Creative Narrative Assignment 2022 (Repaired)

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ENG1D Creative Narrative Assignment Name:


Your Task: You will plan and write your own narrative. It can be fiction (completely made-up/invented) or
non-fiction (based on true events or your own or someone else’s life), an original or a parody version. You
may also write it in any form, including: a traditional short story, a narrative poem, a narrative essay, a
news article, or even song lyrics.

Your final narrative may be written for any purpose or combination of purposes:
● to reflect the human condition
● to teach morals
● to entertain
● to teach/educate
● to inspire
● to preserve a culture/history

For this assignment, please do the following:

1) Complete the first graphic organizer* (A) to brainstorm ideas for a story that includes:
● a clear plot (exposition, inciting incident, rising action, climax, and resolution)

● a distinct setting (place and time)

● a consistent point of view (who tells the story: first-person or third-person narrator)

● a clear atmosphere (the way you want your story to feel: creepy, inspiring, romantic, etc.)

● well-developed characterization (at least one or more round, dynamic characters)

● a thoughtful theme (a message that you want your reader to take away)

2) Choose a specific written FORM to communicate your narrative (final piece approx. 2-3 pages):
● a traditional short story

● your own original fairy tale

● a modern parody of a fairy tale

● a narrative poem or song lyrics

● a news article

● your own creative choice

3) Begin writing the first draft of your narrative (should be approximately 2-4 pages)

4) Edit and revise your narrative for the following criteria:

 includes all 6 elements of narrative in an original, clear, and creative way
 logical organization (switches to a new paragraph or stanza every time you focus on a new idea,
a character changes locations, or time moves forward)
 fresh, engaging diction (not stale, boring words like ‘nice’ or ‘big’)
 clear sentence structure and grammar

5) Complete the second graphic organizer* (B) to reflect on your assignment and your use of the writing
process (brainstorming and planning, writing and revising, and reflecting)

* Your graphic organizers will be submitted for marks, so DO NOT skip these steps!

Final Project Submission Date:

ENG1D Creative Narrative Planning Name:


Use the first graphic organizer to brainstorm ideas; you may use point-form.

A) Complete this page BEFORE you begin writing your narrative.

Element Your Narrative
Plot A boy in late highschool named Jace who happens to be very popular and the
star quarterback on the football time, suddenly has to move far away with his
Jot down some ideas you have sister and family which Jace happy about, little did they know that’s where his
for a story: how it will begin, siter would go missing.
what the major conflict will
be, what the most exciting
part will be, and how it might

Don’t worry if you change

your ideas as you go; this is
just to get you started!

Atmosphere The graveyard, the new house , the forest, school.
-raining, thundering cold.
Identify at least 3-4 possible - 2012 – 2022.
ideas that you can include to
develop the setting and
atmosphere: where and when
the story will be set, including
places, year/era, time of day,
social conditions, imagery,
weather, season, etc.

Characters Protagonist (main character)

Jot down some ideas you have Name: Jason (Jace) Age: 18
for the main character
Motivation (‘spine’ or why they do things):
Because they are young and curious/ adventurous.

Key Personality Traits:

Curious, adventurous.
Key Physical Traits:
White, blue eyes, black curly hair, tall, strong

Go to next page for the Reflection graphic organizer (B)

ENG1D Creative Narrative Reflecting Name:


Use the second graphic organizer to reflect on your final narrative; you may use point-form.

B) Complete this page AFTER you have finished writing your narrative.
Element Your Narrative
Themes Theme:

Identify a key theme Mysterious.

*(message, main idea, or
moral) that you included in
your narrative How you demonstrated this theme:

Contains a lot of events and plots.

*Remember: a theme is never a single word--that’s a topic or an issue--it is a statement about

life or the human condition
Purpose & Audience Purpose: To…

What is the purpose of your Don’t let your curiosity get to you. Listen to your parents they always know best.
story? Who is your ideal
target audience?
Ideal Target Audience:

Young teens.

