7 Decades of Pakistan

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Pakistan, as a country, has been able to make a mark in the comity of nations despite many

odds and missed opportunities

If there is a country whose existence is starkly contrasted by its international image, it has to be

Pakistan. Over the lapse of 73 years, Pakistani’s all over the world often face the dilemma of

explaining that beard or hijab has nothing to do with terrorism, thanks to years of news-media

exaggeration and agenda setting. Beyond democratic and economic disappointment dwells a

world of Pakistani civil society that works resiliently against all odds to keep what matters the

most intact: standing still and moving on. Let's try to get a closer glance at Pakistan.

Pakistan is both an allay in the war on terror, and in some sense, a battleground of the war

on terror.

(Stephen Harley)

Seventy-three years ago, the British buckled to immense pressure and finally granted states of

sub-continent it's independence. Pakistan, India and several other states split into republics. But

for Pakistan, the seven decades of its existence are no less then a roller-coaster ride. The country

fall prey to an epitome of unpredictability, political instability, coups and internal division.

Moreover, India has never been able to accept the freedom of Pakistan. Since day first as a state

it has to face opposition from rivals as well. However, this August is going to mark the 73rd

Independence anniversary that is also a reminder of the fact that this country is breathing and

thus is very much alive. Although, the country is engulfed by a few hydra-headed issues yet its

resilience has been a prominent feature of these seven decades of surviving among progressive

atomic states.

Talking about its record over the decades it has produced phenomenal artists, doctors,
engineering, soldiers, pilots that have been tackling catastrophes at the frontlines. Beside this it

has been continuously labelled as a failed state, infect some have been calling it rogue state.

Therefore, its survival amidst all this havoc and speculations is by far its biggest success.

People still believe that the creation of Pakistan is a miracle, however, the reality its existence

on the map of the world is even bigger miracle. In addition, the typical domestic issues like

inflation, poverty, over-population, Immigration and refugees has also been on the board since its

birth. Despite fighting with various issues such a fall of Dhaka, breakdown of princely state

Kashmir, political instability, terrorism and arch rivalry with India is still moving on. Living

among endless disasters this speaks volume of about its resilience and grit.

So, its safe to say that since day one, circumstances were not favourable for the nascent country.

In the early years of its emergence it has faced lot of troubles like lack of resources, equipment’s,

institutions, scholars and administrative problems and differences regarding the division of

assets. The survival of this suppressed state was questioned by every sane men. History

witnessed that Radcliffe award was critical in sewing the seed of animosity among numerous

communities and hence led to a bloody and violent partition. Furthermore, the indecisiveness of

the then Viceroy Mountbatten was as instigator in cementing the rift between the newly

independent states. To fuel the fire Kashmir is still the bone of contention between two nuclear

powers and it is like a tinder box which has already driven these territories into three devastating

bloody wars. This has thus been a true test of the struggle of our survival.

Ecomically, the country has been into downfall because of the ominous and ambitious leaders.

Moreover, we are in severe debt to almost all powerful countries as well as to the World bank. In

that case, Pakistan ran out of luck whenever it came to its government. The country has been
engulfed in pre and post affects of our ruling system. Beside this, this story of incredible survival

also shows that unfortunately, we are a nation that does not believe in consistency of making

long-term decision, infect, we like to take steps at the eleventh hour. Our outstanding

performances on the cricket field and our handling of natural calamities are a testimony to this


However, the worst part of the tale is the way we are still surviving without taking any

precautions to secure our entity. We are actually Seven decades old now still our democracy is

in its embryonic stage. How can we gird up our loins to tackle the international affairs while

intolerance, and extreme polarization on the basis of religion, even sects issues are rising high,

province competitions, race and ethnicity is still cling to our country like a termite. Instead of

embracing the beauty of diversity with open arms we have actually turned this diversity as a

threat to our existence. Our pre-occupation with nationality Consequently promoting

apprehension and suspicion. Politics of fear & loot has dominated our political spectrum as a

result of this, we talk in terms of same old conspiracy theories.

Going back to history religious card was used to legitimize power. This religious card has proved

to be a catalyst in dividing the pluralistic state and a result of Pakistan never proved to be a

melting pot for its inhabitants. Rather its always on the verge to cause disasters. Apart from

military no institutions has developed as we spend 80% of the budget on weapons and arms.

Meanwhile, political instability led to fragmentation of the country in the name of religion, sect

and ethnicity like a lost pieces of jigsaw-puzzle.

After all, fall of Dhaka and loss of Kashmir didn't happen over-night rather it was the result of

this tolerance towards accepting and celebrating diversity. We were ourselves responsible for

this mercurial situation and provided India to exploit this situation.

They say "Every dark cloud has a silver lining" so one should never lose hope. Despite all the

difficulties I still believe Pakistan has what it takes to survive another seven decades. Political

stability is going to play a pivotal role in the development of our country if civil society and our

esteem leaders come on common ground. Also democracy must be given a chance for a better

Pakistan under the reign of selfless leader Imran khan who has a dream of prosperous state like

The state of Madinah. Also, Pakistan is blessed with infinite resources and CPEC is a major

project which is a ray of hope in these gloomy circumstances. Still the catch of evil by different

actors is seeing this with mouth full of lust and profits.

Our "youth bulge" is our most realise asset. History has witnessed youth can held up any

drowning state. Youth is contributing in all fields in general and mass media in particular. This

young blood is the future of Pakistan. There 'brain drain' must be checked. Certain tangible steps

should be taken to check "brain drain. Its a time to utilize their talent and energy on productive

and creative stuff rather than on tiktok. The energy of youth must channelized in the right

direction. Similarly, unemployment should be addressed in order to provide job opportunity to

this youth. Moreover, quality education is an inalienable right of everyone so this should be

ensured for rich and poor as well as for men and women. It is the need of an hour to get out of

our shells and work together to pave way for progress and better Pakistan. Only that way

Pakistan would be able to make mark among the globe of successful nations. Reconstruction of

Islamic values is mere need of this time as we are surrounded by fitnah, the fitnah spread by the

disbelievers as well as by the extreme believers as they are waiting to attack Pakistan on its

weakest points but there is only one solution to our many problems , the solution we already

have. As our Holy Prophet P.B.U.H said 1400 years ago

Hold on the book of Allah (QURAN) in the time of Fitnah, this is what you have to Do.
Its right to say despite having troubles and missed opportunities the effort of Pakistan in keeping

its stance bright and high is totally commendable.

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