CursoInglesAC - Mod1Unit 1

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Module 1

unit 1


Educational interactive activities

Ana Cuder Educational Technology

Computer programming and technological support

Ana Cuder Educational Technology

Operational Development
Ana Cuder Educational Technology


Curso de Inglês com a profa. Ana Cuder is a four-level online course in English as
a foreign language for young adults and adults who need to speed their learning of the
language. It is intended as a practical and natural approach to teaching English to adults
and covers the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, with particular emphasis
on the first two. Curso de Inglês com a profa. Ana Cuder emphasizes language as
communication focusing on how people use it to express their feelings, intentions and

Major features:
• Attractive design
• Contextualized dialogs
• Voice recognition technology
• Task-based listening activities
• Grammar and language panels that stimulate students to think about
the way language works
• Interactive speaking activities to develop students’ communicative competence
• online vocabulary games that stimulate vocabulary acquisition
• music games that help students learn English while listening to their
favorite songs.

Copyright Ana Cuder Educational Technology – 2017
All rights reserved.
1st edition.

L1 - Saying your name and nickname_______________________ 4
L2 - Greeting someone for the first time_______________________9
L3 - Greeting friends informally___________________________11
L4 - Introducing people informally__________________________15
L5 - Saying goodbye____________________________________21
L6 - Put it all together___________________________________22

Lesson 1
Saying your name and nickname
1. Saying your name

Hi. My name is Jacob.

Hi. My name is Deborah.

Hello. My name is Jordan.

Hello. I’m Kimberly.

Hi. I’m Alexander.

Você pode cumprimentar as pessoas informalmente dizendo

Hi ou Hello. As duas expressões tem o mesmo significado.

• Hi.
• Hello.

Para dizer o seu nome você pode usar as duas formas:

I’m (nome) ou My name is (nome).

• I’m Deborah.
• My name is Jacob.

Hi. / Hello. Hi. / Hello.
My name is Jacob. My name is Deborah.
I’m/ I am Jacob. I’m/ I am Deborah.

2. Saying your name and nickname

Hi. My name is Christine, but please

call me Chris.

Hello. I’m Robert, but please

call me Bob.

Hi. My name is Valeria, but please call
me Val.

Algumas pessoas preferem ser chamadas pelos seus apelidos do que por seus
nomes próprios. Observe os exemplos.

• Elizabeth ______Beth
• Melanie ________Mel
• Robert ________ Bob

Quando você preferir ser chamado por seu apelido ao invés de pelo seu nome,
use a expressão please call me seguida do seu apelido. Observe os exemplos.

Hello. I’m Margareth, but please

call me Maggie.

Hi. My name is Jefferson, but please
call me Jeff.

Lesson 2
Greeting someone for the first time

Corey: Hi.
Deborah: Hi.
Corey: My name is Corey. What’s your name?
Deborah: My name is Deborah, but please call me Debbie.
Corey: Nice to meet you, Debbie.
Deborah: Nice to meet you, too.

Para perguntar o nome de uma pessoa, use o pronome interrogativo WHAT.

• What is your name?

O pronome e o verbo normalmente são utilizados na forma contrata.

• What’s your name?

Quando conhecemos uma pessoa podemos usar várias expressões para indicar
nosso prazer em conhecê-la.

Normalmente a pessoa que cumprimentamos nos responde com
a mesma expressão, seguida da palavra too (também). Observe
as várias expressões que podemos usar.

• Nice to meet you.

• Nice to meet you, too.
• Glad to meet you.
• Glad to meet you, too.
• Pleased to meet you.
• Pleased to meet you, too.
• It’s a pleasure to meet you.
• It’s a pleasure to meet you, too.

Lesson 3
Greeting friends informally

Hi, Tracey. How are you doing?

I’m OK.

Hey, Jeff. How are things going?

All right.

Hi, Casey. What’s up?

Nothing much.

Hey, Steve. How is everything?

Fine, thanks.

Hi, Mike. How are you?


Hey, man. How’s business?

Not bad.

Há varias formas de cumprimentar pessoas informalmente em inglês, muito mais
utilizadas por falantes da língua inglesa do que o famoso How are you?.
Vamos aprender algumas delas.
Você pode usar a expressão Hey ao invés de Hi ou Hello para cumprimentar
pessoas conhecidas. Essa expressão é muito comum entre os jovens.

• Hi.
• Hello.
• Hey.

Podemos cumprimentar pessoas informalmente usando varias expressões.

Observe os exemplos a seguir.

• How are you?

• Fine.
• I’m fine.
• I’m fine, thanks.
• Great.

• How are you doing?

