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Shara Muiyani Sanmas Aruntan_i Kwangan Ljytan

In222 10 45

SI Atuntansi Aequler B- Sore

Lihan Soal
n Renata membeli 20% kepenili ken di PT Serynt pada tanggal i
Jaruari 20X$ sebesar
Rp ?0.000 . 000. Laba neto dan penmoauaran dividen T Suvni unME beoerapa periode -
aðalah sdagai
beriwt :
Tshun Laba Neto Oivtden
'20%5 BÍ 20.000.000 Rp S.o00-000
20x Rp 40.00- 00 Re l5.000 00:
20X7 -Bp 35.000 000
20X8 p 30. b06-000
20x Rp I0. D00- 000
+ Cost Metbod (Metode Biayp)
goX5 Investme in Pt Suron
Cash Rp to. DOD000
(mencstat penlbelian Sahem)
" Cash
Dividen ncome RP l:b0b. 000
(Mencatat bsqlan atas Oividen)

20%b Cash
Dividen ncome Rp 3000 000,
CMencatat baian atas dividen)
20x7- Cash Re to00. 000
Divtden Locorme
(Mncatat baglan atas dlvtden)
20 X Cash Bp 12. 000.000

Dividen Sngome
Invest ment in Seruni Rp 1.0O0. 000(Bp 5.000 .o00 X 20 %)
(Mencatat baalan atas dviden) (Aumlatik 1alba (Rp 10.000. o0b) - dividern. (Ep i1 5.o00-)

ox9" Cash
Oividen hcome Rp 2.000. 000
Investment* in PT Serni Rp 000·000 (R. 5. 000-00o x 26% )
(Mencotak beajan at2s dividen)(Laba (2p 1o- o00- ooo )-dividen (eR 15-000 -000)

Shace. otupi SaANNas

kquity Method
70X5 Investment in PT Seruni
(Mencatat pembelian Saham)
JnyesmenM in PT Struni
LMencatat baaian stas dividen)
Investment in I Seruni RY y. 000. 000
Jncome fron Investmen
(Mencstat lalba dasn PT Serui).

20x4 Cash
Lvestment in PT Seuni Re3.0o0. 00
(Mencatt baajan tas diuiden)
" Investment in Pt Servni Bp o.000 000
Income from Investment
(Mencatat laba dari TSerun)

20%7 Cash
Ihvessment in PT Servni R 000 000
(M encatat bagjan ates divtden)
"Investment in T Seruni
Ihcome from Tnuestnaent
LM encatat laba dari PT Seo

20x8 Cash Bp 2, 000 000

Investment in TSeruni i2.000:000
( Mencatat bagian atas dividen )
Snuestmen in PT Seruni kp b.0D0. 000
Sncome grOm PT Seruri
Mensota Jabs dari PT Survni)

20x9 " Cash

Snustment n PT Seruni Vp 2-o00000
CMancatat boalan atas dividen)

Rp 3-000 00D

Shara Muuani Sanmas Akurtarsi Kavargan Lanjutan
SL Aeuntansi Reculer B-Sre
Lanhan Soal
Uotterel Corpocathon paid $ 200-000 ¢ash for yo% the votinay comnon stock op Swame and
Ine, on Jarvary li2o1. Book yaly. and çalr valve ingornma Men <or Swmp Land on this date

Assets Book Value Falr Valve Aloceton Eess

Accounts receivalble $ 120. 000 $ 120005
$ 100000 (40%x 20.000) 8.000
$400. 00 (40% x$ bo:o) :24.000
Equtpmnt 68.00

Lialaliies &Equities
S 200. D0b
Aceounts payabe S 200. 00b

Notes S 120.000
Capital Stock $ 200 000

Betained tornings
$ boo 000 40.a
Prepare an alloceti on schedule çor Doterea's inestnens in Susamp Land
’nvesA ment in Swamp and S 200.000
Cash S 200. ODO

Hatga perolehan
boo'k valve 0f equty $ 12. 00o40 x$ 2@0-00o)
Bxess op car OVer boote 88.000
valve acqolred
Dver |vrderstate
Goodwil $ 48.000

Income from Swamp Land 8.000

Snvestmenk in Swamp and $0.000
(Mencatat amoctisasi inventories)
Îocome from Susmp Land
Inuest ment in Suwme band
( Mencstt amartissi eqvipmrt)
" Income from Swmp Land 9. o00
Inuechmenk in Suamp Land
(Menctt amortisasi nte pauglle)
Saldo invSkasi Dotkorel's CorpotaHon dalah $ lbo-o00

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