Students will have a good understanding of 4/4 and Will know there concert F and Concert G fingerings and notes.
Focused goal/ What you will accomplish (by the end of your teaching episode): Students will identify, compare and perform in
different styles and tempo change indicative to the student-selected playing style

Issue to be
Measures Strategies and Scaffolding to Address Issue
• Pre-teach Accidentals
- B Natural - flute
- G Sharp- Alto Sax
Msrs. - C sharp - Trumpet
Sight read
17-24 • Establish Sense of Pulse

• Sightread entire section without stopping (unless needed)

• Repeat whole section if needed

Thies – Spring 2023

Mini-Lesson Plan Template
MUS 126B: Methods Lab Band

• Student Selection of Style to Perform

• Instructor Models two styles of articulation
- Longer (legato) articulation Example
(part) Style
- Shorter (staccato) Articulation example
• Students choose which articulation sounds more Stately (majestic)

• Performance of chosen articulation

• Echo Strategy
- Instructor “bops” first two Measures; students echo; Percussion with Sticks
- Instructor “bops” next two measures; student echo; Percussion with Sticks
- Bop Together adding fingering and Percussion Plays along with Mallets
(part) Articulation
• Student Application
- Perform first Four measures with Instruments
- Perform next four measures without practicing
- Breakdown any parts with rhythmic or note issues
- Repeat as needed until students perform pitches and rhythm correctly (3 Times)
• Perform entire section as Written
• Student Identification
Shaping -Instructor Models Tempo shaping - Meno Mosso Measure 21-24
Phrases -Guiding Question: What did you hear?
Repeat new tempo if needed
Msrs. Accomplished Infuse stylistic articulation and tempo contrast from measure 17-24 of Half-Court Organum
(whole) Issues

Thies – Spring 2023

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