• I’m doing well.
• I’m OK.

• How are things going?

• Great.
• Not bad.
• All right.

• What’s up?
• Nothing much.

• How’s business?
• Not bad.
• So-so.
• Fine.

• How’s everything?
• Fine, thanks.

Preste atenção: How’s = How is

Lesson 4
Introducing people informally and saying
1. Vocabulary

friend schoolmate

boyfriend girlfriend

2. Introducing people informally

Sally: Pamela, this is my boyfriend Jack.

Jack, this is my friend Pamela.
Jack: Nice to meet you, Pamela.
Pamela: Nice to meet you, too.
And please call me Pam.
Jack: OK, Pam.

Paul: Deborah, this is my friend Jennifer.
Jennifer, this is my co-worker Deborah.
Susan: Please call me Debbie.
Judy: Glad to meet you, Debbie.
Susan: Glad to meet you, too, Jennifer.
Para apresentarmos informalmente uma pessoa a outra, usamos THIS IS
seguido do nome da pessoa.
Por exemplo:

• This is Maggie.
• This is Alice.
• This is Elizabeth.

Podemos também demonstrar qual o tipo de relacionamento que temos com as

pessoas que estamos apresentando, por exemplo: amigos, namorado
ou namorada, colegas de trabalho, colegas de escola, etc.
Nesse caso, essa definição precede o nome da pessoa apresentada. Observe os

• This is my friend Maggie.

• This is my co-worker Alice.
• This is my schoolmate Elizabeth.

3. Saying goodbye

See you later. Bye!

See you.

I gotta get going. See you soon.

See you. Bye!

Catch you later. Bye.


I gotta get going.
Talk to you later. Bye.

Take it easy. Bye.

Há varias maneiras de se despedir informalmente em inglês, e a mais comum

entre elas é Bye. Você pode usá-la para se despedir de qualquer pessoa, seja ela
amiga, colega de trabalho ou cliente. Normalmente a palavra Bye vem ao final de
outras expressões usadas para despedidas.
Observe os exemplos.

• See you later. Bye.

• See you soon. Bye.
• Talk to you later. Bye.
• Catch you later. Bye.

Quando você estiver conversando com alguém e ao olhar para o relógio percebe
que é hora de ir embora, use as expressão I gotta get going (Tenho que
ir embora) antes de se despedir. Seria rude interromper a conversa dizendo
simplesmente Bye. Observe os exemplos:

• I gotta get going. See you later.

• I gotta get going. See you soon.
• I gotta get going. Talk to you later.
• I gotta get going. Catch you later.
• I gotta get going. Take it easy.

Preste atenção: I gotta get going é a abreviação de I’ve got to get going...

A expressão Take it easy representa uma maneira informal, casual de dizer “vá
com calma”, “relaxe”, “sem estresse”.

Lesson 5
Put it all together

Justin: Hey, man! How are you doing?

Brian: I’m OK. How’s business?
Justin: Not bad.
Brian, this is my girlfriend Margareth.
Margareth, this is my friend Brian.
Brian: It’s a pleasure to meet you, Margareth.
Margareth: It’s a pleasure to meet you, too.
And please call me Maggie.
Brian: OK, Maggie.
Justin: We gotta get going now.
Talk to you later.
Brian: Take it easy, man.
Bye, Maggie.
Margareth: Bye.

Lesson 6
Now I can…
Dizer oi/olá para pessoas
• Hi.
• Hello.
• Hey.

Dizer seu nome

• My name is Margareth.
• I am Melanie.
• I’m Kimberly.

Dizer seu apelido

• Please call me Nicky.

Apresentar pessoas informalmente

• This is Maggie.
• This is my friend Jonathan.
• This is my girlfriend Sylvia.

Cumprimentar pessoas informalmente

• Nice to meet you.
• Glad to meet you.
• Pleased to meet you.
• It’s a pleasure to meet you.

Responder a cumprimentos
• Nice to meet you, too.
• Glad to meet you, too.
• Pleased to meet you, too.
• It’s a pleasure to meet you, too.

Demonstrar relações entre pessoas

• This is my friend.
• This is my co-worker.
• This is my boyfriend.
• This is my girlfriend.

Cumprimentar amigos informalmente

• Hey, man. What’s up?
• Nothing much.
• How are you doing?
• I’m doing well.
• How are things going?
• All right.
• How’s everything?
• Fine, thanks.
• How’s business?
• Not bad.

• See you later.
• See you.
• Catch you later. Bye.
• Bye.
• I gotta get going. See you soon.
• See you. Take it easy.
• Talk to you later. Bye.


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