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(Prayer - Reflection Guide for Interreligious Dialogue)

I. A. Theme/ Title: ____________________________________________

Rationale/ Purpose: (in line with interreligious harmony)


B. Instructions: C. Materials:
1. ● Altar materials :(Optional)
candles, crucifix, Bible,
(if all participants are
2. Christians)
● Laptop and projector
● Guitar/ musical instruments

II. Prayer/ Liturgy
A. Introduction

(Facilitator may identify/ relate the Welcome Remarks

purpose of this religious

B. Initiation to Prayer C. Opening Song:

Example: (any of these…or Title:
other suggestions) (Lyrics of the Song)
*Candle Lighting
* Sound of the Gong
*Everyone will be asked
to be in prayerful silence

D. Opening Prayer: E. Gospel/ Scripture Reading:

Option A
Leader: Choose one from these readings:
(Words of the whole opening ● John 17: 20-23
prayer) ● Luke 11: 1-10
● Matthew 6: 28-34
All: Amen. ● Mark 9: 38-41
Option B
Some participants/ representatives
may choose from Holy Scriptures
whatever is most appropriate in
line with the theme of the

F. Small Group Sharing

(may integrate a solemn yet creative and motivating activity to be
done by all participants if possible)

*Time for Individual Sharing depending on the given time

*Place here some sample reflections/ sharing

G. Moment of Silence:
(to allow each one to relish the words/ inspiration
Taken from the Gospel/ Holy Scriptures)
* soft instrumental music may be played.

H. Prayer Intentions:

Representative A:
(Words of the prayer…)

Representative B:
(Words of the prayer…)

Representative C:
(Words of the prayer…)

(Could be more than 3 group reps)

I. Synthesis/ Insights/ Agreements:

Facilitator may ask for at least three most important or
powerful words of the day… that may serve as source of insight or
Inspiration - personally or as a community.
J. Acknowledgements/ Closing Song:
Facilitator ( Gives the words of gratitude to all participants
And those with special roles that contributed to the
success of the interreligious gathering)

(Lyrics of the Song)

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