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ACCURACY- This refers to sufficiency and correctness of details. It includes avoidance of

errors or orthography, facts and figure. Accuracy originates from the Latin word ‘accuratus’
meaning done carefully. To avoid inaccurate reports, a reporter must check and cross check his
facts. He must ask for the names of news sources after interviews and spell them correctly in his
story. If in doubt check it out; if in doubt, leave it out. The reporter should also avoid the error of
malapropism especially for words sounding similar e.g. forment trouble instead of foment
trouble, several when many is intended. Consider the following examples of a statement credited
to the senate:

1- Sen. Aisha Bello said yesterday that the senators will impeach President Muhammad
2- Senate said yesterday, it will impeach President Muhammad Buhari.

The above statements credited to the senate are different. The first one is credited to an
individual senator who might have been aggrieved and probably meant that a motion would
be raised at the floor of the senate for the president’s impeachment. While the second
statement means that the senate as a body resolved to impeach the president. A reporter
should therefore be very specific in matters like the above. If it is the opinion of a senator, he
should credit it to him not a body of the senate.

The writer should also avoid the use of abstract words as the readers may not be able to get
the exact meaning. Readers should prefer the specific to the general, the definite to the
vogue, and the concrete to the abstract. E.g.

- Tragedy - explosion, fire.

- Document - certificate, treaty, result.
- Vaque sentence - A large number attended Mr. Adams party.
- Specific sentence – two hundred people attended Mr. Adams birthday party.

CLARITY- The word originates from Latin, clarus meaning clear. It means writing clearly or
transparently by avoiding the use of ambiguous words or expression. Clarity problem may arise
from the problematic nature of language which in most cases does not capture reality effectively.
It is therefore important for a reporter to choose a word with precise meaning.

Reporters should therefore avoid the use of words that have multiple interpretations. A loophole
in sentence construction or choice of words can only allow audience to interpret your message
connotatively instead of the denotative (real) meaning.
They should also ensure that sentences are properly punctuated, for clarity and avoidance of
misunderstanding. Reporters should as much as possible avoid the use of euphemisms,
bureaucratese, journalese, officialese’ and jargons.

COHERENCE - This is achieved when ideas in a story stick together or expressed logically or
consistently to enable readers follow ideas easily from a paragraph to another without getting
lost. Ideas in paragraphs should elaborate what is contained in the lead using transitional devices.
Some of these devices are: similarly, furthermore, he added, he further explained, according to
him, he pointed out, in a related development, in another development, etc.

CONCISENESS – This means writing straight to the point by using only words that are
necessary in a news story. This is achieved by removing redundant words and those that do not
add anything to the story. This process saves space, printing cost in the print media saves time in
reading writing to meet date line, as well as making writing crispy and punchy.

1- This is ensured by avoiding using many words when one is sufficient, e.g.
At present time - now
In the event that - if
Dead corpse - corpse
Circular in shape - circular
At an early date - soon
2- Avoid word wasters, e.g.
i- He said that it is midnight – he said it is midnight
ii- There are so many people who do not like alcohol - many people do not like alcohol
3- Avoid redundant words in a sentence, e.g.
i- The government spent a total sum of N2billion - Government spent N2billion.
ii- The building was completely damaged - the building was damaged.
iii- He possesses a doctorate degree in Mass communication- he has a doctorate of mass
4- Use active words instead of passive, e.g.
i- The 510 hall was gutted by inferno yesterday – fire guts 510 hall yesterday.
5- Use strong verbs in a sentence, e.g.
i- Pick a quarrel- quarrel
ii- Make an analysis of – analyze
6- You can compress a descriptive action by using hyphenated modifiers, e.g.
i- Country stricken by hunger- hunger- stricken country

SIMPLICITY- This is referring to an effort to make a copy easily understood.

Almost all the points raised in the other concepts are aimed at ensuring that copies are less
complicated and are easily understood by the audience.
Most reporters destroy their writings by being verbostic to either impress their editors or for
show-off, e.g.

- A gargantuan edifice - big building.

In order to ensure simplicity, copy writers are advised to observe the following in their write-ups:

i- A principle of one idea one sentence should be introduced in order to make the story
less complex. Each paragraph must be a self-contained unit.
ii- Short sentences should be preferred to long ones because they convey more action
especially when descriptive words are used. They should not be too long and windy.
The longer the sentence the more the likelihood of misunderstanding and loss of
iii- Familiar words are to be used instead of new ones. The aim of writing is to
communicate with readers. As such, the writer should use words that the readers are
familiar with. If a reader reads the first paragraph of an article and it is made up of
complex and unfamiliar words, he would stop reading. He would not have to time or
the interest to figure out what the reader intends to say. e.g.:
1- Inundate - flood
2- Summon - call
3- Indisposed - ill
4- Prevaricate - lie

It should however be noted that the principle of simplicity does not mean that the copy should be
too simple and watery. It only means that the writer should communicate to as many audiences
as possible without compromising the standards and integrity of his media.

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