Form Selected Form:

Which written form did you

use to tell this story? Why is it I wrote a first prospective story.
the most effective?
I felt that first prospective would be able to capture how the main character Jace was feeling,
and at what times he was feeling them. I felt you could live through the story and feel what
he was feeling.
Reflection Strength:

Reflect on the final draft of The plot twist. This is because it was not expected and kept the story interesting.
your story. Identify one
strength and one area for
improvement in terms of your
Area for Improvement:
Not much details, I next time would add more details.

Go to next page for the Rubric

ENG1D Creative Narrative Assignment Rubric Name:

Level 4: Level 3: Level 2: Level 1:

80-100% 70-79% 60-69% 50-59%
Student uses graphic organizer Student uses graphic Student uses graphic Student uses graphic
Developing and
to communicate highly organizer to communicate organizer to communicate organizer to communicate
Organizing Content:
specific, unique and creative specific and creative ideas somewhat specific and/or ideas with limited
generate, gather, and
ideas with a high degree of with considerable creative ideas with some effectiveness:
organize ideas and
effectiveness: effectiveness: effectiveness:
information to write for ● planning for setting/
an intended purpose ● planning for setting/ ● planning for setting/ ● planning for setting/ atmosphere is unclear
and audience atmosphere is detailed, atmosphere is atmosphere is or not appropriate for
Reflecting on Skills and appropriate, and appropriate and appropriate but vague narrative
Strategies: reflect on thoughtful thoughtful
● planning for ● planning for
and identify their ● planning for ● planning for
strengths as writers, characterization is characterization is
areas for improvement, characterization is highly characterization is appropriate but weak/undeveloped
and the strategies they unique, interesting, and unique and appropriate undeveloped
● plot overview is
found most helpful at specific,
● plot overview is clear ● plot overview is unclear or lacking
different stages in the ● plot overview is clear, and engaging somewhat clear and originality
writing process. concise, and engaging somewhat original
● identification of ● no identification of a
Writing Overall ● identification of highly appropriate theme ● vague identification of distinct theme (single
1 and 4 insightful and thought- a theme word only)
● identification of
provoking themes
selected form and ● identification of ● identification of
● identification of selected specific conventions is selected form and selected form and
form and specific specific and appropriate specific conventions is specific conventions is
conventions is highly vague or incomplete vague or misguided
/10 ● identification and
specific, appropriate, and
explanation of strengths ● identification and ● identification and
well executed
and areas for explanation of explanation of
● identification and improvement is clear strengths and areas for strengths and areas for
explanation of strengths improvement is improvement is vague
and areas for somewhat clear or unconvincing
improvement is highly
specific and insightful
Using Knowledge of Student chooses appropriate Student chooses appropriate Student chooses Student chooses appropriate
Form and Style: draft form, organizes ideas, and form, organizes ideas, and appropriate form, organizes form, organizes ideas, and
and revise their revises final draft with a high revises final draft with ideas, and revises final revises final draft with
writing, using a variety degree of effectiveness: considerable effectiveness: draft with some limited effectiveness:
of literary, effectiveness:
● highly original and ● ideas are communicated ● ideas are not organized
informational, and
insightful ideas are and organized in a ● ideas organized logically or clearly
graphic forms and
stylistic elements communicated and creative, logical and somewhat logically
● form does not match
appropriate for the organized in a highly engaging style and/or clearly
creative, logical and content, or is missing
purpose and audience engaging style several key
● written form matches ● form somewhat
● written form perfectly content, and includes matches content, but 1
Applying Knowledge of
complements content, and most conventions in a or more missing or ● final draft appears
Conventions: use
editing, proofreading, includes all key well-researched way misplaced conventions unrevised, leaving
and publishing skills conventions in a well- several mistakes in
● final draft clearly ● final draft somewhat
and strategies, and researched and grammar, spelling, and
professional way revised for grammar, revised for grammar, sentence structure that
knowledge of language
spelling, and sentence spelling, and sentence distract the reader
conventions, to correct ● final draft thoroughly structure (appropriate structure, but mistakes
errors, refine
revised for grammar, and clear diction, remain (typos, comma
expression, and present
spelling, and sentence sentence structure, and splices, run-on
their work effectively.
structure (precise diction punctuation) sentences)
to create a distinct tone,
Writing Overall
variety of sophisticated
2 and 3
sentence structure, and
distinct punctuation)

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