6º AVALIAÇÃO 3º Bimestre 2023

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Observe a imagem:

01. They are (Eles são)

a) teachers. b) doctors. c) drivers. d) chefs.

Leia os texto:

02. O que as notícias dos dois jornais têm em comum?


03. Check the correct answer: (Marque a resposta correta:)

(a) The fireman works in the hospital.

(b) The singer works in the office.
(c) The doctor works in the hospital.
(d) The policeman works in the restaurant.
04. Check the correct occupation, according to the picture:

(Marque a profissão correta, de acordo com as figuras:)

(a) She is a singer. (b) She is a nurse.

(c) She is an engineer. (d) She is a chef.

05. Responda em português, qual dia da semana está representado na folhinha abaixo:

Leia o texto abaixo e responda às questões :


My name is Carlos. I am 19 years old and live in Recife, Brazil. Currently, I work as a receptionist in a hotel on
Tuesdays and Wednesdays and on the weekends I am a cashier in a supermarket. I am attending college in
Biological Sciences, because my dream is to contribute to the areas of health and the environment. I am single
and live with my parents and my brother.

06. Em quais dias da semana Carlos trabalha no hotel?


Never let your fear decide your future.

(Nunca deixe que o medo defina o seu futuro.)

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