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Integrated Marketing Communication

It is a process in which message communicated by each of the promotional elementals (Social Media,
Advertising,and Sales Promotion, )are harmonized,

*it means that they work in synchronization.The content, tone, and overall messaging across
advertising, sales promotions, direct marketing, etc., are aligned and consistent so that the Consumer
will receive a consistent message regarding the brand or company.

IMC means integrating(To unite or form a whole) all the Promotional Tools so that they work together in
Harmony for increased sales and maximum cost effectiveness.

Integrated marketing communications is the process of integrating all elements of the marketing
communications (promotional) mix to deliver a consistent message and therefore achieve greater

The concept of IMC involves two fundamental aspects

1. consistency of position , message and tone across different media or channel(Social Media, Email
Marketing, Sale promotion, etc,)

Explanation-it means it involves maintaining a consistent brand position, message, and tone across
various media channels or platforms. Whether it's on social media(media channels), through email
marketing(Platforms), facebook(Platforms), Instagram(platforms),sales promotion(Promotional Mix)s, or
other communication channels, the brand's identity and messaging should remain consistent

2.Simultaneous achievement of several marketing goals- awareness, increase sales, brand building, etc)

Explanation -it means IMC aims to achieve multiple marketing goals so these goals are building brand
awareness, increasing sales, establishing a positive brand image, and more.

Key characteristics:

1.Customers feel that all their brand experiences come from one identity.

Explanation - so this is the unified brand identify where Customers perceive all interactions with the
brand as coming from a single, cohesive identity.

2.Chrough consistent image of the brand through synergized communication

Explanation -The brand maintains a consistent image by ensuring that its messaging is consistent across
various communication channels. The different ways the brand communicates (e.g., ads, social media,
emails) work together smoothly..

3. Cross functional process for creating and maintaining profitable relationship with all stakeholders

4. The companies and agencies work together in partnership

5.Local and international marketing management collaborate effectively

Explanation - this ensure that the market effort are successful

Benefits of IMC

*Creative Consistency

- by repeating headlines, key phrases, images in each communication , you ensure that prospects and
costumers received consistent message in every campaign.

*Cost Savings

-by using same images and adapting the same ad for different media, you reduce copy-writing design
and photography costs

*Customers preference

-integration helps you provide customers with information in the format they prefer. It ensures that
customers received the same information in all communication - email, text message, or telephone

Reasons For the growing importance of IMC

-The IMC approach to marketing communications planning and strategy is being adopted by both large
and small companies and has become popular among firms marketing Consumer products and services
as well as to business -to-business marketers.

-. The reason why marketers are adapting the IMC approach because they understand the value of
strategically integrating the various communications functions rather than having them operate
autonomously. By coordinating their marketing communications efforts, companies can avoid
duplication, take advantage of synergy among promotional tools, and develop more efficient and
effective marketing communications programs

-it is one of the easiest ways for a company to maximize the return of it's investment in marketing and

-The move to integrated marketing communications also reflects an adaptation by marketers to s

changing environment particularly with respect to consumer, technology and media

-Major changes have also occured among consumers with respect to demographics, lifestyle media use
and buying shopping patterns.

For example- Cable TV and more recently digital satellite system have vastly expanded the number of
channels available to households. Some of these channels offer 24-hour shopping Network. So every day
more and more consumers are surfing the internet world wide Web. And marketers are responding by
developing home pages on which they can advertise their products and services interactively and as
well as transact sales
Several shift in the Advertising and media industry have caused IMC to develop into a primary startegy
for marketers.

1. From media advertising to multiple forms of communication

-Before, advertising mainly happened through TV, radio, and print. But now with the rise of digital
media, marketers now use various communica such as Digital platform like Facebook, Instagram ,and

2. From mass media to more specialized (niche)media, which are centered on specific target audience

-it means Instead of aiming at large audiences, there's a shift to using specialized media that focuses on
specific target groups or niches.

-it means tungaon to a specific Audience

-for example in a fitness gym, so there are a lot of customers right, there are seniors, chubby, skinny,
and so on, so this number 2 implies that instead of a whole tungaon sya for specific Audience, so naa
nay Senior fitness gym, Chubby Fitness gym, skinny fitness gym and so on.

3. From manufacturer -dominated market to a retailer dominated market, consumer controlled market

- it means noon the manufacturer have a significant control over the market, but now it now the retailer
and the consumer

4. From general-focus advertising and marketing to data based marketing

5. From traditional compensation to performance based compensation(increase sales or Benefits to the


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