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“Daily Activities AA4”

Curso: Ingles

Integrantes: Mirian Muñoz Sotomayor

Marco Oruna Cruzado
Maria Jose Mota

Profesor: Eduardo Jason Murrugarra

Instituto: Certus

Ciclo: 3°

Grupo: C - 24

Año: 2023
Conversation: “ Vacations”AA4


1. Maria Jose Mota.

2. Mirian Muñoz.

3. Marco Oruna .

A: Good morning! Teacher and classmates.

B: This is group number twelve and we will talk about “ Vacations”.
C: Let´s start!

A: Good morning! Mirian and Marco.

B: Good morning! Maria jose and Marco.
C: Hello, Maria jose and Mirian.

A: Do you sing in English on Sundays?

B: Yes, I do. I sing in English at two o´clock. And what about you?
C: No, I don´t sing in English. I sing in Spanish.

A: Are you wearing a bracelet at the beach?

B: Yes, I am wearing a bracelet a dress, a beret and gloves at the beach.
And how about you?
C: No, I am not. wearing a bracelet at the beach, I am wearing a shirt, a tie and jeans.

A: What are you reading?

B: I am reading stories, and you, Marco?
C: I am reading comedies.

A: What are you selling?

B: I am selling fruits and you, Marco?
C: I am selling cars.

A: Do you eat beans at night?

B: Yes, I do. I eat beans at night, and what about you?
C: No, I don´t eat beans at night. What are you eating?
A: I am eating lentils. And you, Mirian?
B: I am eating wheat. How about you, Marco?
C: I am eating French fries.

A: Do you wash clothes in the winter?

B: Yes I do. I wash clothes in the winter, and what about you?
C: No, I don´t wash clothes in the winter. What are you washing?

A: I am washing sheets. And what about you?

B: I am washing clothes. And how about you?

C: I am washing dishes.
A: Bye, Good luck!
B: Have a good day!
C : Bye!

A: That´s all that we have to say!

B: Thank you very much!
C: Thank you so much!

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